Game on January 25, 2016 at 03:45, 1 player
1. 762 pts jsmooth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 72 72 


14G 74 146 


15B 121 267 


C11 22 289 


O11 53 342 


G7 49 391 


K7 66 457 


M9 44 501 


J6 25 526 


N6 43 569 


L2 91 660 


11A 30 690 


O6 49 739 


A6 51 790 


B1 37 827 


A1 61 888 


C3 35 923 


2J 60 983 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
jsmooth 6 15:15 -221 762 1.7778 jsmooth 6 15:15 -221 762
On 1st draw, AIRHOLE H8 72 --- AIRHOLE a hole for the passage of air [n]
Other tops: AIRHOLE H2 72, AIRHOLE H3 72, AIRHOLE H4 72, AIRHOLE H6 72, AIRHOLE H7 72
Other moves: AIRHOLE H5 70, HAILER H4 26, HOLIER H4 26, HALER H4 24, H**L*HAOLE H4 24
AIRHOLE H2 72 jsmooth
On 2nd draw, TERATISM 14G 74 --- TERATISM a malformed fetus [n]
Other moves: TRITOMAS 12D 70, AMRITS 15C 66, MISTREAT 14C 64, MAIRS 15D 63, MARTS 15D 63
MISTREAT 14C 64 jsmooth
On 3rd draw, NEBULAS 15B 121 --- NEBULA a cloud-like interstellar mass [n]
Other tops: UNBALES 15B 121
Other moves: NEBULAS O8 91, UNBALES O8 91, UNBALES G5 75, ABLUENTS K8 70, NEBULAS G3 67
UNBALES O8 91 jsmooth
On 4th draw, VARVE C11 22 --- VARVE a deposit of sedimentary material [n]
Other moves: URAO 14B 20, VAVS M11 20, AVOURE C10 18, RAVIN L11 18, UNROVE C10 18
On 5th draw, GYPS(Y) O11 53 --- GYPSY to live like a gypsy (a wanderer) [v]
Other moves: M(O)PSY O11 44, P(O)SY O12 44, G(I)PSY O11 41, G(Y)PSY O11 41, P(A)NSY O11 38
GYPS(Y) O11 53 jsmooth
On 6th draw, M(A)XES G7 49 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: MI(N)XES G6 48, Q(U)AIS 12A 46, Q(U)ASI 12A 46, Q(U)EP 13L 45, Q(U)AI 12A 44
SEX G7 38 jsmooth
On 7th draw, REANOINT K7 66 --- ANOINT to apply oil to as a sacred rite [v] --- REANOINT to anoint again [v]
Other tops: INORNATE K8 66
Other moves: ARSHINE 11E 40, INSHORE 11E 40, VANISHER 11C 28, EVANISH 11B 26, VANISH 11C 24
INORNATE K8 66 jsmooth
On 8th draw, FAQIRS M9 44 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: DEFIER 8J 42, FADE F10 36, FARD F10 36, FAD F10 35, FAIR F10 35
FAQIRS M9 44 jsmooth
On 9th draw, CUTTO J6 25 --- CUTTO a large knife [n]
Other tops: COTTA J6 25
Other moves: CURAT N6 24, CAMO N12 22, CUATRO 12A 22, COTTAR N5 21, AVO 14B 20
On 10th draw, CAGEY N6 43 --- CAGEY shrewd [adj]
Other moves: DECAY N6 41, DOGEY N6 40, COYED L4 35, CAY N8 34, GOEY N7 34
COYED L4 35 jsmooth
On 11th draw, BUNKOED L2 91 --- BUNKO to swindle [v]
Other moves: BUNKOED L1 88, BONKED L3 39, BUNKED L3 39, BOD O7 38, BUD O7 38
BUN O7 34 jsmooth
On 12th draw, DEVILISH 11A 30 --- DEVILISH fiendish [adj]
Other tops: DIE O7 30, DOE O7 30, LID O7 30, LOD O7 30
Other moves: LIE O7 26, ID O8 25, OD O8 25, DOBIE 2J 24, DIOBOL 2I 22
LOD O7 30 jsmooth
On 13th draw, HEID O6 49 --- HEID a head [n]
Other moves: DUH O7 42, HID O7 42, HIE O7 38, HUE O7 38, UH O8 33
DUH O7 42 jsmooth
On 14th draw, ZINGED A6 51 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other tops: GLOZED A6 51
Other moves: ZONULE 3I 50, ZONED A7 45, GINZO F3 39, GLOZE F3 39, LOZEN B8 36
ZONED A7 45 jsmooth
On 15th draw, FOREDO B1 37 --- FOREDO to destroy [v]
Other tops: FEDORA B1 37
Other moves: FORDO B2 35, FED B10 31, ROADEO B1 31, FIDO F10 30, FORBADE 2I 30
FORBADE 2I 30 jsmooth
On 16th draw, ENOW A1 61 --- ENOW enough [n]
Other moves: JAWBONE 2I 42, JEUNE 4A 40, OWE A1 40, JEAN 4A 38, JEON 4A 38
OWE A1 40 jsmooth
On 17th draw, TEIL C3 35 --- TEIL a lime tree [n]
Other tops: TEAL C3 35
Other moves: PIBAL 2J 30, LEPER 10D 27, TAPER 10D 27, TELIA C4 27, LIPA M1 26
TABLE 2J 18 jsmooth
On 18th draw, JABOT 2J 60 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: JAP M1 36, PUJA F4 33, JATO M1 32, JOTA M1 32, JA F6 29
JABOT 2J 60 jsmooth
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