Game on January 9, 2016 at 21:29, 5 players
1. 583 pts musdrive
2. 497 pts jsmooth
3. 488 pts Inkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 70 70 


3C 92 162 


J1 62 224 


8A 77 301 


E5 94 395 


A1 86 481 


D10 36 517 


4A 26 543 


F2 57 600 


15A 30 630 


4J 32 662 


1J 30 692 


O4 45 737 


9M 28 765 


10L 36 801 


11I 46 847 


12J 35 882 


10H 30 912 


13I 24 936 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 7 13:11 -353 583 1.7612 musdrive 7 13:11 -353 583
jsmooth 5 19:06 -439 497 2.7738 jsmooth 5 19:06 -439 497
Inkey 6 11:40 -448 488 3.7599 Inkey 6 11:40 -448 488
queen66 4 10:30 -581 355 4.7743 queen66 4 10:30 -581 355
PIThompson 1 1:20 -901 35 5.7885 PIThompson 1 1:20 -901 35
On 1st draw, ORDINEE H2 70 --- ORDINEE one that is being ordained [n]
Other moves: ORDINEE H3 68, ORDINEE H4 68, ORDINEE H6 68, ORDINEE H7 68, ORDINEE H8 68
ORDINEE H2 20 queen66
REINED H7 18 musdrive
IRONED H7 18 jsmooth
On 2nd draw, ABHENRYS 3C 92 --- ABHENRY a unit of inductance [n]
Other moves: ABHENRY 3C 40, BAYES G5 32, RHYNES 3H 32, SAHEB G5 32, SAHEB I5 32
BAYES G5 32 queen66
YAHS G7 29 jsmooth
HAYS G7 29 musdrive
On 3rd draw, LUSTRINE J1 62 --- LUSTRINE a glossy silk cloth [n]
Other tops: INSULTER J1 62
Other moves: AUNTLIER C3 60, LUNIER 4A 31, LUTEIN 4A 31, TUNIER 4A 31, UNTIE 4A 27
TUNIER 4A 31 queen66
LUNIER 4A 31 musdrive
LIEN 4C 25 Inkey
BLUNTER D3 20 jsmooth
On 4th draw, (S)ORICI(N)E 8A 77 --- SORICINE belonging to the shrew family of mammals [adj]
Other tops: (L)ICORI(C)E 8A 77, (L)I(C)ORICE 8A 77
Other moves: CIBORI(U)(M) D1 76, (F)IBRO(T)IC D1 76, (V)IBRO(N)IC D1 76, IRI(S)CO(P)E 8A 74, BI(S)(T)ROIC D3 72
(L)I(C)ORICE 8A 77 jsmooth
LOC(K)(E)R 1J 27 musdrive
LIC(K)(E)R 1J 27 queen66
C(Y)BOR(G) D1 22 Inkey
On 5th draw, LANCETED E5 94 --- LANCET a narrow, pointed arch [adj] --- LANCETED having a lancet [adj]
Other moves: EDENTAL K5 93, EDENTAL K7 71, EDENTAL K8 68, LATENED K8 68, LINEATED D7 68
DEANED 4C 36 musdrive
NEED 4C 28 Inkey
TAED 2C 27 queen66
LEANED 1J 24 jsmooth
On 6th draw, READMIT(S) A1 86 --- READMIT to admit again [v]
Other moves: READMIT K8 72, REMEDIAT 11D 72, ADMITTER 10A 67, DIAMETER 11A 61, MARDIE(S)T A2 61
MADE 4A 31 musdrive, Inkey
LAIRED 1J 24 jsmooth
On 7th draw, SPAVIE D10 36 --- SPAVIE a disease of horses [n]
Other moves: PAIKS D11 34, PEAKS D11 34, PIKAS D11 34, PIKES D11 34, SPAKE D10 34
PIKED 12A 30 musdrive, Inkey
KEPIS F2 29 jsmooth
On 8th draw, DEBE 4A 26 --- DEBE a large tin (Swahili) [n]
Other tops: BEIN F6 26
Other moves: BOON 2C 25, OB 2E 25, BOI F6 23, BOO 2F 23, OB F5 22
BEIN F6 26 Inkey, musdrive
BONE 15A 18 jsmooth
On 9th draw, RETAX F2 57 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: AX F5 52, EXTASY 8J 51, EXTASY 15D 48, EXTRAS 8J 42, EXTRAS 15D 39
RETAX F2 57 musdrive, jsmooth
AX F5 52 Inkey
On 10th draw, AUCEPS 15A 30 --- AUCEPS a hawker [n]
Other moves: CAPES 15A 27, COPES 15A 27, PACES 15A 27, PUCES 15A 27, SCAPA 1C 27
PACES 15A 27 jsmooth
COPS 1D 26 Inkey, musdrive
On 11th draw, TOWNLY 4J 32 --- TOWNLY townish [adj]
Other tops: YA F10 32
Other moves: OW(N) G6 29, LAWNY K8 24, LOWRY K8 24, NOWAY K8 24, RAWLY K8 24
YA F10 32 musdrive
NOWAY K8 24 jsmooth
On 12th draw, LOGGIA 1J 30 --- LOGGIA an open-sided gallery or arcade [n]
Other tops: LOGGIE 1J 30, LUGGIE 1J 30
Other moves: EGGY O1 27, EULOGIA N2 24, GOEY O1 24, GULAG N2 22, GOER 2C 21
LOGGIA 1J 30 Inkey
GOEY O1 24 jsmooth, musdrive
On 13th draw, YOJAN O4 45 --- YOJAN an Indian measure of distance 5 miles [n]
Other moves: JO 14A 31, JO 2C 26, YARTO O4 24, ONBEAT D1 22, ROA(N) G5 22
YOJAN O4 45 jsmooth
JO 2C 26 Inkey, musdrive, queen66
On 14th draw, KEA 9M 28 --- KEA a parrot [n]
Other moves: DUKA 9L 26, KETA 9L 25, KUTA 9L 25, DAKS F12 24, KNEAD M3 24
DAKS F12 24 queen66
EEK 2A 23 musdrive
TEAK N7 22 Inkey
On 15th draw, WOF 10L 36 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FOOTED B6 35, DOF 10L 34, TOW(N) G5 34, OW(N)ED G6 33, OF 10M 32
WOF 10L 36 queen66, musdrive, Inkey
On 16th draw, FUZES 11I 46 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other moves: FUZE 11I 37, AUCEPSES 15A 36, ZESTS 10B 36, FEODS B6 34, ZEST 10B 33
FUZES 11I 46 Inkey, musdrive, queen66, jsmooth
On 17th draw, TOD 12J 35 --- TOD a British unit of weight [n]
Other moves: OD 12K 31, DIVS F12 21, DOUR 2C 21, OUD 2L 20, LOUR 2C 19
TOD 12J 35 Inkey, musdrive, queen66, jsmooth, PIThompson
On 18th draw, VIM 10H 30 --- VIM energy [n]
Other moves: TRIM 10G 28, RIM 10H 27, ROM 10H 27, T*MTOM 10H 27, OM 10I 26
VIM 10H 30 queen66, musdrive, Inkey
On 19th draw, GIO 13I 24 --- GIO a gully [n]
Other moves: ROIL 13H 23, ROTL 13H 23, TOIL 13H 23, TRIO 13H 23, OIL 13I 22
TRIO 13H 23 Inkey
ERGO 2A 21 queen66
TO 13J 20 musdrive
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