Game on January 17, 2016 at 17:33, 7 players
1. 631 pts iwhist
2. 601 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 512 pts Kalikokat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 34 34 


8A 95 129 


F2 86 215 


E3 67 282 


D4 55 337 


A8 89 426 


13H 32 458 


14I 39 497 


15D 50 547 


2F 65 612 


1L 39 651 


1G 32 683 


15L 42 725 


11G 68 793 


14C 39 832 


N8 20 852 


O4 36 888 


10A 33 921 


C1 25 946 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
iwhist 4 11:49 -315 631 1.7161 GLOBEMAN 6 19:31 -345 601
GLOBEMAN 6 19:31 -345 601 2.7148 roocatcher 4 18:44 -447 499
Kalikokat 2 13:09 -434 512 3.7099 sunshine12 2 16:06 -539 407
roocatcher 4 18:44 -447 499 4.7732 jsmooth 0 3:24 -797 149
sunshine12 2 16:06 -539 407 5.7284 BadBoyBen 0 1:54 -918 28
jsmooth 0 3:24 -797 149 Group: intermediate
BadBoyBen 0 1:54 -918 28 1.6728 iwhist 4 11:49 -315 631
2.6283 Kalikokat 2 13:09 -434 512
On 1st draw, SHARK H8 34 --- SHARK to obtain by swindling [v]
Other tops: KHORS H4 34, KOHAS H4 34
Other moves: HAKUS H4 32, HARKS H4 32, SOKAH H8 32, KORAS H4 28, KORUS H4 28
SHARK H8 34 iwhist
HOURS H4 24 Kalikokat
On 2nd draw, PREB(E)NDS 8A 95 --- PREBEND a clergyman's stipend [n]
Other tops: PREB(I)NDS 8A 95, PR(E)BENDS 8A 95
Other moves: SHARKER(S) H8 42, REBR(A)ND 11E 36, BR(A)NKED 12D 26, PR(A)NKED 12D 26, PR(I)NKED 12D 26
SHARKER(S) H8 42 iwhist
(S)PEND 13H 22 Kalikokat
On 3rd draw, DETOX(I)NG F2 86 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other moves: OXT(E)(R)ED E5 52, (D)ETOXED C3 48, EXOD(E) 9B 46, (E)XODE 9B 46, DETOXE(D) C3 44
EXO 9B 41 iwhist, GLOBEMAN
X(I) 9C 36 Kalikokat
On 4th draw, BIZE E3 67 --- BIZE a cold wind in Switzerland [n]
Other moves: BEZ E3 56, BIZ E3 56, BLAIZE C3 54, ZA E5 53, ZEREBA B6 43
BIZE E3 67 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
BIZ E3 56 sunshine12
BLAZER B3 37 iwhist
BLAZE C4 26 Kalikokat
On 5th draw, HAW D4 55 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other moves: SAHIB D4 51, HAD D4 49, WAD D4 49, DAH D4 47, DAW D4 47
HAW D4 55 iwhist, GLOBEMAN
WAD D4 49 Kalikokat
On 6th draw, PLATEMEN A8 89 --- PLATEMAN someone who is in charge of the silver-plate [n]
Other moves: LAMENTER B1 74, LAMENTER 11A 70, REMANET B8 30, NE G5 29, ETERNAL 11E 28
LAMENTER 11A 70 jsmooth
MAE I9 22 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12, Kalikokat
MEE I9 22 iwhist
On 7th draw, SJOE 13H 32 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other tops: KOJIS 12H 32
Other moves: MEJLIS 13A 30, JOES C1 29, JOLS C1 29, JOES G1 28, JOLS G1 28
SJOE 13H 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
JOES G1 28 Kalikokat
JO G10 20 iwhist
On 8th draw, AWEE 14I 39 --- AWEE awhile [adv]
Other moves: AWE 14I 38, AWN 14I 38, WANE B10 36, WENA B10 36, WINE B10 36
AWE 14I 38 roocatcher
WANE B10 36 iwhist, Kalikokat, jsmooth, sunshine12
On 9th draw, DRYING 15D 50 --- DRY to remove the moisture from [v] --- DRYING the act of drying [n]
