Game on January 22, 2016 at 20:14, 5 players
1. 652 pts OrangeCup
2. 636 pts Inkey
3. 384 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


G7 29 53 


5D 86 139 


10A 73 212 


H10 36 248 


H1 30 278 


15A 86 364 


A8 33 397 


4A 62 459 


14B 34 493 


A1 39 532 


B1 35 567 


13F 78 645 


12K 54 699 


6J 31 730 


O6 89 819 


D8 44 863 


F2 44 907 


4J 31 938 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 7 12:37 -286 652 1.7863 OrangeCup 7 12:37 -286 652
Inkey 7 16:27 -302 636 2.7610 Inkey 7 16:27 -302 636
Blouberg 0 18:27 -554 384 3.7854 PIThompson 2 5:10 -786 152
PIThompson 2 5:10 -786 152 4.7268 queen66 0 2:10 -874 64
queen66 0 2:10 -874 64 Group: novice
1.5518 Blouberg 0 18:27 -554 384
On 1st draw, FELON H4 24 --- FELON a person who has committed a felony [n]
Other moves: PELON H4 20, PLEON H4 20, FELON H8 18, FLOP H5 18, FLOP H6 18
FELON H4 24 PIThompson, OrangeCup, Inkey
FLOP H5 18 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, WIMP G7 29 --- WIMP a weak or ineffectual person [n] --- WIMP to act like a wimp, as in the phrase to wimp out [v]
Other moves: MAW G5 27, MAW I5 27, PAW G5 27, CAMPIER 5C 26, WAP G7 26
WIMP G7 29 OrangeCup, PIThompson
PAW G5 27 Inkey
CRAM I2 18 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, ANTLERED 5D 86 --- ANTLER the horn of an animal of the deer family [adj] --- ANTLERED having antlers [adj]
Other moves: ANTLERED 5B 68, ALTERED 5E 32, LATENED 5E 32, REDEALT 5E 32, ALDERN H10 31
ANTLERED 5D 36 OrangeCup, PIThompson
LATENED 5E 32 Inkey
RAT I3 11 Blouberg
On 4th draw, OVERLAPS 10A 73 --- OVERLAP to extend over and cover a part of [v]
Other moves: OVERSALE J3 65, VERONALS E1 61, ORVALS H10 43, OVERLAIN 8A 36, LAVERS 11B 30
ORVALS H10 43 OrangeCup
SALVER 11G 30 PIThompson
SAVOR 11G 28 Inkey
VERS 11D 26 Blouberg
On 5th draw, SOVI(E)T H10 36 --- SOVIET a legislative body in a Communist country [n]
Other tops: D(E)VOID A7 36
Other moves: VIDEO(E)D C7 34, OVOID A8 33, OVOID(S) A8 33, OVE(R)DID C8 30, OVOID(S) A10 30
OVOID A8 33 OrangeCup, Inkey, PIThompson
(A)VOID A8 30 Blouberg
On 6th draw, (M)ATFELON H1 30 --- MATFELON the greater knapweed [n]
Other moves: EATER(I)E I1 21, FATE(D) 4H 21, FATE(S) 4H 21, FETA(L) 4H 21, FETA(S) 4H 21
FETE(D) 4H 21 Inkey
VE(S)TA B10 14 OrangeCup
EATE(R) 4J 13 Blouberg
On 7th draw, HASTIEST 15A 86 --- HASTY speedy [adj]
Other moves: (M)ASHIEST 1H 83, (M)ATHESIS 1H 83, ATHEISES C7 82, ATHEISTS 3G 82, ESTHESIA C6 82
HEISTS 6J 35 OrangeCup
HEATS 6J 34 Inkey
SHOTS A8 27 Blouberg
On 8th draw, DROOB A8 33 --- DROOB (Australian slang) a pathetic person [n]
Other moves: BOORD A8 30, BROOD A8 30, BEGIRDS C9 28, DROOG A8 27, OBI(E)D 14E 27
DROOB A8 33 OrangeCup, Inkey
BROOD A7 24 Blouberg
On 9th draw, MIRZA 4A 62 --- MIRZA a Persian title of honour [n]
Other moves: AZO 14A 53, ZAMIA D1 52, ZIRAM D8 52, MIZ 4B 50, MOZ 4B 50
MIRZA 4A 62 OrangeCup
AZO 14A 53 Inkey
ZIG 13G 25 Blouberg
On 10th draw, DOEK 14B 34 --- DOEK an African cloth [n]
Other moves: OKE 14A 33, KEDGE C9 32, KEG 6B 31, ROK I5 29, OKE 3A 28
DOEK 14B 34 Inkey
OKE 14A 33 OrangeCup
On 11th draw, YNAMBU A1 39 --- YNAMBU a very large tinamou (a bird) [n]
Other moves: FAYING 4H 36, BAYING 4J 35, GAUMY A1 33, YOGIN 11G 33, YOUNG 11G 33
BAYING 4J 35 OrangeCup
BY 13C 30 Inkey
BAY 4J 23 Blouberg
On 12th draw, AERIER B1 35 --- AERY airy [adj]
Other moves: FADEUR 4H 28, FADER 4H 26, AERIE B1 25, FARED 4H 25, DEARER 6J 23
FADER 4H 26 Blouberg
REARED 4J 23 OrangeCup
DARER 6J 22 Inkey
On 13th draw, TAILWIND 13F 78 --- TAILWIND a wind coming from behind a moving vehicle [n]
Other moves: RAWN I5 29, DIWAN 6J 25, RAW I5 25, DIWAN 4J 24, WADI 4J 24
RAWN I5 29 Inkey, OrangeCup
WAND 4J 24 Blouberg
On 14th draw, QUEYN 12K 54 --- QUEYN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUINONE L8 52, QUEY 12K 50, QUINE 12K 48, QUINO 12K 48, QUOIN 12K 48
QUEYN 12K 54 Inkey, OrangeCup
QUEY 12K 50 Blouberg
On 15th draw, HAEN 6J 31 --- HAE to have [v]
Other moves: HAE 6J 30, HAN 6J 30, HEN 6J 30, HA 6J 29, HE 6J 29
HAN 6J 30 Inkey
HEN 6J 30 OrangeCup
HEN 4J 20 Blouberg
On 16th draw, PICOTING O6 89 --- PICOT to edge with ornamental loops [v]
Other moves: COPING O8 33, PICONG O8 33, PONTIC O10 30, OPTIC 4K 28, CITING O8 27
COPING O8 33 OrangeCup, queen66, Inkey
COY N10 14 Blouberg
On 17th draw, XERIC D8 44 --- XERIC requiring only a small amount of moisture [adj]
Other moves: XI 6D 31, EXING M3 30, CULEX E8 28, EAUX 2G 27, CRUX D9 26
XERIC D8 44 Inkey
XI 6D 31 OrangeCup, queen66
EX L6 9 Blouberg
On 18th draw, JUST F2 44 --- JUST acting in conformity with what is morally good [adj] --- JUST en engage in personal combat [v]
Other tops: JEST F2 44
Other moves: J*S**TJESUIT 10J 31, JOIST F1 31, JOUST F1 31, GAUJES 2G 30, JIAOS 2F 30
JEST F2 44 Inkey, OrangeCup
JO C7 26 Blouberg
On 19th draw, FOGIE 4J 31 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FOG 4J 27, EGER C1 26, FOE 4J 25, ELF E9 24, FEEING M2 24
FOGIE 4J 31 OrangeCup, Inkey
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