Game on February 8, 2016 at 20:19, 8 players
1. 802 pts OrangeCup
2. 631 pts Inkey
3. 621 pts musdrive
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 78 78 


1D 104 182 


5E 28 210 


L2 84 294 


8K 48 342 


E4 70 412 


K5 25 437 


2B 32 469 


J10 63 532 


A1 34 566 


J3 29 595 


8A 30 625 


A6 63 688 


N8 48 736 


B8 33 769 


O13 37 806 


L10 39 845 


G3 31 876 


C7 25 901 


13A 34 935 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 8 13:02 -133 802 1.7878 OrangeCup 8 13:02 -133 802
Inkey 5 15:01 -304 631 2.7629 Inkey 5 15:01 -304 631
musdrive 4 14:44 -314 621 3.7549 musdrive 4 14:44 -314 621
Kalikokat 5 11:38 -369 566 4.7806 jsmooth 0 0:13 -898 37
scrab21 1 6:40 -720 215 5.7600 PIThompson 0 1:04 -907 28
jsmooth 0 0:13 -898 37 6.7425 queen66 0 1:35 -907 28
PIThompson 0 1:04 -907 28 Group: intermediate
queen66 0 1:35 -907 28 1.6374 Kalikokat 5 11:38 -369 566
2.6681 scrab21 1 6:40 -720 215
On 1st draw, OOFIEST H2 78 --- OOFY expensive, ostentatious [adj]
Other tops: FOOTIES H4 78, FOOTSIE H4 78
Other moves: FOOTIES H2 72, FOOTIES H3 72, FOOTIES H6 72, FOOTIES H7 72, FOOTIES H8 72
OOFIEST H2 78 OrangeCup
OOFIEST H2 28 musdrive
FOOTIES H4 28 PIThompson
FOOTSIE H4 28 queen66
On 2nd draw, DIAT(R)(O)N 1D 104 --- DIATRON a circuitry design that uses diodes [n]
Other tops: DIN(G)(B)AT 1D 104, TA(B)(A)NID 1F 104, T(A)(B)ANID 1F 104
Other moves: ANTI(R)(E)D 1D 101, ANT(B)I(R)D 1C 101, DANTI(N)(G) 1B 101, DATIN(G)(S) 1C 101, D(E)(P)AINT 1F 101
D(O)ATIN(G) 1B 101 OrangeCup
(P)AINT(E)D 1H 51 Inkey
D(E)(F)IANT 5E 24 musdrive
DAN(S) I3 19 Kalikokat
On 3rd draw, ONLINER 5E 28 --- ONLINER a user of the internet [n]
Other moves: CLONE 2B 27, CRONE 2B 27, CORONEL 3G 26, NONCORE 3G 22, ONCER 2J 22
CLONE 2B 27 Inkey
CRONE 2B 27 musdrive
ONCER 2J 22 OrangeCup
CREEL 6F 15 Kalikokat
On 4th draw, BRASHER L2 84 --- BRASH rash; hasty [adj]
Other moves: HERBARS I7 79, BRASH 2B 54, HERBAR 6J 36, HERBS L1 36, BASH 2C 35
BRASHER L2 84 OrangeCup
BRASH 2B 54 musdrive, Inkey
HERBS L1 36 Kalikokat
On 5th draw, CRAZE 8K 48 --- CRAZE to make insane [v]
Other tops: ZEL G3 48
Other moves: MEZCAL K7 44, MAZE 4C 43, MEZCAL M7 41, CAZ 4C 39, LAZE 4C 39
CRAZE 8K 48 OrangeCup, Inkey, musdrive
ZEL G3 48 Kalikokat
On 6th draw, RODEOING E4 70 --- RODEO to participate in a rodeo (an exhibition of cowboy skills) [v]
Other moves: IGNORED G8 64, IGNORED I8 64, NEGROIDS 7A 64, ERODING G8 63, ERODING I8 63
GRIND 2B 34 musdrive, Inkey
GOD 9M 26 Kalikokat
CORDING K8 22 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, REACTOR K5 25 --- REACTOR one that reacts [n]
Other tops: ORNATE 2A 25, TORANA 2A 25
Other moves: ONBEAT 2J 24, ARENA 2B 23, ATONE 2B 23, ORANT 2B 23, ORATE 2B 23
ORATE 2B 23 Inkey
TRONE 2B 23 musdrive
TON 9M 20 OrangeCup
ZONER N8 16 Kalikokat
On 8th draw, ELAND 2B 32 --- ELAND a large antelope [n]
