Game on January 28, 2016 at 18:49, 5 players
1. 611 pts OrangeCup
2. 480 pts Kalikokat
3. 347 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 20 20 


13H 41 61 


14J 36 97 


15E 80 177 


9C 70 247 


14A 46 293 


A12 60 353 


G1 62 415 


1B 48 463 


E5 40 503 


12A 41 544 


12L 32 576 


8A 32 608 


2B 22 630 


3A 38 668 


F8 30 698 


8J 41 739 


N7 29 768 


3G 32 800 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 7 10:54 -189 611 1.7824 OrangeCup 7 10:54 -189 611
Kalikokat 1 13:02 -320 480 2.7704 PIThompson 2 8:00 -539 261
Blouberg 2 14:09 -453 347 3.7390 queen66 0 0:40 -767 33
PIThompson 2 8:00 -539 261 Group: intermediate
queen66 0 0:40 -767 33 1.6312 Kalikokat 1 13:02 -320 480
Group: novice
1.5522 Blouberg 2 14:09 -453 347
On 1st draw, DIALOG H7 20 --- DIALOG to converse [v]
Other tops: ALGOID H7 20, DIALOG H4 20
Other moves: ALGID H8 18, ALGOID H3 18, ALGOID H4 18, ALGOID H8 18, DIALOG H3 18
GLAD H5 12 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, SHAMED 13H 41 --- SHAME to cause to feel a painful sense of guilt or degradation [v]
Other moves: SHADED 13H 39, MASHED G6 37, DASHED G6 36, ASHED G7 34, EMDASH G4 32
SHAMED 13H 41 OrangeCup, Blouberg
SHADED 13H 39 PIThompson
HAM G9 27 Kalikokat
On 3rd draw, GATES 14J 36 --- GATE to supply with a gate (a movable barrier) [v]
Other tops: GETAS 14J 36, GITES 14J 36
Other moves: FATES 12J 32, FETAS 12J 32, FAGS 12L 31, FEGS 12L 31, FIGS 12L 31
FETAS 12J 32 OrangeCup
FATES 12J 32 Blouberg
FAGS 12L 31 Kalikokat
On 4th draw, AERIEST 15E 80 --- AERY airy [adj]
Other moves: SERIATE 15D 78, SERIATE G4 70, AERIEST G3 69, AERIEST I3 69, SERIATE G3 69
AERIEST 15E 30 OrangeCup
TIES 15H 21 Kalikokat
ROSET 11G 10 Blouberg
On 5th draw, OBD(U)RACY 9C 70 --- OBDURACY the quality or an instance of being obdurate [n]
Other moves: CARBOY(E)D 9G 69, CORBY 14B 57, CO(B)BY 14B 55, CO(L)BY 14B 55, CO(M)BY 14B 55
YOB 15M 33 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66
BOY 15M 32 Kalikokat
YOB 12L 32 Blouberg
On 6th draw, INWRAP 14A 46 --- INWRAP to cover by wrapping [v]
Other moves: PAW 14D 31, NIPA 8A 30, NAW 14D 29, PAW 8A 29, RAW 14D 29
PAW 14D 31 OrangeCup, Kalikokat
WIN 8A 20 Blouberg
On 7th draw, FRIZ A12 60 --- FRIZ to curl hair tightly [v]
Other moves: RIZA 8A 58, FEZ 8A 56, FIZ 8A 56, FIZ 15M 54, REZ 8A 47
FRIZ A12 60 Blouberg, OrangeCup
FIZ 8A 56 Kalikokat, PIThompson
On 8th draw, E(Q)UINIA G1 62 --- EQUINIA glanders, a contagious horse disease [n]
Other tops: E(Q)UINIA I1 62
Other moves: INDU(C)IAE 7F 61, INDU(V)IAE 7F 61, U(R)EDINIA 7E 60, UNAIDE(D) E5 28, I(S)NAE 8A 25
(M)INAE 8A 25 OrangeCup
NA B14 13 Kalikokat
YA J9 7 Blouberg
On 9th draw, ARKITES 1B 48 --- ARKITE an inmate of Noah's ark [n]
Other moves: KITERS 1D 45, SKATER 1C 45, TANUKIS 5E 44, AUKS F4 42, KAIES 1D 42
KITERS 1D 45 OrangeCup
TAKERS 1D 33 Kalikokat
KEAS 1F 24 Blouberg
On 10th draw, PLAUDIT E5 40 --- PLAUDIT an expression of praise [n]
Other moves: GAUP F3 30, LIPA 8A 30, PIAL 12L 28, PILA 12L 28, PILA 8A 28
LIPA 8A 30 OrangeCup
GAP F4 27 Kalikokat
PAW C12 16 Blouberg
On 11th draw, FOXIE 12A 41 --- FOXIE (colloquial) a fox-terrier [n]
Other moves: EX 2A 36, NIX 15M 36, NOX 15M 36, OX 2A 36, EXOGEN 12E 35
EX 2A 36 OrangeCup, Blouberg, Kalikokat
On 12th draw, VINO 12L 32 --- VINO wine [n]
Other tops: VIOL 12L 32, VIRL 12L 32
Other moves: VIBRION 4F 30, BIRL 12L 28, BIRO 12L 28, BOIL 12L 28, BORN 12L 28
VIOL 12L 32 OrangeCup
VIN 12L 28 Kalikokat
BOIL 12L 28 Blouberg
On 13th draw, HOY 8A 32 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other tops: THY 8A 32
Other moves: BOH 8A 29, BOY 8A 29, HOB 8A 28, YOB 8A 28, HOOTY 11B 27
HOY 8A 32 OrangeCup, Kalikokat
BOY 8A 29 Blouberg
On 14th draw, GEO 2B 22 --- GEO a gully [n]
Other tops: AGEE 11J 22, GLEE 11J 22, GLEE F3 22, GLUE F3 22, OGEE 11J 22, OGEE F3 22
Other moves: ALEE 11J 20, GEE 11K 20, OLEA 11J 20, OLEA 2A 20, GAE F4 19
GELT 11B 19 OrangeCup
AGE 2A 16 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, MEOW 3A 38 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other moves: MOW 15M 33, MEW 3A 32, MOW 3A 32, MEW 11K 31, METOL 11K 30
MEOW 3A 38 OrangeCup, PIThompson
WE 11B 19 Kalikokat
On 16th draw, T(U)NER F8 30 --- TUNER one that tunes [n]
Other moves: ALTERN 8J 26, ANTLER 8J 26, NEATER 8J 26, NERAL 11K 26, RENAL 11K 26
ALTERN 8J 26 OrangeCup
ANTLER 8J 26 PIThompson
TEAT 11B 17 Kalikokat
On 17th draw, FELTED 8J 41 --- FELT to mat together [v]
Other tops: FEALED 8J 41, FEATED 8J 41
Other moves: FETED 11K 35, FEEDLOT O7 33, FETAL 11K 32, TEAED 11K 29, FETA 11K 28
FELTED 8J 41 OrangeCup
FEATED 8J 41 PIThompson
FE H4 20 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, BENJ N7 29 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: BUNJE K4 28, JUVE K5 28, JO 11B 27, JOLL 6B 27, JOBE K5 26
JUVE K5 28 PIThompson, OrangeCup
JO 11B 27 Kalikokat
On 19th draw, UNVOCAL 3G 32 --- UNVOCAL not vocal [adj]
Other moves: VINCULA 4F 26, INCAVO 4G 24, UNVOCAL L2 24, VACUOLE K2 24, ALCOVE K3 22
UNVOCAL 3G 32 OrangeCup
VAN 10A 14 Kalikokat
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