Game on January 8, 2016 at 02:50, 1 player
1. 45 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 76 76 


13A 78 154 


D8 80 234 


8H 98 332 


15H 78 410 


14H 68 478 


C9 30 508 


K5 40 548 


E8 54 602 


B3 67 669 


N2 32 701 


F2 66 767 


A1 55 822 


O1 45 867 


J8 34 901 


A10 39 940 


M1 32 972 


1G 30 1002 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
verelst 0 3:55 -957 45 1.4643 verelst 0 3:55 -957 45
On 1st draw, IN(L)AYER H8 76 --- INLAYER one that inlays [n]
Other tops: NAI(L)ERY H6 76, YA(W)NIER H4 76
Other moves: IN(L)AYER H3 70, IN(L)AYER H4 70, IN(L)AYER H6 70, IN(L)AYER H7 70, NAI(L)ERY H2 70
ANY H6 12 verelst
On 2nd draw, CRYOLITE 13A 78 --- CRYOLITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: COY I7 26, COYLY 12D 26, LOY G11 26, TOY G11 26, CITY I6 25
On 3rd draw, LAXATOR(S) D8 80 --- LAXATOR a muscle that relaxes an organ [n]
Other moves: R(E)LAXANT 9B 66, TR(I)AXIAL F8 66, TRIAX(I)AL 8F 65, TR(I)AXIAL 8C 65, (S)AX 15H 54
CAT A13 15 verelst
On 4th draw, INWEAVED 8H 98 --- INWEAVE to weave together [v]
Other moves: VENDACE A8 42, RAVENED 14H 38, WEARED B10 36, WAVERED B9 32, EVADE C6 31
On 5th draw, SHAWM 15H 78 --- SHAWM an early woodwind instrument [n]
Other moves: SHAWED 15H 72, SHAMED 15H 69, WASHED 15F 69, MASHED 15F 66, SAWED 15H 63
CAD A13 18 verelst
On 6th draw, REZ 14H 68 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other moves: ZO 14J 67, ZOETIC A8 54, ZO C9 51, TOUZE 14J 45, COZ A13 42
On 7th draw, HET C9 30 --- HET a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: ECHE A12 30, ECHT A12 30, HEN C9 30, HUE E9 30, HUN E9 30, HUT E9 30
Other moves: UH E10 29, HELE E11 28, UNHELE C5 28, HE C9 27, ATHENEUM L8 26
On 8th draw, GLEEMEN K5 40 --- GLEEMAN a minstrel [n]
Other moves: PENCEL A10 33, PELE E11 26, EXEMP(L)E 10C 23, EMPLANE L4 22, MEL E11 22
On 9th draw, ATOKAL E8 54 --- ATOKAL without offspring [adj]
Other moves: OTAKU B7 52, TAKI B8 51, ATOK E8 48, OAK B8 47, TAK B8 47
On 10th draw, AUDIENT B3 67 --- AUDIENT one that hears [n]
Other moves: ANTIDUNE I2 65, AUDIENT F2 65, UNTAILED 6F 63, DENI F8 39, NITID F10 36
On 11th draw, GROUPIE N2 32 --- GROUPIE a female follower of rock groups [n]
Other moves: PUCER A11 30, OGRE A5 29, PIROGUE N2 28, REPO A1 28, W*PWOP J8 28
On 12th draw, OUTSOLD F2 66 --- OUTSELL to sell more than [v]
Other moves: DOSEH I11 33, STOOD C3 32, DOCOS A11 27, DUCTS A11 27, DOLOS M11 26
On 13th draw, QUAG A1 55 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUASI L1 51, QUAG 4A 48, QUAI 4A 46, QUAGS M11 44, QUAIRS M10 44
On 14th draw, BOEP O1 45 --- BOEP a big belly (South African) [n]
Other moves: BICEP A11 36, WOF J8 34, FIB J10 31, FOB J10 31, FOP J10 31
On 15th draw, WOF J8 34 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FICOS A11 33, FIR J10 29, FOR J10 29, FIRS M12 28, FRIS M12 28
On 16th draw, SECCOS A10 39 --- SECCO the art of painting on dry plaster [n]
Other moves: COVES M11 34, VOCES M11 34, DOSEH I11 33, VOCES A11 33, DOVES M11 32
On 17th draw, REIF M1 32 --- REIF robbery [n]
Other tops: NEIF M1 32
Other moves: JIBE F12 29, JIB F12 28, DJINS 5B 26, FE A7 26, NE F10 25
On 18th draw, BRINIER 1G 30 --- BRINY salty [adj]
Other moves: JIBE F12 29, JIB F12 28, BRINER 1H 27, RIBIER 1H 27, DJINS 5B 26
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