Other moves: DINGY 15E 43, GRODY 15E 43, RIDGY 15E 43, YOGIN 15F 43, DYING 15E 41
DINGY 15E 43 Kalikokat, iwhist, jsmooth
RODING 15D 38 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
OY 15H 28 sunshine12
On 10th draw, DISSAVED 2F 65 --- DISSAVE to use savings for current expenses [v]
Other moves: DISAS B10 39, DEVA 15L 35, DEVS 15L 35, DIVA 15L 35, DIVE 15L 35
DIVE 15L 35 iwhist, Kalikokat
SAVE 15L 27 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 11th draw, TIVY 1L 39 --- TIVY with great speed [adv]
Other moves: TIVY 15L 36, RIYAL B8 35, LAITY 15K 33, IVY 1M 30, TRAY B7 30
TIVY 15L 36 iwhist, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
TRAY B7 30 Kalikokat
On 12th draw, POOT 1G 32 --- POOT to shoot at young partridges [v]
Other moves: ASTOOP H1 27, OOP 1H 27, PIA 1G 27, POA 1G 27, POI 1G 27
TOPO 15L 24 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
POOT 12K 17 iwhist
On 13th draw, FLEA 15L 42 --- FLEA a parasitic insect [n]
Other tops: FARE 15L 42, FARL 15L 42, FARO 15L 42, FEAL 15L 42, FEAR 15L 42, FLOE 15L 42, FLOR 15L 42, FOAL 15L 42, FOOL 15L 42, FORA 15L 42, FORE 15L 42, FRAE 15L 42, FROE 15L 42
Other moves: LOOFA 14C 39, LEAF 14C 36, LOAF 14C 36, LOOF 14C 36, ROOF 14C 36
FARE 15L 42 iwhist
FORE 15L 42 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
FLEA 15L 42 Kalikokat
On 14th draw, GREENLIT 11G 68 --- GREENLIGHT to give the go-ahead [v]
Other moves: GALENITE 10G 63, GENET B10 39, GENIE B10 39, GILET B10 39, LENITE B10 34
GENET B10 39 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
GENIE B10 39 iwhist
On 15th draw, LOOFA 14C 39 --- LOOFA a tropical vine [n]
Other moves: COOF 14C 38, LOAF 14C 36, LOOF 14C 36, OAF 14D 35, OOF 14D 35
LOOF 14C 36 iwhist
LOAF 14C 36 Kalikokat
FOAL 10J 34 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
FA 10J 28 BadBoyBen
On 16th draw, UINTAITE N8 20 --- UINTAITE a variety of asphalt [n]
Other tops: MOAN 13A 20, MOAT 13A 20
Other moves: AITU B10 18, INIA 12L 18, IOTA B10 18, NOTA B10 18, ANT 13C 17
MOAN 13A 20 GLOBEMAN, iwhist, roocatcher
PIN G1 12 Kalikokat
On 17th draw, MINOR O4 36 --- MINOR to pursue a specific subordinate course of study [v]
Other tops: INARM O4 36, MANOR O4 36, MARON O4 36, MINAR O4 36, MOURN O4 36, ONIUM O4 36, UNARM O4 36
Other moves: MAINOR O3 33, MNA O8 31, MOA O8 31, MOU O8 31, AMOUR 8K 30
MOA O8 31 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
NORM O5 30 iwhist
ROM O6 27 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, AQUA 10A 33 --- AQUA water [n]
Other moves: BURQA D8 32, QUIM 4L 30, QI N5 28, QUAIL C10 28, QUOD D12 28
AQUA 10A 33 Kalikokat
QUIM 4L 30 GLOBEMAN, iwhist, roocatcher
On 19th draw, CROC C1 25 --- CROC a crocodile [n]
Other moves: URIC C1 21, CORIUM 4J 20, CURIUM 4J 20, CURLI L8 20, ERUCIC 12A 20
ROC C2 19 roocatcher
CORM 4L 16 iwhist
ROC M6 11 Kalikokat
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