Game on February 14, 2016 at 22:39, 2 players
1. 250 pts dannyboy
2. 191 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 72 72 


14H 78 150 


L7 86 236 


10A 64 300 


O12 63 363 


13A 70 433 


M6 40 473 


F3 66 539 


14B 39 578 


K1 79 657 


3B 76 733 


12C 31 764 


1K 30 794 


H1 39 833 


4A 36 869 


A6 42 911 


L3 31 942 


M1 33 975 


B2 41 1016 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
dannyboy 2 7:56 -766 250 1.7053 dannyboy 2 7:56 -766 250
verelst 0 10:55 -825 191 Group: not rated
1.4640 verelst 0 10:55 -825 191
On 1st draw, UNROPE(S) H8 72 --- UNROPE to loose from a rope [v]
Other tops: POUN(C)ER H4 72, POUN(D)ER H4 72, PRONEU(R) H4 72, P(L)EURON H4 72, P(R)ONEUR H4 72, UNROPE(D) H8 72, UP(B)ORNE H3 72
Other moves: POUN(C)ER H2 68, POUN(C)ER H3 68, POUN(C)ER H6 68, POUN(C)ER H7 68, POUN(D)ER H2 68
On 2nd draw, (S)IDESLIP 14H 78 --- SIDESLIP to slip to one side [v]
Other moves: PLOIDIES 11F 72, SIDE(S)LIP 14D 66, LIPIDES I2 64, DIPOLES 11E 40, LIPOIDS 11E 40
On 3rd draw, ASHCAKES L7 86 --- ASHCAKE a cornmeal cake [n]
Other moves: KAPH O12 54, CHAPE O11 48, CHAPS O11 48, KAPA O12 45, KEPS O12 45
On 4th draw, NONVOT(E)R 10A 64 --- NONVOTER one that does not vote [n]
Other moves: NON(S)TOP O8 27, ONO 15M 25, VOST(R)O 8J 24, NOOP(S) O11 21, O(N)O 15M 21
On 5th draw, JAPS O12 63 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: JUMPS O11 51, JAUPS O11 45, UNJAM M3 41, JANNS A8 39, VAMPS O11 39
On 6th draw, DETAINEE 13A 70 --- DETAINEE one who is detained [n]
Other moves: DETAINE(E) G3 67, DETAINED J7 62, ADENINE A7 27, DENTINE A8 27, NIDATE A10 27
On 7th draw, WHOM M6 40 --- WHOM the objective case of who [pron]
Other moves: BOWMAN A5 39, WAHOO 11E 38, ABLOW M3 37, ABOHM M3 37, OMLAH M3 37
SHAM 8L 27 verelst
On 8th draw, DEADBOLT F3 66 --- DEADBOLT a lock for a door [n]
Other moves: BANDED A8 33, BONDED A8 33, NODDED A10 33, ABED 12A 32, BODLE M11 32
BOND A8 21 verelst
On 9th draw, FAWS 14B 39 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other moves: FAW 14B 35, FEW 14B 35, FAWNS A7 33, WIFE E2 32, WIELS M11 31
FA E5 23 dannyboy
FANS A8 21 verelst
On 10th draw, ANALITY K1 79 --- ANALITY a type of psychological state [n]
Other moves: ANALITY I3 77, ANIL 12A 35, INLAY G3 35, LAITY E1 31, NYALA M11 31
LITANY A6 27 dannyboy
LAIN A7 12 verelst
On 11th draw, REINDICT 3B 76 --- INDICT to charge with a crime [v] --- REINDICT to indict again [v]
Other moves: CITRINE I3 69, CRINITE I3 69, INCITER I2 63, REINDICT 6B 63, RECTI 12B 44
ACTIN 1K 30 dannyboy
SORT 8L 12 verelst
On 12th draw, ERGO 12C 31 --- ERGO therefore [conj]
Other moves: OVERAWE D9 28, ERG 12C 27, GREATER 1H 27, RECTOR H1 27, REGRATE 1G 27
GREATER 1H 27 verelst
On 13th draw, ABOIL 1K 30 --- ABOIL boiling [adj]
Other moves: BLOTTO 8A 27, LOBI L1 27, LOVAT 1H 27, OBITAL 1G 27, TALBOT 1J 27
VAT 11K 12 verelst
On 14th draw, RACY H1 39 --- RACY bordering on impropriety or indecency [adj]
Other moves: YUCA H1 30, RYAL M11 29, YEA E5 29, EARLY M11 28, RENAY E1 28
RACY H1 39 dannyboy
YEAR 11J 14 verelst
On 15th draw, VERTUE 4A 36 --- VERTUE moral excellence [n]
Other moves: VINTED A8 33, VERT 4A 30, ERUVIN A5 27, VIRENT A6 27, VERTU 2A 26
VENT A8 21 verelst
VEIN A7 21 dannyboy
On 16th draw, QUERN A6 42 --- QUERN a hand operated stone mill for grinding corn [n]
Other moves: LUREX 4K 40, FAUX 11K 28, FLEX 4J 28, FLUX 4J 28, MUREX B1 28
MAX 11K 24 verelst
XU 2A 24 dannyboy
On 17th draw, XI L3 31 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: FIX 15I 30, FIXT 6H 30, FLEXO 4J 30, FOREX B1 30, FOX 15I 30
XI L3 31 dannyboy
On 18th draw, OGEE M1 33 --- OGEE an S shaped moulding [n]
Other moves: EE M3 27, ET M3 27, GOEL M11 23, AXE 3K 20, QUOTED 6A 18
ET M3 27 dannyboy
On 19th draw, FREMIT B2 41 --- FREMIT a stranger [n]
Other moves: OFT 15A 31, ZOMBI 7C 29, ZO 2A 28, OFT 2B 27, ZIMB 7C 27
ZO 2A 28 dannyboy
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