Game on January 21, 2016 at 13:06, 6 players
1. 387 pts OrangeCup
2. 131 pts PIThompson
3. 130 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


I1 74 98 


9G 66 164 


1E 92 256 


10J 44 300 


F1 65 365 


11K 54 419 


8A 45 464 


M11 42 506 


13H 63 569 


15J 33 602 


B7 78 680 


12D 86 766 


10F 34 800 


5E 32 832 


A12 58 890 


C3 23 913 


4K 39 952 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 3 5:53 -565 387 1.7795 OrangeCup 3 5:53 -565 387
PIThompson 0 3:03 -821 131 2.7899 PIThompson 0 3:03 -821 131
Mycophot 0 5:38 -822 130 3.7491 sicilianc5 1 3:59 -831 121
sicilianc5 1 3:59 -831 121 4.7356 queen66 0 4:46 -837 115
queen66 0 4:46 -837 115 Group: intermediate
Blouberg 0 0:52 -930 22 1.6297 Mycophot 0 5:38 -822 130
Group: novice
1.5534 Blouberg 0 0:52 -930 22
On 1st draw, HEA(L)EE H4 24 --- HEALEE someone who is being healed [n]
Other moves: H**l*HAO(L)E H4 22, HEA(M)E H4 22, HEA(R)E H4 22, HEA(V)E H4 22, HEE(Z)E H4 22
On 2nd draw, PORANGI I1 74 --- PORANGI (Maori) crazy [adj]
Other moves: PIGNORA G9 71, PORANGI G9 71, PORANGI G8 70, PARO(L)ING 7D 62, HARPING 4H 26
On 3rd draw, DECO(R)OUS 9G 66 --- DECOROUS proper [adj]
Other moves: COOSEN(E)D 5D 40, OPCOD(E)S 1H 39, COPS(E)D 1G 36, DOCEN(T)S 5E 36, OPCOD(E) 1H 36
On 4th draw, THESPIAN 1E 92 --- THESPIAN an actor or actress [n]
Other moves: INEA(R)THS K5 90, ANTHESIS N2 76, SHANTIES N2 76, SHEITANS N2 76, STHENIAS N2 76
On 5th draw, WEX 10J 44 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: GNAW 8L 39, WOXEN L8 38, WAXEN 2K 37, WENT 10J 33, OXGATE J9 32
On 6th draw, HAULIERS F1 65 --- HAULIER a hauler [n]
Other moves: ALIENERS 5E 32, ALIENER 5E 28, ARIOSE 2F 27, RESAIL 2B 27, SERAIL 2B 27
On 7th draw, ZO 11K 54 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: MIZ 8M 48, MOZ 8M 48, MOZ 11K 46, ZOISM N6 42, VOMIT 11K 40
On 8th draw, BUNYAS 8A 45 --- BUNYA an evergreen tree [n]
Other moves: BRAINY E5 36, SYNURA N9 34, AIRBUS 8A 33, ABY E4 31, ABY M11 28
BRAINS 8A 27 OrangeCup
On 9th draw, AJIVA M11 42 --- AJIVA inanimate matter [n]
Other moves: HADJI 4H 32, AJIVA E8 30, AJIVA K1 30, AVAIL M11 28, AVID M11 28
HADJI 4H 32 OrangeCup, PIThompson
On 10th draw, DENOTIVE 13H 63 --- DENOTE to indicate [adj] --- DENOTIVE indicative [adj]
Other moves: EVADE 15K 39, OVATE 15K 36, VADE 15L 36, VANE 15L 33, VANT 15L 33
EVADE 15K 39 OrangeCup, PIThompson
On 11th draw, ROBALO 15J 33 --- ROBALO a marine food fish [n]
Other tops: CARB 15L 33
Other moves: BRACE 15K 30, COARB 15K 30, BAEL 15L 27, BALE 15L 27, BARE 15L 27
CARB 15L 33 OrangeCup
BEER O12 27 PIThompson
On 12th draw, MUTICATE B7 78 --- MUTICATE in botany, lacking a point [adj]
Other moves: HAEMATIC 4H 36, MEDIC H11 33, CADET H11 27, CADIE H11 27, MAC 8M 27
MEDIC H11 33 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5
On 13th draw, WARTIME 12D 86 --- WARTIME a time of war [n]
Other moves: WARTIMES N2 80, MAWR A12 50, MARE A12 38, MART A12 38, MATE A12 38
MAWR A12 50 OrangeCup
WADER H11 30 queen66
MEW 8M 30 Mycophot
On 14th draw, QI 10F 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DIED A12 33, DIET A12 30, DIRE A12 30, DIRT A12 30, DITE A12 30
DIRE A12 30 OrangeCup, Mycophot
DIRT A12 30 queen66
On 15th draw, SILENTER 5E 32 --- SILENT making no sound or noise [adj]
Other moves: LISENTE 5E 28, SURGE M1 26, SUTLER M1 26, GEST J4 25, SLUG M1 24
SURGE M1 26 OrangeCup
LETS A12 22 queen66
On 16th draw, FUNK A12 58 --- FUNK to shrink back in fear [v]
Other moves: PUNK A12 50, FORK 4K 31, FUNK 4K 31, CROP 11B 29, OOF 2H 29
FUNK A12 58 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
PUNK A12 50 Mycophot
On 17th draw, NOGGIN C3 23 --- NOGGIN a small cup [n]
Other tops: LEGGIN C3 23, LIGGEN C3 23
Other moves: CION 11B 21, CLON 11B 21, LEGION C3 21, LIGGEN 14D 21, EGG C13 20
GIG 8M 20 OrangeCup, Mycophot
On 18th draw, DEIFY 4K 39 --- DEIFY to make a god of [v]
Other tops: FERLY 4K 39
Other moves: REFLY 4K 36, REIFY 4K 36, REDLY 4K 32, FELID 4K 31, FEY D2 30
FERLY 4K 39 OrangeCup
FEY D2 30 sicilianc5
FAIRY E11 22 Blouberg
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