Game on January 25, 2016 at 22:58, 6 players
1. 114 pts jsmooth
2. 26 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 12 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 20 20 


5E 106 126 


3G 36 162 


2J 51 213 


4L 40 253 


7C 62 315 


1G 45 360 


D6 82 442 


8A 43 485 


O2 92 577 


N9 30 607 


O12 33 640 


12B 68 708 


H11 54 762 


F10 36 798 


B10 38 836 


I11 22 858 


J14 24 882 


A13 21 903 


C3 25 928 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
jsmooth 1 3:11 -814 114 1.7796 jsmooth 1 3:11 -814 114
GLOBEMAN 0 1:51 -902 26 2.7130 GLOBEMAN 0 1:51 -902 26
roocatcher 0 0:34 -916 12 3.7023 sunshine12 0 0:57 -918 10
sunshine12 0 0:57 -918 10 4.7105 WEASEL 0 1:26 -920 8
WEASEL 0 1:26 -920 8 5.7480 TWEEKS 0 1:49 -924 4
TWEEKS 0 1:49 -924 4 Group: intermediate
1.6997 roocatcher 0 0:34 -916 12
On 1st draw, BATTU H4 20 --- BATTU pertaining to a ballet movement [adj]
Other tops: GAMUT H4 20
Other moves: GAMB H5 18, GAMB H6 18, GAMB H7 18, GAMB H8 18, GAMUT H8 18
On 2nd draw, ENRAVISH 5E 106 --- ENRAVISH to delight greatly [v]
Other moves: VANISHER 5G 78, SHRIVEN 9C 77, SHRIVEN I8 70, ASHIVER 5H 26, EVANISH 5F 26
On 3rd draw, JAKE 3G 36 --- JAKE a yokel [n] --- JAKE all right; fine [adj]
Other moves: JAK 3G 35, KANEH L1 34, THANK L4 34, JAKE 6B 33, JAKE 4B 32
On 4th draw, HEMINS 2J 51 --- HEMIN a chloride of heme [n]
Other moves: HEMIN 2J 49, HIEMS 2J 49, MENSH 2J 42, MEINS 2J 36, MIENS 2J 36
On 5th draw, CONF 4L 40 --- CONF an online conference [n]
Other moves: CO(F)F 4L 38, CO(I)F 4L 38, CO(N)F 4L 38, CO(O)F 4L 38, CO(R)F 4L 38
On 6th draw, LOADSTAR 7C 62 --- LOADSTAR a star used as a point of reference [n]
Other moves: FARADS O4 30, SAFROLS O2 30, FADOS O4 27, FARAD O4 27, FARDS O4 27
On 7th draw, QATS 1G 45 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 1H 42, FESTA 1H 40, PASTE 1H 37, QAT 6B 36, STAP 8A 36
On 8th draw, POWERIN(G) D6 82 --- POWER to provide with means of propulsion [v]
Other moves: PR(A)WN 8A 51, (S)WIPE 8A 47, PR(O)W 8A 46, ENWR(A)P 8J 44, W(H)IP 8A 42
On 9th draw, DEAWY 8A 43 --- DEAWY covered with dew [adj]
Other moves: FAYNED O4 39, FAYED O4 36, FENDY O4 36, FANGED O4 33, FANNY O4 33
On 10th draw, SOFT(C)OVER O2 92 --- SOFTCOVER [n]
Other moves: NONVE(C)TOR N2 65, NONVOTER(S) N2 63, NO(N)VOTER N4 62, O(U)TDROVE A5 62, NO(N)VOTER 12D 61
On 11th draw, MOILED N9 30 --- MOIL to work hard [v]
Other tops: MELOID N9 30, MOLTED N9 30
Other moves: MOTILE N9 28, MOTED 4A 25, MEED 9C 24, TOILED N9 24, LAMED C7 23
On 12th draw, ODIC O12 33 --- ODIC pertaining to an ode [adj]
Other moves: COAPTED 13I 30, COATI M10 30, COPITA 4A 30, PICOTED 13I 30, ATOC O12 29
On 13th draw, FENTANYL 12B 68 --- FENTANYL a narcotic opioid [n]
Other moves: FATLY 4A 35, FELTY 4A 35, FAYNE 4A 32, FLYTE 4A 32, FY E11 31
On 14th draw, GYOZA H11 54 --- GYOZA a stuffed and fried pocket of dough [n]
Other tops: ZYGON H11 54
Other moves: YUTZ H12 48, ZAP 6B 37, GAZON 4A 36, AZURN 10A 34, ZONULA C3 34
GAZED 13K 32 jsmooth
On 15th draw, BEAUX F10 36 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other moves: ZEX 14H 35, BEFRET B10 34, EXURB 4A 34, BRUXED 13J 32, EXURB 10A 30
ZEX 14H 35 jsmooth
On 16th draw, WIFIE B10 38 --- WIFIE an endearment for wife [n]
Other moves: TWEE 9B 29, WEE 9C 26, EWE 9B 22, IWI 4D 19, LAW C7 19
WEE 9C 26 jsmooth
On 17th draw, ILEA I11 22 --- ILEUM a part of the small intestine [n]
Other tops: ILIA I11 22
Other moves: LEAT I12 21, GEE 9C 18, LEA I12 18, AG I14 17, GAE A13 17
On 18th draw, GI J14 24 --- GI a judo costume [n]
Other tops: GO J14 24
Other moves: GLOIRE 4A 22, IGNORE 4A 20, EGER C12 18, GEE 9C 18, GENRO 4A 18
On 19th draw, PRO A13 21 --- PRO an argument or vote in favor of something [n]
Other moves: UPRUN 4A 18, ORT E10 17, UPO 1L 17, DROP A8 16, GIPON 11H 16
PRO A13 21 jsmooth
On 20th draw, UNGULAE C3 25 --- UNGULA a nail, claw or hoof [n]
Other tops: TEGULAR C3 25, UNGULAR C3 25
Other moves: ENG C12 22, URGENT M6 20, ENE C12 19, GEE 9C 18, GRUNT 4A 18
UG 1L 12 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
GED 13M 10 sunshine12
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