Game on February 16, 2016 at 01:12, 6 players
1. 274 pts jsmooth
2. 213 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 181 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 44 44 


G2 30 74 


G7 80 154 


7B 67 221 


11E 86 307 


13A 68 375 


A9 42 417 


10F 62 479 


2B 36 515 


8J 35 550 


O1 92 642 


H11 30 672 


F5 32 704 


5F 38 742 


D12 36 778 


N1 39 817 


M2 25 842 


N8 26 868 


O12 31 899 


M12 31 930 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
jsmooth 3 11:11 -656 274 1.7816 jsmooth 3 11:11 -656 274
GLOBEMAN 3 6:03 -717 213 2.7026 roocatcher 2 9:40 -749 181
roocatcher 2 9:40 -749 181 3.7174 sunshine12 2 8:29 -793 137
sunshine12 2 8:29 -793 137 4.7243 WEASEL 0 1:45 -896 34
WEASEL 0 1:45 -896 34 5.7206 enzotiger 0 1:30 -918 12
enzotiger 0 1:30 -918 12 Group: intermediate
1.6640 GLOBEMAN 3 6:03 -717 213
On 1st draw, PYXIES H3 44 --- PYXIE an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: PYXIES H4 42, PYXES H4 40, PYXIE H4 40, PYXIS H4 40, PYXIES H7 38
SEXY H5 28 jsmooth
On 2nd draw, SOFA G2 30 --- SOFA a long, upholstered seat [n]
Other tops: FAST G4 30, OAF G5 30
Other moves: FAS G4 25, FAT G4 25, F*TS*FATSO G7 24, OAST G4 24, FAST G7 23
FAST G4 30 jsmooth
On 3rd draw, H(A)DITHS G7 80 --- HADITH a record of the sayings of Mohammed [n]
Other moves: H(A)DITHS I8 72, (W)HISHTED 7B 71, SH*TH*aDSHITHE(A)D 7C 69, H(A)DITHS 2A 42, THI(G)HS 2B 38
HID G7 24 jsmooth
On 4th draw, FELLAHEEN 7B 67 --- FELLAH a peasant of labourer in Arab countries [n]
Other moves: FLAXEN 5E 32, FLAX 5E 28, HALFEN 12G 26, FELLAH 12B 24, FELLAS 2B 22
FELLATE 11B 20 jsmooth
On 5th draw, TITRATED 11E 86 --- TITRATE to determine the strength of a solution by adding a reagent until a desired reaction occurs [v]
Other tops: ATTRITED 11E 86
Other moves: DIOPTRATE 3E 76, STRAITED 13G 70, STRIATED 13G 70, ATTRITED 11B 68, ATTRITED 11F 68
TATTIER 11E 28 jsmooth
On 6th draw, I(D)IOTISM 13A 68 --- IDIOTISM the state of being an idiot [n]
Other moves: MOI(S)TIFY 4A 36, ATOMI(C) F7 32, AXIOM 5G 28, AXIOM(S) 5G 28, MO(R)TIFY 4B 28
On 7th draw, PERMIAN A9 42 --- PERMIAN of or pertaining to a certain geologic time period [adj]
Other moves: AMPERE 8J 41, EMPARE 8J 41, PIEMAN 10F 40, PIEMEN 10F 40, EMPIRE A10 39
On 8th draw, QI 10F 62 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI F10 62
Other moves: HERETO 12G 38, HETERO 12G 38, TREMOR H10 35, QAT F6 34, RAMEE H11 30
On 9th draw, ENDOWS 2B 36 --- ENDOW to provide with something [v]
Other tops: UNWAXED 5D 36
Other moves: UNAWED 8J 35, UNOWED 8J 35, WANED 12I 33, DEWAX 5D 32, WADE 12I 32
On 10th draw, ARBOUR 8J 35 --- ARBOUR a shady garden shelter [n]
Other moves: ROMAN H11 30, BARON 12I 28, BORAX 5D 28, BONA 12I 26, BORA 12I 26
On 11th draw, ABSOLVER O1 92 --- ABSOLVER one that absolves [n]
Other moves: ABSOLVE 14H 82, MOBLE 12A 30, ROMAL H11 30, ROMAS H11 30, BALES 12I 28
On 12th draw, ROMEO H11 30 --- ROMEO a male lover [n]
Other moves: NOULE N1 26, NOVEL 12K 26, AXONE 5G 24, LEVO 12K 22, LOON N1 22
On 13th draw, WEAK F5 32 --- WEAK lacking strength [adj]
Other tops: WONK D12 32, WORK D12 32, WRAXLE 5E 32
Other moves: DRUNK L11 30, REWAX 5D 30, WELK 10K 29, EWK 12L 26, LEAK F5 26
On 14th draw, WAXEYE 5F 38 --- WAXEYE a small New Zealand bird with a white circle round its eye [n]
Other tops: LEA(D)Y B10 38, WAXILY 5F 38
Other moves: MOLY 12A 31, EELY 12L 28, OILY 12L 28, AYE 12C 27, AYE 3B 27
EYE 1A 25 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 15th draw, ZOIC D12 36 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other moves: ZINCS 3K 32, ZIN 10I 31, ZIT 10I 31, COZ D12 28, DITZ D2 28
ZINCS 3K 32 jsmooth
DITZ L11 28 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 16th draw, JAI N1 39 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA N1 35, JAI 1A 34, JETLAG D4 30, JA 1A 29, EEJIT 14H 28
JAI N1 39 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
JA N1 35 jsmooth
On 17th draw, NGATI M2 25 --- NGATI (Maori) a tribe or clan [n]
Other moves: EATING 10I 24, GAITT M2 24, GITANO M3 24, TAEING 10I 24, TEAING 10I 24
GANT M2 22 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
GANE M2 22 sunshine12
On 18th draw, UNGLUED N8 26 --- UNGLUE to disjoin [v]
Other tops: GLUED 3A 26, UNGULED N8 26
Other moves: BLUDGED L8 24, DEV 12K 23, FLED B7 23, BUNDLED L8 22, BLUDGE L8 20
UNGULED N8 26 jsmooth
GNU 1A 16 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
ED 1A 12 enzotiger
On 19th draw, GNAR O12 31 --- GNAR to snarl [v]
Other tops: GNAT O12 31, GRAN O12 31, GRAT O12 31, GROAN 1A 31, GROAT 1A 31, GROT O12 31
Other moves: TAUON 1A 28, TROG O12 26, GROAN 3A 23, TRON O12 23, URAO 1A 23
GRAT O12 31 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
GROAT 1A 31 jsmooth
GRAN O12 31 sunshine12
On 20th draw, VROT M12 31 --- VROT rotten (South African slang) [adj]
Other tops: VROU M12 31
Other moves: DUROC L11 22, COVEN 13K 20, ROC M13 20, TOC M13 20, CRU 1A 19
ROC M13 20 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
TOC M13 20 jsmooth
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