Game on January 21, 2016 at 13:50, 6 players
1. 650 pts OrangeCup
2. 306 pts Kalikokat
3. 192 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


10B 79 103 


4H 28 131 


E7 74 205 


7A 63 268 


5G 22 290 


M3 86 376 


N10 51 427 


14A 76 503 


O5 89 592 


B1 78 670 


15H 39 709 


1A 36 745 


A12 57 802 


H1 48 850 


D6 45 895 


6J 39 934 


12C 40 974 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 9 13:31 -324 650 1.7795 OrangeCup 9 13:31 -324 650
Kalikokat 1 9:38 -668 306 2.7892 PIThompson 0 6:18 -849 125
Blouberg 0 8:39 -782 192 3.7356 queen66 0 3:53 -926 48
PIThompson 0 6:18 -849 125 4.7491 sicilianc5 0 2:17 -927 47
queen66 0 3:53 -926 48 Group: intermediate
sicilianc5 0 2:17 -927 47 1.6289 Kalikokat 1 9:38 -668 306
Group: novice
1.5534 Blouberg 0 8:39 -782 192
On 1st draw, WIE(N)IE H4 24 --- WIENIE a frankfurter [n]
Other tops: WET(T)IE H4 24, WE(S)TIE H4 24, WE(T)TIE H4 24
Other moves: WEET(E) H4 22, WEET(S) H4 22, WEE(S)T H4 22, WEI(S)E H4 22, WEI(Z)E H4 22
WET(T)IE H4 24 OrangeCup
W(H)ITE H4 22 Blouberg
WEET(S) H4 22 sicilianc5
On 2nd draw, FOULIES 10B 79 --- FOULIE (Australian) a foul mood [n]
Other moves: FOULIES G9 74, FOULIES I9 74, (N)OISEFUL 7H 65, FUSILE 10F 28, FUSEL 10F 27
FUSIL 10F 27 OrangeCup
LIFES 10D 25 sicilianc5
FILES G9 22 queen66
FILES 5G 16 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, WAKANES 4H 28 --- WAKANE an edible seaweed [n]
Other tops: AWAKENS 4G 28, KNURS D8 28, KOANS C9 28, KORAS C9 28, KORES C9 28, NEK 9A 28, SWANKER 4G 28, WANKERS 4H 28
Other moves: AWAKEN 4G 26, AWAKES 4G 26, FAKERS B10 26, FRANKS B10 26, FREAKS B10 26
KOANS C9 28 OrangeCup
FRANKS B10 26 queen66
On 4th draw, BAILMENT E7 74 --- BAILMENT a delivery of goods in trust [n]
Other moves: INTIMAE 5E 50, MINABLE E5 44, TIMBALE E5 44, AMENT 5J 34, BAINITE 5F 32
MABE 3K 32 OrangeCup, Blouberg
MIB 3K 28 PIThompson
On 5th draw, AEROBIO(N)T 7A 63 --- AEROBIONT
Other moves: IRATE 5H 24, ARET 5J 22, AORTAE 8A 21, RATIO 5K 20, RATOO 5K 20
IRATE 5H 24 OrangeCup
ARET 5J 22 PIThompson
FRATE B10 16 Blouberg
On 6th draw, NITON 5G 22 --- NITON a gaseous radioactive element [n]
Other tops: ANAN 5J 22, ANOA 5J 22, ANON 5J 22, ATUA 5J 22
Other moves: NANUA 3K 20, ANA 5J 18, ANNAT A4 18, ANNATTO 14A 18, AUNT 5K 18
ANAN 5J 22 OrangeCup
TA D12 10 Blouberg
On 7th draw, DEXTROUS M3 86 --- DEXTROUS adroit [adj]
Other moves: DEXTROUS 12D 84, DEXTROUS 9G 82, DOUX D12 50, ROUX D12 46, DETOX 12D 42
SAX A6 30 OrangeCup, Blouberg
On 8th draw, HIVER N10 51 --- HIVER someone who hives [n]
Other moves: HOVE 8L 42, RHINAL A3 39, HILAR A4 36, RHONE 8K 36, VELAR A4 36
HIVER N10 51 OrangeCup
HOVE 8L 42 Blouberg, PIThompson
On 9th draw, ROTATIVE 14A 76 --- ROTATION the act or an instance of rotating [adj] --- ROTATIVE pertaining to a rotation [adj]
Other moves: ROTATIVE 14C 65, VITAE A4 36, VARIATE A3 33, VOAR 8L 33, VOTE 8L 33
VITAE A4 36 OrangeCup
VOTE 8L 33 PIThompson
ROVE 8L 24 Blouberg
On 10th draw, R(E)NEYED O5 89 --- RENEY to renounce [v]
Other tops: REN(A)YED O5 89, REN(E)YED O5 89, YE(A)RNED O5 89
Other moves: RENEY(E)D O5 88, DE(C)ENARY A2 83, EYER(S) 15A 52, EYED 15A 48, DEE(D)Y 15H 45
DE(R)RY 15H 45 OrangeCup
Y(A)E 8A 33 Kalikokat
On 11th draw, CARPALES B1 78 --- CARPALE a bone in the wrist [n]
Other moves: SCARPA 15H 45, ALPACAS A2 42, CLASP 15K 42, SCALP 15H 42, SCARP 15H 42
CLASP 15K 42 OrangeCup
SCRAP 15H 42 Kalikokat
On 12th draw, HIED 15H 39 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other tops: HEID 15H 39, HELD 15H 39, HERB A12 39, HIDE 15H 39, HILD 15H 39
Other moves: BHEL H12 36, HEED H12 36, HEIL 15H 36, HERD A12 36, HID 15H 36
HERB A12 39 OrangeCup, Kalikokat
On 13th draw, OCTUPLE 1A 36 --- OCTUPLE to multiply by eight [v]
Other tops: COUPLET 1B 36
Other moves: PETTL(E) 6J 33, PELT 6J 30, PIET 6J 30, EUOI 15A 28, PE 6J 28
PIET 6J 30 OrangeCup
PI 6J 28 Kalikokat
On 14th draw, JARL A12 57 --- JARL a Scandinavian nobleman [n]
Other moves: DA H1 48, WARY A12 42, LYARD A11 39, OCTUPLED 1A 39, ROTATIVELY 14A 39
JARL A12 57 OrangeCup
WARY A12 42 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, DO H1 48 --- DO the first tone of the diatonic musical scale [n] --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other tops: DA H1 48
Other moves: OCTUPLED 1A 39, JUDGE 12A 28, MADURO 14J 28, DUMA D9 27, MANOR 14J 26
DA H1 48 OrangeCup
MOAN D12 24 Kalikokat
On 16th draw, COZ D6 45 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other tops: MOZ D6 45
Other moves: ZIG F6 36, GIZMO D3 34, ZIN F6 34, MIZ 14J 33, MIZEN 13K 32
COZ D6 45 OrangeCup
ZIG F6 36 Kalikokat
On 17th draw, WAFT 6J 39 --- WAFT to carry lightly over air or water [v]
Other moves: FAW 14J 33, FUMAGE 13I 32, FAG 14J 31, WAG 14J 31, FAW M13 30
WAFT 6J 39 OrangeCup
FAG 14J 31 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, QUEMING 12C 40 --- QUEME to please [v]
Other moves: QI F6 31, QUINE 13J 28, QIS N2 27, QUIN L1 26, MIG 14J 25
QI F6 31 Kalikokat, OrangeCup
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