Game on February 6, 2016 at 21:45, 6 players
1. 704 pts musdrive
2. 700 pts PIThompson
3. 356 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


H1 48 96 


1A 83 179 


5E 40 219 


6A 30 249 


2B 41 290 


4D 43 333 


A3 21 354 


C5 65 419 


13C 46 465 


12A 34 499 


A10 48 547 


11E 48 595 


10F 36 631 


J5 42 673 


14G 64 737 


15L 53 790 


4K 33 823 


3M 51 874 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 9 15:49 -170 704 1.7539 musdrive 9 15:49 -170 704
PIThompson 8 14:52 -174 700 2.7633 PIThompson 8 14:52 -174 700
Blouberg 0 21:00 -518 356 3.7301 queen66 0 3:00 -802 72
queen66 0 3:00 -802 72 4.7831 OrangeCup 1 1:18 -826 48
OrangeCup 1 1:18 -826 48 Group: intermediate
dannyboy 0 1:22 -828 46 1.6950 dannyboy 0 1:22 -828 46
Group: novice
1.5539 Blouberg 0 21:00 -518 356
On 1st draw, ZONAL H4 48 --- ZONAL pertaining to a zone [adj]
Other tops: ZORIL H4 48
Other moves: AZLON H4 30, AZLON H8 30, NAZIR H4 30, NAZIR H8 30, ZONAL H8 30
ZONAL H4 48 musdrive, OrangeCup
ZORIL H4 48 PIThompson
On 2nd draw, (T)RIZONAL H1 48 --- TRIZONAL having three zones [adj]
Other moves: W(A)W 3G 30, ZIN(E)B 4H 30, B(A)WN 3G 29, B(A)WR 3G 29, BR(A)WN 3F 28
ZIN(E)B 4H 30 PIThompson
W(A)W I5 27 musdrive
BRAW(L) 7F 14 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, AERODUC(T) 1A 83 --- AERODUCT a type of jet engine [n]
Other moves: EDUCA(T)OR 1C 62, OU(T)RACED 1F 61, DOUAR I3 32, OARED I3 32, ZERDA 4H 30
ZERDA 4H 30 musdrive, PIThompson
On 4th draw, MOTORED 5E 40 --- MOTOR to travel by automobile [v]
Other moves: DOME I3 31, DEMO 2B 29, DOM 2D 28, DOM I3 28, DOMETT G5 27
DOME I3 31 PIThompson, musdrive
On 5th draw, ATRIUM 6A 30 --- ATRIUM the main room of an ancient Roman house [n]
Other moves: ARUM I4 29, ORARIUM I4 29, RAMIN 6D 29, ROMAN 6D 29, TAMIN 6D 29
ROM 2D 26 musdrive
TRAM 6C 26 PIThompson
MORT 4J 19 Blouberg
On 6th draw, HERON 2B 41 --- HERON a wading bird [n]
Other moves: HEARE A4 36, HEREON 6J 35, ZOEAE 4H 35, ZONAE 4H 35, ZONER 4H 35
HEARE A4 36 musdrive, PIThompson
HER 4D 22 Blouberg
On 7th draw, WA(R)EZ 4D 43 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: FAW(S) 3C 42, F(L)AWN A4 42, FAW 3C 40, FEW 3C 40, FAWNE(D) 4A 39
WA(R)EZ 4D 43 musdrive
FEW 3C 40 PIThompson, Blouberg, queen66
On 8th draw, LAUANS A3 21 --- LAUAN a Philippine timber [n]
Other moves: ALANS A4 18, ASANA A4 18, LAUANS A5 18, LUAUS A4 18, RANULAS 2H 18
NALAS A5 15 PIThompson
ALANS A6 15 musdrive
RES C1 6 Blouberg
On 9th draw, PROFITER C5 65 --- PROFITER one that profits [n]
Other moves: PIEDFORT K2 64, FIREPOT 3G 44, PIEFORT 3G 40, FORPET 6J 37, FORPIT 6J 37
FIREPOT 3G 44 musdrive
FORPET 6J 37 PIThompson
FOP 6J 32 queen66
FLOP 8G 9 Blouberg
On 10th draw, SIEVE 13C 46 --- SIEVE to pass through a sieve (a utensil for separating the coarse parts from the fine parts of loose matter) [v]
Other tops: SEVEN 13C 46
Other moves: VISNE 13A 44, VISE 13A 42, SEINE 13C 40, VIS 13A 40, ENSUE 13A 38
SEVEN 13C 46 PIThompson
SIEVE 13C 46 musdrive
On 11th draw, CARBO 12A 34 --- CARBO a carbohydrate [n]
Other tops: ODIC H12 34
Other moves: CAROB 12A 32, BARDO 12A 30, CARB 12A 30, CARGO 12A 30, DORBA 12A 30
CARBO 12A 34 musdrive
ODIC H12 34 PIThompson
DAB H13 28 Blouberg
On 12th draw, DICKEY A10 48 --- DICKEY a blouse front [n]
Other tops: LYSED H11 48
Other moves: ESKY H12 45, SICKLY A10 45, KIDEL H11 43, LICKED A10 39, SICKED A10 39
LYSED H11 48 musdrive
SKY H13 39 PIThompson
DYE H13 31 Blouberg
On 13th draw, JOBES 11E 48 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JOBE 11E 46, JOBS 11E 46, JIVES 3G 45, JIVE 3G 44, JOB 11E 44
JOBES 11E 48 musdrive, PIThompson
JIVES 3G 45 Blouberg
On 14th draw, WANE 10F 36 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other tops: WATE 10F 36
Other moves: WAE 10F 33, WAN 10F 33, WAT 10F 33, QI B9 30, TAWIE 10F 27
WANE 10F 36 musdrive, PIThompson
WEAN 4J 22 Blouberg
On 15th draw, EDGILY J5 42 --- EDGILY in an edgy manner [adv]
Other moves: IDLY J7 35, TIDY J7 35, INLY J7 34, LINY J7 34, TIDYING 3G 34
EDGILY J5 42 PIThompson
TIDYING 3G 34 musdrive
YIN 4J 20 Blouberg
On 16th draw, LONGEST 14G 64 --- LONG extending for a considerable distance [adj]
Other moves: NELSON H10 30, INGEST 8J 27, INGLES 8J 27, INGOES 8J 27, INGOTS 8J 27
INGLES 8J 27 musdrive, PIThompson
DONGLE 6J 13 Blouberg
On 17th draw, HIVE 15L 53 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: HEPT 15L 50, HIPT 15L 50, THEIN 15G 49, THEIN 15K 49, THINE 15K 49
HIVE 15L 53 PIThompson, musdrive
HE 15H 32 Blouberg
On 18th draw, AXING 4K 33 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: TAXING 12I 31, NGATI 15D 30, RAXING 2H 30, OX H14 27, RAX 2H 26
TAXING 12I 31 PIThompson
OX H14 27 musdrive
GANG 7G 9 Blouberg
On 19th draw, QUA 3M 51 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QI 3M 46, QUAG O1 42, FAP 3K 40, TAPU 3K 35, QUASH L11 34
QUA 3M 51 PIThompson, musdrive
QI 3M 46 Blouberg, dannyboy
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