Other moves: NALEDS 2A 28, LADENS 2A 27, LEADS 2B 26, SANED 12K 26, SLADE 2B 26
ELAND 2B 32 OrangeCup
SNEAD 12K 26 musdrive
SANED 12K 26 Inkey
LAZED N6 21 Kalikokat
On 9th draw, JAWED J10 63 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JAW J10 56, J*WJEW J10 56, JADE J10 55, JEDI J10 55, JEAT J10 54
JAWED J10 63 OrangeCup, Inkey, Kalikokat
J*W J10JEW J10 56 scrab21
JAW J10 56 musdrive
On 10th draw, TROP A1 34 --- TROP too much [adv]
Other moves: PROUL A1 31, PRUNT A1 31, LEPT J4 29, PLUTON 8A 27, PROTON 8A 27
LEPT J4 29 OrangeCup
PROTON 8A 27 musdrive
REP J4 25 Kalikokat
TOP I11 23 Inkey
On 11th draw, VEEP J3 29 --- VEEP a vice president [n]
Other moves: GOLPE G3 28, GEEP J3 27, LEVO L10 27, LOPE I11 27, OVOLO 8A 27
LOPE I11 27 Inkey
GEEP J3 27 Kalikokat
LEEP J3 26 OrangeCup
LEP J4 25 musdrive
GEL L10 22 scrab21
On 12th draw, IMAGO 8A 30 --- IMAGO an adult insect [n]
Other tops: AMIGO 8A 30
Other moves: GAMA I11 29, GAME I11 29, GAM 9M 28, MAA 9M 28, MAE 9M 28
GAME I11 29 OrangeCup
MAE 9M 28 Inkey
GAM 9M 28 Kalikokat
AVIZE N5 25 musdrive
On 13th draw, CLIMATES A6 63 --- CLIMATE the weather conditions characteristic of an area [n] --- CLIMATE to remain in a certain place [v]
Other moves: CAMLETS C7 34, ECLATS L10 33, EMACS L10 33, CAMEL I11 32, CAMES I11 32
CAMEL I11 32 Inkey
CALMEST C7 30 musdrive, OrangeCup
MAT 9M 28 Kalikokat
MAZES N6 24 scrab21
On 14th draw, ZANYISH N8 48 --- ZANYISH somewhat zany [adj]
Other moves: SNY F8 38, YAH 9M 38, YAH B10 37, MIHA B8 36, SHAM B5 34
YAH 9M 38 Inkey, Kalikokat, musdrive
YAH B10 37 jsmooth, OrangeCup
YAH I11 33 scrab21
On 15th draw, MOW B8 33 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other moves: BOW I11 31, BELOWS 13I 28, WO B10 28, LOBI I11 27, LOW I11 27
MOW B8 33 OrangeCup, Kalikokat, musdrive, Inkey, scrab21
On 16th draw, TIX O13 37 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: TEX O13 37
Other moves: TEX L10 33, EX O14 32, VERTEX 3J 32, EX M3 31, XI M12 31
TEX O13 37 Kalikokat, musdrive, Inkey
TIX O13 37 OrangeCup
EX O14 32 scrab21
On 17th draw, GYVE L10 39 --- GYVE to shackle [v]
Other moves: KEG M12 35, YIKE F10 35, YOKE F10 35, YOK F10 34, VOYAGE C5 33
YOKE F10 35 OrangeCup, Kalikokat, musdrive
KEG M12 35 Inkey
On 18th draw, KILO G3 31 --- KILO a short form of kilogram [n]
Other moves: BAULK C7 27, KAB C7 27, KAIE C7 26, KAIL C7 26, KALE C7 26
KAB C7 27 OrangeCup, Inkey
KALE C7 26 musdrive
BALE C7 22 Kalikokat
On 19th draw, FAB C7 25 --- FAB excellent (FABBER, FABBEST) [adj] --- FAB something created or constructed [n]
Other moves: FAIL C7 24, FIB I13 24, FIB B12 23, FLAB C6 23, FUEL 7C 23
FAB C7 25 OrangeCup, musdrive, Kalikokat, Inkey
On 20th draw, SILIQUE 13A 34 --- SILIQUE a type of seed vessel [n]
Other moves: QUEUE O4 24, SUQ 13A 24, LIQUID 14E 18, VIRILE 3J 18, EQUID 14F 17
SUQ 13A 24 Kalikokat, OrangeCup
QUEUE 13H 15 scrab21
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