Game on December 28, 2015 at 06:55, 2 players
1. 295 pts verelst
2. 180 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


10F 21 45 


9G 31 76 


K5 37 113 


L1 40 153 


6A 64 217 


8K 36 253 


C3 76 329 


J6 44 373 


M3 37 410 


A5 51 461 


1F 92 553 


N2 22 575 


O1 29 604 


D1 26 630 


1A 24 654 


11E 35 689 


O8 86 775 


12B 25 800 


14K 28 828 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
verelst 0 20:31 -533 295 1.5476 Blouberg 1 5:40 -648 180
Blouberg 1 5:40 -648 180 Group: not rated
1.4653 verelst 0 20:31 -533 295
On 1st draw, WATTL(E) H4 24 --- WATTLE to weave into a network [v]
Other tops: TALL(O)W H7 24, WALL(E)T H4 24
Other moves: ALL(O)W H8 22, WALL(A) H4 22, WALL(S) H4 22, WALL(Y) H4 22, WALT(Y) H4 22
WATTL(E) H4 24 Blouberg
WALL H6 14 verelst
On 2nd draw, LODGE 10F 21 --- LODGE to furnish with temporary quarters [v]
Other tops: LUGED 10D 21
Other moves: AGED 10E 20, D*G*DAGO 10H 20, DOGE 10H 20, EGAD 10E 20, GADE 10F 20
WAGED 4H 20 Blouberg
GLADE 8G 7 verelst
On 3rd draw, H(E)AME 9G 31 --- HEAME home (Spenser) [adv]
Other moves: CHAM 11D 28, MACHE 11J 28, MACHO 11J 28, MOCHA 11J 28, CHEMO I2 27
MACHO 11J 28 Blouberg
MATE 6F 12 verelst
On 4th draw, JESTED K5 37 --- JEST to joke [v]
Other tops: JETTED K5 37
Other moves: JESTED K8 36, JESTEE K8 34, ESTATED 5E 32, JETTED 6F 32, JEST K8 30
JESTED K8 36 Blouberg
JESTEE K4 26 verelst
On 5th draw, KANGA(S) L1 40 --- KANGA a coloured cotton cloth worn as a dress [n]
Other moves: KANGA L1 39, KA(N)GA L1 37, K(A)NGA L1 37, KANG(A) L1 36, KAN(G)A L1 35
TAK(E)N 8K 27 Blouberg
JAG 5K 11 verelst
On 6th draw, EUROCRAT 6A 64 --- EUROCRAT a senior member of the European Union [n]
Other moves: EUROCRAT 7A 62, CROAKER 1H 39, RECORK 1G 36, RERACK 1G 36, CREAK 1H 33
CREAK 1H 33 verelst
TRACE 8K 24 Blouberg
On 7th draw, TWEEN 8K 36 --- TWEEN a child typically of an age eight through twelve [n] --- TWEEN between [prep]
Other tops: FEENS A4 36, FEESE A4 36, FOEMEN J6 36, SKEEF 1K 36, SNOWK 1H 36, WEENS A4 36
Other moves: WEASON 2J 34, KEEF 1L 33, KEFS 1L 33, KNEW 1L 33, KNOW 1L 33
TOWNS 8K 27 verelst
NEWS A5 21 Blouberg
On 8th draw, PUTRIDER C3 76 --- PUTRID being in a decomposed, foul-smelling state [adj]
Other moves: IRRUPTED C5 65, IRRUPTED C4 63, TURNIPED O5 63, ERUPTED A1 39, PREEDIT A4 39
KIT 1L 7 verelst
On 9th draw, FOAMED J6 44 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: FOAMER J6 43, AFRAID 2I 36, FORRAD B9 33, KAIF 1L 33, FAIR D1 30
FEAR A5 21 verelst
On 10th draw, OOMS M3 37 --- OOM uncle [n]
Other moves: MOOI M2 33, SK*M*SKIMO 1K 33, SOOM M2 33, SOUM M2 33, MOOSE D4 32
MOUSE A2 8 verelst
On 11th draw, HEXOSAN A5 51 --- HEXOSAN a carbohydrate [n]
Other moves: AXONS N1 44, HOAX 11D 43, HOX 11E 41, HOX N2 40, HOX B2 39
KINS 1L 24 verelst
On 12th draw, TRAPLIKE 1F 92 --- TRAPLIKE resembling a trap [adj]
KITE 1L 24 verelst
On 13th draw, NYE N2 22 --- NYE to approach [v]
Other tops: LYE N2 22, NICELY E4 22, RYE N2 22
Other moves: PINEY I1 21, PLYER I1 21, EERILY M8 20, LYRIC E2 20, RICEY E4 20
LINER F10 7 verelst
On 14th draw, FY O1 29 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other tops: FEY 9M 29, FLY 9M 29, FOY 11E 29
Other moves: FOY B2 27, FYCE E4 24, LEVY D9 24, FEY I3 23, FOY I3 23
LOVE J1 9 verelst
On 15th draw, BIEN D1 26 --- BIEN comfortable [adj]
Other tops: BEIN D1 26
Other moves: BEIN 11D 20, INCUBI E4 20, NIB 11E 20, BEN D2 18, BIN 11E 18
NIP 3A 5 verelst
On 16th draw, BLAB 1A 24 --- BLAB to tell tales [v]
Other tops: GLIB 11D 24
Other moves: BLAG 11D 23, BLAG B1 23, VAG 11E 23, VAG B2 23, VIG 11E 23
GLIB 1A 21 verelst
On 17th draw, ZIG 11E 35 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: GEEZ N7 34, PIZE I1 30, ZOEA G3 30, ZO G3 26, ZO I3 26
OVINE O5 8 verelst
On 18th draw, NERVURES O8 86 --- NERVURE a vascular ridge on a leaf [n]
Other moves: SEER 12A 29, SERE 12A 29, SERR 12A 29, SUER 12A 29, SURE 12A 29
LIVERS F10 11 verelst
On 19th draw, VINO 12B 25 --- VINO wine [n]
Other moves: INVITE 14J 22, PIVOT I1 21, ION 12D 20, NOT 12D 20, TON 12D 20
LINT F10 4 verelst
On 20th draw, QUITE 14K 28 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other tops: QUOTE 14K 28, TOQUE 14K 28
Other moves: IOTA 2I 16, OUT 13E 16, QUOITS 15J 16, OUT 3F 15, QUITS 15K 15
QUOITS 15J 16 verelst
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