Game on January 5, 2016 at 22:01, 3 players
1. 607 pts jsmooth
2. 528 pts musdrive
3. 435 pts Inkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


13H 84 112 


O8 33 145 


L8 92 237 


15H 185 422 


M2 78 500 


K3 90 590 


J8 24 614 


N2 34 648 


O1 32 680 


J2 39 719 


10A 65 784 


D9 30 814 


A8 30 844 


B2 70 914 


A1 33 947 


C10 26 973 


9G 28 1001 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
jsmooth 5 12:13 -394 607 1.7732 jsmooth 5 12:13 -394 607
musdrive 5 14:21 -473 528 2.7626 musdrive 5 14:21 -473 528
Inkey 3 15:30 -566 435 3.7634 Inkey 3 15:30 -566 435
On 1st draw, REDOWA H8 28 --- REDOWA a lively dance [n]
Other tops: WARTED H4 28
Other moves: WADER H4 26, WARED H4 26, ROWTED H7 24, TOWARD H7 24, TROWED H7 24
WARTED H4 28 musdrive
On 2nd draw, ABSOLVED 13H 84 --- ABSOLVE to free from the consequences of an action [v]
Other moves: BELOVEDS 9C 73, BELOVEDS 9G 70, LOBED I9 31, ABSOLVE 13H 30, ABOVES 13H 28
BELOVEDS 9C 73 jsmooth
DOVES 14D 28 musdrive
On 3rd draw, HINTED O8 33 --- HINT to suggest indirectly [v]
Other tops: FUNDIE O10 33, HUNTED O8 33
Other moves: HUI 14J 31, EH 14I 30, FEH G9 30, FEH I9 30, FILTH L11 30
HINTED O8 33 musdrive
On 4th draw, EXAMPLAR L8 92 --- EXAMPLAR an ideal model [n]
Other moves: EXAM I8 47, MALAX L11 44, APEX I6 43, PLEX L12 42, PREX I6 41
APEX I6 43 musdrive, Inkey
PREX I6 41 jsmooth
On 5th draw, TR(I)ARCHY 15H 185 --- TRIARCHY a government by three persons [n]
Other moves: CRAYTH(U)R 8A 107, CH(E)ATERY N8 97, CRAYTH(U)R 15E 95, CHAR(I)TY M5 84, CHAR(I)TY K2 83
CHAR(I)TY K2 83 jsmooth
CHAR(I)TY 15I 42 Inkey, musdrive
On 6th draw, BUOYANT M2 78 --- BUOYANT having buoyancy [adj]
Other moves: BUOYANT K2 76, BONA K8 35, BOTA K8 35, TABU K8 35, AYU K9 34
*B* K9ABO K9 31 Inkey
BOUNTY K3 27 jsmooth
BAY K8 26 musdrive
On 7th draw, GOD(L)IKE K3 90 --- GODLIKE resembling a god [adj]
Other tops: DOG(L)IKE K3 90
Other moves: DOG(L)IKE G2 70, DOG(L)IKE I2 70, GOD(L)IKE G2 70, GOD(L)IKE I2 70, (B)OGIED N1 47
DOG(L)IKE I2 70 jsmooth
(M)OKE K8 39 Inkey
(R)OKE K8 39 musdrive
On 8th draw, SLUE J8 24 --- SLUE to cause to move sideways (pr p SLUING, SLUEING) [v]
Other tops: SLOE J8 24
Other moves: LOSE N1 20, SOLE N4 19, SOUL N3 19, ELS J6 18, ISO N2 18
LOSE N1 20 jsmooth, Inkey
LIS N1 16 musdrive
On 9th draw, INFO N2 34 --- INFO information [n]
Other moves: FINO G9 30, FENI N1 26, FETE N1 26, FINE N1 26, FINO N1 26
FINO G9 30 musdrive
FINE N1 26 Inkey
FETE N1 26 jsmooth
On 10th draw, JO O1 32 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: FADO G9 32
Other moves: FANO G9 30, JA J2 28, FAD G9 26, RAJ G9 26, FADO J2 25
JO O1 32 Inkey, musdrive, jsmooth
On 11th draw, ZAG J2 39 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZA J2 34, AZO G10 31, ZOA J4 31, GAZOO 11D 30, AZO J3 29
ZAG J2 39 Inkey, jsmooth, musdrive
On 12th draw, RECUILED 10A 65 --- RECUILE to force back [v]
Other moves: RECUILE G2 63, CLUE N8 31, CEIL I3 22, CERE I3 22, CURLEW 12C 22
CEIL I3 22 musdrive
RELIC I3 20 Inkey
On 13th draw, QUENAS D9 30 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other tops: QUEANS D9 30
Other moves: QUEAN D9 28, QUENA D9 28, QIS E9 24, GONOFS 4J 22, REASON A10 21
QUEANS D9 30 Inkey
QUENAS D9 30 jsmooth
QIS E9 24 musdrive
On 14th draw, ATRIP A8 30 --- ATRIP aweigh [adj]
Other tops: PARTITE A8 30
Other moves: PERITI A8 27, PIRATE A8 27, PTERIA A7 27, PARTI A8 24, PATTER A5 24
PARTITE A8 30 musdrive, jsmooth
PIRATE A8 27 Inkey
On 15th draw, SOILIER B2 70 --- SOILY dirty [adj]
Other moves: OILERIES B4 66, CEILIS C10 26, COILER C10 26, CEILI C10 24, CEIL C10 20
SOILIER B2 70 jsmooth
SOILIER B2 20 musdrive
REIS I3 14 Inkey
On 16th draw, MINAE A1 33 --- MINA an ancient unit of weight and value [n]
Other moves: UNSEW 14B 32, MAW A1 31, MEW A1 31, WENA A1 31, NEMA A1 30
MEW A1 31 musdrive
WENA A1 31 Inkey
WEM A1 30 jsmooth
On 17th draw, COUTER C10 26 --- COUTER a piece of armour for the elbow [n]
Other moves: COIT C10 20, CRIT C10 20, CRUE C10 20, GUTSIER 14A 20, TOG C1 19
CRIT C10 20 musdrive
TUG O4 18 Inkey
GUSTO 14B 16 jsmooth
On 18th draw, DEFLEX 9G 28 --- DEFLEX to bend down [v]
Other moves: IF B13 25, DESIGN 14B 24, FED G9 23, FEG G9 23, FEN G9 21
IF B13 25 musdrive
FED G9 23 Inkey
ELFING 5A 20 jsmooth
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