Game on January 29, 2016 at 18:39, 8 players
1. 17 pts roocatcher
2. 17 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 15 pts worsie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


4H 20 42 


M2 78 120 


L8 92 212 


8J 39 251 


O5 63 314 


11F 76 390 


N5 33 423 


2G 86 509 


1D 107 616 


10H 35 651 


D1 40 691 


C3 28 719 


H10 45 764 


10B 38 802 


E4 34 836 


8A 36 872 


14J 34 906 


B10 24 930 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 0 1:11 -913 17 1.7107 GLOBEMAN 0 1:46 -913 17
GLOBEMAN 0 1:46 -913 17 2.7080 sunshine12 0 0:11 -922 8
worsie 0 1:34 -915 15 3.7095 WEASEL 0 0:36 -922 8
sunshine12 0 0:11 -922 8 4.7357 TWEEKS 0 1:00 -922 8
WEASEL 0 0:36 -922 8 5.7157 AMYtheROO 0 1:31 -922 8
TWEEKS 0 1:00 -922 8 6.7139 enzotiger 0 1:58 -922 8
AMYtheROO 0 1:31 -922 8 Group: intermediate
enzotiger 0 1:58 -922 8 1.6987 roocatcher 0 1:11 -913 17
2.6455 worsie 0 1:34 -915 15
On 1st draw, POUND H4 22 --- POUND to strike heavily and repeatedly [v]
Other moves: POUND H8 20, PUNTO H4 20, PUTON H4 20, DONUT H4 16, POUND H5 16
On 2nd draw, PIMENT 4H 20 --- PIMENT spiced, sweetened wine [n]
Other tops: PITMEN 4H 20
Other moves: MEINT G6 19, MEINT I6 19, MEIN G6 18, MEIN I6 18, MIEN G6 18
On 3rd draw, OUTRAGED M2 78 --- OUTRAGE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: DROGUE N2 31, ADORE N2 27, ODEA 5J 24, OREAD 3J 24, OREAD 5J 24
On 4th draw, FEASING L8 92 --- FEASE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: FEASING N8 84, FEASING 9E 72, FAGINS L8 40, FEIGNS L8 40, FAGIN L8 38
On 5th draw, OFFEND 8J 39 --- OFFEND to commit a violation [v]
Other moves: DEFEND 8J 33, AFORE 5J 32, FEOD K9 32, FADE K10 30, FADO K10 30
On 6th draw, HANDLERS O5 63 --- HANDLER one that handles [n]
Other moves: ENHALOS 2H 36, HALOES 2J 34, HALONS 2J 34, HERONS 2J 34, REHS N1 34
On 7th draw, WAY(G)OOSE 11F 76 --- WAYGOOSE a printers' annual picnic [n]
Other moves: WEA(R)Y N10 53, WOO(D)Y N10 53, WOO(F)Y N10 53, WOO(L)Y N10 53, WOO(Z)Y N10 53
On 8th draw, AW N5 33 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: WAN N6 32, WIN N6 32, WON N6 32, CITOLA 12C 31, CITO N1 29
On 9th draw, EXTRADOS 2G 86 --- EXTRADOS the outer curve of an arch [n]
Other tops: DEXTRANS 13F 86
Other moves: EXTRADOS 5B 84, DEXTRANS 7B 69, XYSTER H10 51, AX 5J 40, EX 5J 40
On 10th draw, ZEBRA 1D 107 --- ZEBRA an African mammal that is related to the horse [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE 1D 101, ZERIBA 1C 85, ZETA 1E 68, ZITE 1E 68, ZEA 1F 65
On 11th draw, KAB 10H 35 --- KAB an ancient Hebrew unit of measure [n]
Other moves: KIVA 2A 33, NABK 10E 32, BLANK 10D 31, NABLA 10H 31, BALK 10E 30
On 12th draw, ZYMITE D1 40 --- ZYMITE a priest who uses leavened bread [n]
Other moves: ZYME D1 36, VOGIE 14J 34, MOTIVE 12A 33, MOTEY 12C 30, VEINY 13I 30
On 13th draw, OTITIS C3 28 --- OTITIS inflammation of the ear [n]
Other moves: SETON 7D 27, STEIN 7D 27, TOISE 7A 27, ISIT 7C 26, TEST 7B 26
On 14th draw, KYOGEN H10 45 --- KYOGEN a comic interlude between Japanese plays [n]
Other moves: EUOI 12G 25, GENU 12E 24, GONE 12E 24, GOONIE 5F 24, GOONIE 12A 23
GONE 12C 15 worsie
On 15th draw, JU(N)CO 10B 38 --- JUNCO a small finch [n]
Other moves: COQUE(T) 14D 36, C(L)OQUE 14C 36, Q(I)S 8A 33, (R)OQUE 14D 33, (T)OQUE 14D 33
On 16th draw, CALVE E4 34 --- CALVE to give birth to a calf [v]
Other tops: CLEAVE 12A 34
Other moves: JAVEL B10 30, CALLEE 12A 28, CELLAE 12A 28, AESC 8A 27, CALL E4 26
On 17th draw, QIS 8A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: JIVER B10 30, VIRE B1 25, JIRRE B10 24, QI B7 24, REV B3 24
On 18th draw, PIGHT 14J 34 --- PIGHT to pitch (eg a tent) [v]
Other moves: THIVEL 12A 32, PIGLET 14J 30, HEP B3 28, LITHO 12D 27, HIVE 12C 26
EH 1N 17 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 19th draw, JUREL B10 24 --- JUREL a food fish [n]
Other tops: JIRRE B10 24
Other moves: IURE B1 19, LERE B1 19, LIRE B1 19, LURE B1 19, VEINULE 7E 19
EL 15N 8 sunshine12, WEASEL, TWEEKS, AMYtheROO, enzotiger
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