Game on January 7, 2016 at 14:30, 1 player
1. 181 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 24 24 


G3 72 96 


11E 40 136 


D10 39 175 


15D 39 214 


J5 65 279 


14I 22 301 


15L 34 335 


O8 90 425 


K4 33 458 


3C 20 478 


2E 52 530 


4A 32 562 


1A 44 606 


4K 56 662 


O1 48 710 


N1 34 744 


H1 27 771 


F5 22 793 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
Blouberg 0 13:57 -612 181 1.5538 Blouberg 0 13:57 -612 181
On 1st draw, EATE(R)Y H7 24 --- EATERY a restaurant [n]
Other tops: A(S)EITY H7 24, EYA(L)ET H3 24, TAI(L)YE H8 24, YET(T)IE H4 24, YE(T)TIE H4 24, (G)AIETY H7 24
Other moves: AIE(R)Y H8 22, ATI(M)Y H8 22, A(M)ITY H8 22, TEA(R)Y H8 22, TEE(N)Y H8 22
On 2nd draw, CROTONS G3 72 --- CROTON a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: CONSORT G2 66, CONSORT I2 66, CROTONS I2 66, CORONETS 7C 65, CONSORT G1 64
On 3rd draw, WEA(R)IED 11E 40 --- WEARY to make or become weary [v]
Other moves: AWED F4 25, OWED F4 25, DEAWY 12D 24, WEARIED 4D 24, WEEDY 12D 24
On 4th draw, GALOSH D10 39 --- GALOSH an overshoe [n] --- GALOSH to put an overshoe over [v]
Other moves: SOLAH 10B 36, HAILS 10J 34, HALOS 10J 34, HOAGY 12D 34, ELHI 10H 33
On 5th draw, HEGEMON 15D 39 --- HEGEMON a political state having hegemony [n]
Other moves: HEMIONE 15D 36, HOMING 15D 36, HEMIN 15D 30, HOEING 15D 30, HOMIE 15D 30
On 6th draw, MORTARED J5 65 --- MORTAR to secure with mortar (a type of cement) [v]
Other moves: DOORMAT 5E 40, MORTAR 10J 29, MAROR 10J 28, MORAT 10J 28, MORRA 10J 28
On 7th draw, TENUTO 14I 22 --- TENUTO a musical note or chord held longer than its normal duration [n]
Other moves: TENUTO 8J 21, CUNETTE 3G 20, TENE K4 20, TENUE K2 20, TENUTO 14G 20
On 8th draw, RIFE 15L 34 --- RIFE abundant [adj]
Other moves: BOEUF K2 33, BRIEF K2 33, REIF 15L 31, FIBER K2 30, FRIB K3 30
On 9th draw, URBANISE O8 90 --- URBANISE to cause to take on urban characteristics [v]
Other moves: TABUNS 8J 33, GAB 10D 27, TURBAN 8J 27, AIRBUS K1 26, BUNIAS K1 26
On 10th draw, CAFE K4 33 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: FANCIER 4A 32, COIF K3 31, COINFER 4A 30, CONIFER 4A 30, INFORCE 4C 30
FOE E13 13 Blouberg
On 11th draw, ALLICES 3C 20 --- ALLICE a fish of the shad family [n]
Other moves: ALLICE 3C 16, ALLURES 4C 16, CALLS 4K 16, CAULS 4K 16, CAUSE 4K 16
SIS 14B 6 Blouberg
On 12th draw, AX 2E 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX 2E 52
Other moves: EXO 4B 33, OXO 4B 33, DIAXON 12J 31, DIOXAN 12J 31, XI 4C 31
XI 4C 31 Blouberg
On 13th draw, KINO 4A 32 --- KINO a gum resin [n]
Other tops: KENO 4A 32
Other moves: KNEE H1 30, WOKEN 2H 29, WINO 4A 28, WOKE 2H 28, WOK 2H 27
QIS 14B 24 Blouberg
On 14th draw, VIEW(S) 1A 44 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: INKWEL(L) A2 39, INKWE(L)L A2 39, KELVIN A4 39, KELVIN(S) A4 39, WELKIN A1 39
WI(C)K A1 30 Blouberg
On 15th draw, CAPIZ 4K 56 --- CAPIZ a bivalve mollusk [n]
Other moves: TOPAZ 13C 52, ZA C13 46, RIZA 2H 37, RIZ 2H 36, DIAZIN 12J 35
ZO 13C 22 Blouberg
On 16th draw, BRIZE O1 48 --- BRIZE a gadfly [n]
Other moves: KIRBY A4 42, KYRIE A4 36, BIJOU 5D 33, KRUBI A4 33, JEE H1 30
JOY 13C 26 Blouberg
On 17th draw, OUTING N1 34 --- OUTING a short pleasure trip [n]
Other moves: KLONG A4 30, KNOUT A4 27, LOUPING M1 24, ANTILOG L4 23, GIGOT 10B 22
GI C13 14 Blouberg
On 18th draw, HYE H1 27 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: DOILY 13C 26, HYOID 13B 24, DIV F5 22, DUH F5 22, HI C13 22
On 19th draw, DIV F5 22 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: SPUD 14D 21, LUV F5 20, PUD F5 20, DUP 5C 19, DID F5 18
DIP 12J 15 Blouberg
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