Game on December 28, 2015 at 06:09, 2 players
1. 444 pts kellybelly
2. 64 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


8A 83 107 


I9 25 132 


E1 72 204 


1C 33 237 


D7 85 322 


2I 34 356 


4E 80 436 


1L 45 481 


5K 28 509 


O4 83 592 


12K 38 630 


N10 32 662 


B2 74 736 


A1 79 815 


9M 32 847 


C1 26 873 


14B 26 899 


15E 26 925 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
kellybelly 3 11:04 -481 444 1.7436 kellybelly 3 11:04 -481 444
Blouberg 0 3:46 -861 64 Group: novice
1.5476 Blouberg 0 3:46 -861 64
On 1st draw, SOOEY H8 24 --- SOOEY used for calling pigs [interj]
Other moves: SOOEY H4 18, DEYS H5 16, DEYS H6 16, DEYS H7 16, DEYS H8 16
On 2nd draw, BINARIES 8A 83 --- BINARY a combination of two things [n]
Other moves: BINER I9 27, BIEN G9 25, BINE I9 25, BRAE I9 25, BARNEY 12C 22
On 3rd draw, PITA I9 25 --- PITA a strong fiber [n]
Other moves: DEBIT G7 24, TEPID G7 24, ABID 7A 22, ADEPT G6 22, DIRTBAG E6 22
On 4th draw, DIAMETER E1 72 --- DIAMETER a straight line passing through the center of a circle and ending at the periphery [n]
Other tops: REMEDIAT E8 72
Other moves: MEDIATE J3 67, DEMENTIA C4 63, EMERITA E5 36, EMIRATE E5 36, ITEMED 9A 28
On 5th draw, DUDGEON 1C 33 --- DUDGEON a feeling of resentment [n]
Other moves: DUDGEON 1E 30, DUODENA 1B 30, GODDEN 1C 30, NUDGED 1C 30, ANODE D2 29
DODGE 1E 24 kellybelly
On 6th draw, HAND(L)IKE D7 85 --- HANDLIKE resembling a hand [adj]
Other moves: HAND(L)IKE 3D 68, KHED(A) J10 51, KHE(T) J10 49, K(A)DE J10 44, K(A)DI J10 44
KED D3 33 kellybelly
On 7th draw, OWLET(S) 2I 34 --- OWLET a young nocturnal bird [n]
Other tops: OWELT(Y) 2I 34
Other moves: WEC(H)T G7 31, T(H)EOW 14B 30, COWKE(D) 13A 28, OCEL(O)T 2I 28, W(I)CKET 13A 28
WOCK 13A 26 kellybelly
On 8th draw, MARCATOS 4E 80 --- MARCATO a musical passage with strong accentuation (music) [n]
Other moves: ABACTORS A7 63, ACROBATS A4 63, RATIOS 2B 28, CAROMS 4A 26, SATORI F3 26
SCART 13I 24 kellybelly
On 9th draw, WEEN 1L 45 --- WEEN to suppose [v]
Other tops: WEET 1L 45
Other moves: NEWIE 5I 32, NEWT 5I 30, WEET 5I 27, WENT 5I 27, EWT 5J 26
WEET 1L 45 kellybelly
On 10th draw, FOLIE 5K 28 --- FOLIE folly [n]
Other tops: FOULE 5K 28
Other moves: FILE 5K 26, FILO 5K 26, FINE 5K 26, FINO 5K 26, FOEN 5K 26
RELIEF G4 26 kellybelly
On 11th draw, SECTATOR O4 83 --- SECTATOR an adherent of a party [n]
CERTS O4 30 kellybelly
On 12th draw, VUGHS 12K 38 --- VUGH a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: VEHM G7 37, SHOG N9 33, HOKUMS 13B 32, HOMS 12L 32, HOMS N10 32
HOMS 12L 32 kellybelly
On 13th draw, YAH N10 32 --- YAH an affirmative vote [n] --- YAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other tops: AIERY 14B 32, ONERY 14B 32, YEH N10 32
Other moves: NAY N8 31, AY N9 28, RYOKAN 13A 26, YANKER 13A 26, YANKIE 13A 26
YAH N10 32 kellybelly
On 14th draw, GRIDELIN B2 74 --- GRIDELIN violet-grey [n]
Other tops: REEDLING 14B 74
Other moves: REEDLING 14C 68, ENGIRDLE 14D 66, GRIDELIN B6 66, DEKING 13B 28, ERLKING 13A 28
DEKING 13B 28 kellybelly
On 15th draw, EAUX A1 79 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: QUA A1 41, AXE A3 40, QUAKER 13A 38, AX A3 36, EX A3 36
AXE A3 40 kellybelly
On 16th draw, QAT 9M 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BREAM 14B 30, QIB(L)A 11A 30, DAB C1 26, MIRV F7 25, BRAVI G11 22
BREAM 14B 30 kellybelly
On 17th draw, DOB C1 26 --- DOB to inform on [v]
Other tops: DOP C1 26, PREBORN 14B 26
Other moves: BOEP G6 22, BUNKO 13A 22, BONK 13A 20, BORK 13A 20, BOUK 13A 20
DOP C1 26 kellybelly
REP G7 19 Blouberg
On 18th draw, ILEUM 14B 26 --- ILEUM a part of the small intestine [n]
Other moves: FEM G7 25, MIRV F7 25, LIEF G6 24, REF G7 23, FILM E12 22
FEM G7 25 Blouberg, kellybelly
On 19th draw, PIRN 15E 26 --- PIRN a spinning-wheel bobbin [n]
Other moves: NIEF G6 24, NEF G7 23, REF G7 23, PI A14 22, EF G8 21
REF G7 23 kellybelly
IF 15A 20 Blouberg
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