Game on January 31, 2016 at 15:39, 6 players
1. 621 pts OrangeCup
2. 185 pts PIThompson
3. 185 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


9H 71 95 


10J 38 133 


N2 86 219 


O4 39 258 


M5 35 293 


L9 32 325 


6B 65 390 


E5 40 430 


D8 40 470 


14I 36 506 


8A 33 539 


15E 32 571 


14D 33 604 


I1 29 633 


1D 81 714 


A7 59 773 


2A 41 814 


A1 48 862 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 4 15:05 -241 621 1.7847 OrangeCup 4 15:05 -241 621
PIThompson 1 8:56 -677 185 2.7698 PIThompson 1 8:56 -677 185
queen66 1 9:23 -677 185 3.7270 queen66 1 9:23 -677 185
sicilianc5 1 10:45 -677 185 4.7638 sicilianc5 1 10:45 -677 185
Mycophot 1 5:43 -679 183 5.7801 jsmooth 0 2:35 -796 66
jsmooth 0 2:35 -796 66 Group: intermediate
1.6941 Mycophot 1 5:43 -679 183
On 1st draw, BEV(E)L H4 24 --- BEVEL to cut at an angle [v]
Other tops: BL(I)VE H4 24, B(E)VEL H4 24
Other moves: BEG(A)LL H4 22, VELL(S) H4 22, BELG(A) H4 20, BEV(E)L H8 20, BL(I)VE H8 20
BL(I)VE H4 24 OrangeCup
GL(O)VE H4 20 PIThompson
On 2nd draw, STOOPES 9H 71 --- STOOPE a bucket [n]
Other tops: STOOPES 9B 71
Other moves: BESPOTS 4H 22, ESTOPS 9C 22, PESTOS 9C 22, PTOSES 9C 22, SPOOTS 9H 22
PESTOS 9C 22 OrangeCup, PIThompson
On 3rd draw, YEAD 10J 38 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: SYEING N9 36, YEAN 10J 36, YEA 10J 33, YEEDING M7 32, AYE 10I 31
SYEING N9 36 OrangeCup
Y*D 8MYID 8M 28 PIThompson
On 4th draw, UNWOMA(N)S N2 86 --- UNWOMAN to make unwomanly [v]
Other tops: U(N)WOMANS N2 86
Other moves: UNWOMA(N)ED M2 80, U(N)WOMANED M2 80, MAWBOUN(D) 4E 78, WAME(F)OU 5E 44, (S)WAM 8L 37
(S)WAM 8L 37 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
(S)WUM 8L 37 PIThompson
On 5th draw, ERODE O4 39 --- ERODE to wear away by constant friction [v]
Other moves: GREED O1 37, GEODE M2 33, DOGE O5 31, OGEE O1 29, DREE O1 28
GREED O1 37 queen66, OrangeCup, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, FEH M5 35 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: DEF M5 31, HIDDEN 3I 30, FED M5 27, EF M6 25, EH M6 25
HERDED 5D 22 OrangeCup
HID I3 18 sicilianc5
On 7th draw, PARKING L9 32 --- PARKING an area in which vehicles may be left [n]
Other tops: KURGAN 3I 32
Other moves: GUNKIER 5C 24, PARKIN L9 24, BRANK 4H 22, BRINK 4H 22, BURKA 4H 22
PARKING L9 32 OrangeCup, sicilianc5, queen66, PIThompson
On 8th draw, ROTATIVE 6B 65 --- ROTATION the act or an instance of rotating [adj] --- ROTATIVE pertaining to a rotation [adj]
Other moves: ARIETTE 5E 28, ETAERIO 5E 28, AIGRET 15J 21, ORGEAT 15J 21, TIRAGE 15H 21
TOGATE 15J 21 OrangeCup
TIRAGE 15H 21 PIThompson
On 9th draw, TABERED E5 40 --- TABER to beat on a small drum [v]
Other moves: BELEED 5E 32, BETED 5E 31, BENDER 14J 30, DEBE 5C 29, BEDE 5C 28
BETED 5E 31 OrangeCup
BEDE 5E 27 queen66
DEB 5C 25 PIThompson
On 10th draw, HOTEN D8 40 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: EOTHEN 8A 39, HOTEN F10 34, HOOTING 15F 33, HENT F10 31, HINT F10 31
HOOTING 15F 33 OrangeCup, sicilianc5, queen66
On 11th draw, LYINGS 14I 36 --- LYING the act of telling lies [n]
Other moves: TYRES F6 31, REGS F8 30, SIGHER 8A 30, TIGERLY 5E 29, GYNIES 14J 28
GLEY 15L 24 queen66
GREY 15L 24 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, LICHEE 8A 33 --- LICHEE the edible fruit of a Chinese tree [n]
Other moves: AECIA 15F 28, CILIA 15F 28, AECIA 15E 23, CEILI 15E 23, CILIA 15E 23
AECIA 15F 28 OrangeCup
CILIA 15E 23 queen66
On 13th draw, GOMPA 15E 32 --- GOMPA a temple [n]
Other tops: SAPEGO 15D 32
Other moves: PSOAE 15F 28, GAMPS C11 27, GOMPA C11 27, MOPES C11 26, OMEGA 15E 26
MOPES C11 26 OrangeCup
MAK 12J 9 queen66
On 14th draw, VAW 14D 33 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: NAW 14D 30, RAW 14D 30, WO 14F 30, AW 14E 29, ROWAN 14B 27
VAW 14D 33 OrangeCup
WORE I3 17 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, CAJOLE I1 29 --- CAJOLE to persuade by flattery [v]
Other moves: BANJO 4H 28, CAJON 3J 28, JOCO C3 26, QAT D4 26, JANE I3 25
QAT D4 26 OrangeCup
JO C5 9 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, QUINIC 1D 81 --- QUINIC pertaining to quinine [adj]
Other moves: DIQUAT D1 38, BAN(E)D 7E 35, AQUA 2I 33, QADI G3 33, QINDAR B1 32
QUINIC 1D 81 OrangeCup, Mycophot
DIQUAT D1 38 jsmooth
NU 2M 2 sicilianc5
On 17th draw, ALUNITES A7 59 --- ALUNITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: LANTS 8H 33, LINTS 8H 33, LUNTS 8H 33, BAN(E)S 7E 31, BAT(E)S 7E 31
UNITS 2B 31 OrangeCup
NEIST 2B 31 Mycophot
On 18th draw, NAZIR 2A 41 --- NAZIR an Indian court official [n]
Other moves: F(E)D 7G 40, FIZ B13 39, FIZ C11 39, ZIN C11 39, F(E)RIA 7G 38
FIZ B13 39 OrangeCup
AZAN 2I 33 Mycophot
FA 2F 28 jsmooth
On 19th draw, UNFIX A1 48 --- UNFIX to unfasten [v]
Other moves: F(E)D 7G 40, F(E)RIA 7G 38, ZAX C2 38, RAX J2 37, F(E)R 7G 36
ZAX C2 38 OrangeCup, Mycophot
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