Game on February 16, 2016 at 16:16, 5 players
1. 599 pts OrangeCup
2. 94 pts sicilianc5
3. 72 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 76 76 


11E 40 116 


14H 88 204 


15L 45 249 


G2 63 312 


4G 22 334 


M1 74 408 


12B 29 437 


C5 62 499 


B2 42 541 


A6 44 585 


F1 53 638 


13A 45 683 


13L 45 728 


D1 57 785 


1H 36 821 


A13 27 848 


8M 27 875 


A1 34 909 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 5 13:49 -310 599 1.8005 OrangeCup 5 13:49 -310 599
sicilianc5 1 3:15 -815 94 Group: advanced
Blouberg 0 6:28 -837 72 1.7464 sicilianc5 1 3:15 -815 94
PIThompson 0 2:34 -862 47 2.7510 PIThompson 0 2:34 -862 47
queen66 0 0:49 -877 32 3.7455 queen66 0 0:49 -877 32
Group: novice
1.5534 Blouberg 0 6:28 -837 72
On 1st draw, INDUCES H8 76 --- INDUCE to influence into doing something [v]
Other tops: CUNDIES H4 76, INCUDES H2 76, INCUSED H2 76
Other moves: INCUDES H8 74, INCUSED H6 74, INDUCES H2 74, CUNDIES H2 72, CUNDIES H3 72
CUNDIES H4 26 PIThompson
DICES H4 20 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, FIAUNTS 11E 40 --- FIAUNT a judge's warrant [n]
Other moves: NATIVES 13C 30, FAUVIST 11F 26, NATIVE 13C 26, SATIVE 13C 26, FAVUS 11E 22
FAN G13 21 PIThompson
IF I7 11 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, S(C)HLAGER 14H 88 --- SCHLAGER a sword [n]
Other moves: AL(B)ERGHI 8A 86, RAG(W)HEEL 13C 82, (S)HEARLEG 13F 82, (S)HEARLEG 13B 78, HAG(G)LERS 14A 76
HADE(S) 10F 34 OrangeCup
REH 10D 32 queen66, sicilianc5
HARE 12K 19 Blouberg
On 4th draw, BORE 15L 45 --- BORE to pierce with a rotary tool [v]
Other tops: BONE 15L 45, MORE 15L 45
Other moves: BROOMED 10B 41, NOME 15L 37, BROOM 10B 36, OMBRE O11 36, BOOMED 10C 34
MORE 15L 45 OrangeCup
BONE 15L 45 sicilianc5
ME 15N 22 Blouberg
On 5th draw, UNMORAL G2 63 --- UNMORAL lacking a sense of right and wrong [adj]
Other moves: NOMAD 10D 31, MURLAN 12A 29, NOM 10D 26, ROM 10D 26, OM 10E 25
NOMAD 10D 31 OrangeCup
LA 13L 17 sicilianc5
On 6th draw, MODIOLI 4G 22 --- MODIOLUS a bony shaft of the inner ear [n]
Other moves: ALOD 10C 21, DADO 10F 21, DOLIA 10B 21, DOLIA 12A 21, LAID 10C 21
DADO 10F 21 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, MEDIATES M1 74 --- MEDIATE to act between disputing parties in order to bring about a settlement [v]
Other moves: MASTERED 6B 69, STREAMED 6E 69, MEDIATES J1 65, METALISED 8C 63, AEDES 13J 36
STREAMED 6E 69 OrangeCup
On 8th draw, ALGETIC 12B 29 --- ALGETIC capable of feeling pain [n]
Other moves: GIMEL 1K 27, AGE 13K 24, EGAD 10E 24, IGAD 10E 24, LIMIT 1K 24
TIG 10D 20 OrangeCup
On 9th draw, PASTORAL C5 62 --- PASTORAL a literary or artistic work that depicts country life [n]
Other moves: PARAMOS 1I 36, TAPA 13L 33, TRAMPS 1J 33, TROMPS 1J 33, ATAP 13K 32
TRAMPS 1J 33 OrangeCup
On 10th draw, REDUB B2 42 --- DUB to confer knighthood no [v] --- REDUB to dub again [v]
Other moves: BE 13B 34, BEMUD 1K 33, BRUTED D1 31, BUNTED D1 31, BURNED D1 31
BUSED 8K 27 OrangeCup
On 11th draw, AQ(U)AE A6 44 --- AQUA water [n]
Other moves: AQ(U)A A6 41, GEO(S) 13B 41, QUA(G)GA 2F 39, QUA(N)GO 2F 39, AEO(N) 13B 38
Q(U)A A1 36 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, EXO F1 53 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX F1 50, OX F1 50, YEX C1 46, EXO N1 45, YMPE 1L 45
EXO F1 53 OrangeCup
On 13th draw, HYE 13A 45 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: THIO 13A 44, HOMEY 1K 42, OYE 13A 39, THE 13A 39, TYE 13A 39
HOMEY 1K 42 OrangeCup
On 14th draw, KEPI 13L 45 --- KEPI a type of cap [n]
Other moves: KEPI A1 43, KEP 13L 40, CEP 13L 34, KEP A1 33, WICK E3 32
WICK E3 32 OrangeCup
On 15th draw, ZINCO D1 57 --- ZINCO a zincographic block [n]
Other moves: ZAYIN B11 45, COZEN 2J 44, MIZ 1M 42, MOZ 1M 42, COZING E3 41
MOZ 1M 42 OrangeCup
On 16th draw, INFORM 1H 36 --- INFORM to supply with information [v]
Other moves: FINER 2J 32, FIAR 5K 26, FIAT 5K 26, GOFER 2J 26, GONEF 2J 26
FIAT 5K 26 OrangeCup
On 17th draw, HEW A13 27 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other tops: UNSEW 8K 27, VISNE 8K 27
Other moves: NEVI E5 26, NEWT E5 26, NEW A1 25, TEW A1 25, NEW E5 24
HEW A13 27 OrangeCup
On 18th draw, SWY 8M 27 --- SWY a game of two up [n]
Other tops: VINY I6 27, WINY I6 27, WITTY 6J 27, WITTY F10 27
Other moves: TYIN I8 26, VOWING K3 26, YOWING K3 26, NOVITY K3 24, TINY I6 24
SWY 8M 27 OrangeCup
On 19th draw, JUT A1 34 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other tops: JUN A1 34
Other moves: JUN F5 27, JUT F5 27, JOINT K3 24, JONG K3 24, JOTUN K3 24
JUN A1 34 OrangeCup
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