Game on January 4, 2016 at 17:55, 7 players
1. 666 pts musdrive
2. 343 pts Blouberg
3. 294 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 26 26 


8A 80 106 


9H 69 175 


E6 78 253 


L7 42 295 


A8 92 387 


H1 36 423 


K11 52 475 


3B 72 547 


1H 113 660 


15D 107 767 


8K 45 812 


D12 40 852 


2J 37 889 


M11 36 925 


3M 36 961 


D1 48 1009 


10N 33 1042 


15M 29 1071 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
musdrive 6 8:44 -405 666 1.8006 OrangeCup 0 3:26 -1006 65
Blouberg 0 16:44 -728 343 Group: advanced
PIThompson 4 6:31 -777 294 1.7612 musdrive 6 8:44 -405 666
queen66 1 5:17 -945 126 2.7825 PIThompson 4 6:31 -777 294
OrangeCup 0 3:26 -1006 65 3.7817 queen66 1 5:17 -945 126
SQUAW1 1 3:02 -1018 53 4.7720 SQUAW1 1 3:02 -1018 53
sicilianc5 0 0:52 -1038 33 5.7363 sicilianc5 0 0:52 -1038 33
Group: novice
1.5516 Blouberg 0 16:44 -728 343
On 1st draw, SHRINE H3 26 --- SHRINE to place in a shrine (a receptacle for sacred relics) [v]
Other tops: HIRSEL H4 26, HIRSLE H4 26, RELISH H7 26, RHINES H3 26, SHINER H3 26
Other moves: HEILS H4 24, HEIRS H4 24, HERLS H4 24, HERNS H4 24, HIRES H4 24
SHINER H3 26 musdrive
On 2nd draw, PARAN(E)TE 8A 80 --- PARANETE a tone in Greek music [n]
Other moves: ANT(I)RAPE 8A 77, PAR(L)ANTE 8A 77, ASP(I)RANT 3G 76, SPARTAN(S) 3H 74, SPART(I)NA 3H 74
(E)NSHRINE H1 30 musdrive
On 3rd draw, STRATAL 9H 69 --- STRATAL pertaining to a stratum [adj]
Other tops: STRATAL I8 69
Other moves: RATTAILS 6C 62, RATAS 9D 24, TALAS 9D 24, TARAS 9D 24, TASAR I6 22
ASTRAL I7 21 musdrive
SALT 9H 15 Blouberg
On 4th draw, PANICUMS E6 78 --- PANICUM a grass [n]
Other moves: PANICUMS 7F 73, PIMAS 8K 43, PUMAS 8K 43, SPAM 8L 36, IMPACTS L4 32
SPAM 8L 36 musdrive
CHIMPS 4G 30 Blouberg
On 5th draw, EXTRAS L7 42 --- EXTRA something additional [n]
Other moves: GREX(E)S F4 32, HEXERS 4H 32, RHEXES 4G 32, EXES 10J 30, GREXES 3C 30
RAX(E)S F5 30 musdrive
AX(E)S F6 29 Blouberg
On 6th draw, PE(N)OLOGY A8 92 --- PENOLOGY the science of the punishment of crime [n]
Other tops: PE(D)OLOGY A8 92, PE(L)OLOGY A8 92
Other moves: PELO(L)OGY A8 89, E(T)HOLOGY 4F 78, GEMOLO(G)Y 12C 78, (D)EMOLOGY 12C 78, (G)EMOLOGY 12C 78
E(C)OLOGY K1 25 musdrive
Y(A)G K11 23 Blouberg
On 7th draw, ENSHRINES H1 36 --- ENSHRINE to place in a shrine [v]
Other tops: INSHRINES H1 36
Other moves: FEW K11 30, FINO B11 29, WINO B11 29, FEINT K11 28, FIE B13 28
FEW K11 30 musdrive, Blouberg
On 8th draw, JOYED K11 52 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JUDY K11 50, JOEY K11 48, JURY K11 48, JOY K11 46, JUDO K11 44
JOYED K11 52 musdrive
JOY K11 46 Blouberg
On 9th draw, IDEALIST 3B 72 --- IDEALIST an adherent of idealism [n]
Other moves: AXLED 8K 45, DAIDLE 15H 27, DILATED 15E 27, LADDIE 15H 27, LADE J12 27
DILATED 15E 27 musdrive
DEALT 15K 21 Blouberg
On 10th draw, EBONIZED 1H 113 --- EBONIZE to stain black in imitation of ebony [v]
Other moves: EBONIZED 1B 71, BONZE 2B 64, DOZED 15K 51, DIZEN 15K 48, DOZED 15G 48
EBONIZED 1H 63 musdrive
DOZED 15K 51 Blouberg
On 11th draw, FOREWIND 15D 107 --- FOREWIND a favourable wind [n]
Other moves: FROWNED 15E 42, WOF J12 41, DWINE 15K 39, INFO J12 39, FEWER 14J 38
FROWNED 15E 42 musdrive
FEWER 14J 38 PIThompson
On 12th draw, AXLED 8K 45 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [adj] --- AXLED having an axle [adj]
Other moves: DAWN J12 38, LAWN J12 36, ANEW 2G 35, CRAWLED C7 34, WEALD M11 34
DAWN J12 38 musdrive, PIThompson
WAD 2J 33 sicilianc5
WED 2J 33 queen66
AW 8N 17 Blouberg
On 13th draw, HUMF D12 40 --- HUMF to carry something awkward [v]
Other moves: M(E)TH F7 37, METH 2B 36, THEM 2A 35, HM F10 34, HEM 2B 33
M(E)TH F7 37 musdrive
METH M11 33 PIThompson
HEM 2B 33 OrangeCup
HET 2J 31 queen66
HE 2N 23 Blouberg
On 14th draw, BOTA 2J 37 --- BOTA a leather bottle [n]
Other tops: BIOTA 2B 37
Other moves: COB C11 32, OBA C12 32, OBO C12 32, COATI 4A 31, ZOBO M1 30
COB C11 32 musdrive
OBO C12 32 PIThompson
ZOOT M1 26 queen66
On 15th draw, WEFT M11 36 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other moves: FIE B13 28, VIEW D1 28, WET M11 28, EFT 4C 27, FE 10N 27
WEFT M11 36 musdrive, PIThompson, queen66
On 16th draw, GIG 3M 36 --- GIG to catch fish with a pronged spear [v]
Other moves: GIO 3M 34, GOO 3M 34, GI 3M 32, GO 3M 32, GOGO C11 32
GIG 3M 36 musdrive, PIThompson
GO C13 18 Blouberg
OO 2A 8 OrangeCup
On 17th draw, QUEEN D1 48 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: KEEN 2B 35, KNEE 4A 35, QUEP 6B 35, QUOP 6B 35, KO 10N 33
QUEEN D1 48 musdrive, PIThompson
NO 2A 8 OrangeCup
On 18th draw, KI 10N 33 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other tops: KO 10N 33
Other moves: EIK 15M 32, ERK 15M 32, HOICK 4H 30, EVO 15M 29, CORKIER 5F 26
KO 10N 33 PIThompson, musdrive, SQUAW1
GRIM 14A 14 Blouberg
IO 2A 8 OrangeCup
On 19th draw, EVO 15M 29 --- EVO evening (Australian slang) [n]
Other moves: REVIVOR 5H 26, VIVER B2 26, HIVER 4H 24, HOVER 4H 24, VIREO B2 20
VIVER B2 26 Blouberg
HOVER 4H 24 musdrive
IO 2A 8 OrangeCup
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