Game on February 20, 2016 at 12:33, 2 players
1. 164 pts Inkey
2. 139 pts Blouberg
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 76 76 


3G 38 114 


7A 70 184 


A4 42 226 


N1 85 311 


L1 48 359 


6D 58 417 


8L 48 465 


8D 36 501 


J3 68 569 


B5 35 604 


D6 40 644 


I9 28 672 


M8 78 750 


14D 76 826 


15L 69 895 


15A 26 921 


C9 27 948 


H12 20 968 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Inkey 1 6:20 -804 164 1.7702 Inkey 1 6:20 -804 164
Blouberg 0 4:47 -829 139 Group: novice
1.5525 Blouberg 0 4:47 -829 139
On 1st draw, BECRU(S)T H2 76 --- BECRUST to cover with a crust [v]
Other tops: BECRU(S)T H4 76, BECUR(S)T H2 76, BECUR(S)T H4 76, BRUC(I)TE H4 76, BUTC(H)ER H4 76
Other moves: BECRU(S)T H3 72, BECRU(S)T H6 72, BECRU(S)T H8 72, BECUR(S)T H3 72, BECUR(S)T H6 72
CUBER(S) H4 24 Blouberg
On 2nd draw, FEEDBAG 3G 38 --- FEEDBAG a nosebag for feeding horses [n]
Other moves: BARFED 5F 24, DEF I1 24, NEF I1 23, DEFRAG 5E 22, EF I2 22
DEFANG 3G 17 Blouberg
On 3rd draw, PEROXID(S) 7A 70 --- PEROXID a bleaching agent [n]
Other moves: OXIDE 4K 53, OXID 4K 49, EXO 4K 45, EX 4K 40, OX 4K 40
EX 4K 40 Blouberg
On 4th draw, WOOPS A4 42 --- WOOPS to vomit [v]
Other tops: GAWPUS A4 42
Other moves: GAWPS A4 39, WAG 6B 33, W*GWOG 6B 33, WAG 6D 32, W*GWOG 6D 32
SPAW A6 27 Blouberg
On 5th draw, RESIDUA N1 85 --- RESIDUUM residue [n]
Other moves: RESIDUA 9F 71, RESAID N1 37, UREIDE B2 36, DISEUR N1 33, DURRIES 5E 32
On 6th draw, Q(U)ASAR L1 48 --- QUASAR a distant celestial object emitting strong radio waves [n]
Other tops: Q(U)ARTS L1 48
Other moves: TRA(N)QS O7 47, Q(U)ART L1 46, Q(U)ATS L1 46, TRA(N)QS O6 46, Q(U)AT L1 44
QI F6 31 Blouberg
On 7th draw, JAK 6D 58 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other moves: JACK K5 54, KELP 8L 54, JAKE K5 50, PAJOCKE D4 50, CALK 8L 48
On 8th draw, HELM 8L 48 --- HELM to steer a ship [v]
Other tops: HELP 8L 48, RUMPLE 8J 48
Other moves: HUMPER O7 47, HULE 8L 42, REPLUM O7 41, HEMP O6 40, HEMP O7 38
On 9th draw, LEP 8D 36 --- LEP to leap [v]
Other moves: POLONIE B1 33, LOIPE B3 30, POLEAX E2 30, LOONIE B2 27, OLEINE B2 27
On 10th draw, DEMEANED J3 68 --- DEMEAN to conduct oneself in a particular manner [v]
Other moves: AMENDE B2 40, DEMEANE M7 35, BEMAD K3 32, MED 9C 32, MEED 9B 31
On 11th draw, HYE B5 35 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other tops: YEH B6 35
Other moves: HAIRY I9 31, YIRTH I9 31, ARY K5 30, HAIRY K9 30, HEIR B6 30
On 12th draw, JOLLIFY D6 40 --- JOLLIFY to make jolly [v]
Other moves: OVEL 9B 33, FOLEY I9 31, LEV 9E 31, LEY 9E 31, FOLEY K9 30
On 13th draw, WIVER I9 28 --- WIVER in heraldry, a dragon with wings, the tail of a snake and two legs [n]
Other moves: OWER I8 26, WIVE I9 26, WOVE I9 26, OWE I8 25, FROWIE 11D 24
On 14th draw, ENACTIVE M8 78 --- ENACTIVE having the power to enact [adj]
Other moves: VENATIC 14G 76, NATIVE 14I 34, NAEVI E10 33, VENATIC 12H 32, EVINCE M8 30
NAVE H12 29 Inkey
On 15th draw, SOOLING 14D 76 --- SOOL to incite to attack [v] --- SOOLE to pull by the ears [v]
Other tops: LOGIONS 14D 76, LOOSING 14D 76, SOLOING 14D 76
Other moves: LOGIONS 14C 72, OLINGOS 14C 72, GILLS 9B 28, GOOLIES 15H 27, GOONIES 15H 27
LONGIES 15H 27 Inkey
On 16th draw, ZEIN 15L 69 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: ZETA 15L 69
Other moves: NAZI 15A 45, ZATI 15A 45, NAZI 10L 33, AZO 10M 32, FUTZ 11D 32
ZATI 15A 45 Inkey
On 17th draw, GATOR 15A 26 --- GATOR an alligator [n]
Other tops: GRATE 15A 26
Other moves: ROOT 15E 24, AERO E11 23, BRA K3 23, BRO K3 23, GEAR C10 23
GATOR 15A 26 Inkey
On 18th draw, ATONE C9 27 --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [v]
Other moves: BAN K3 23, NAE E10 23, TAE E10 23, TAO E10 23, TAU E10 23
TEA E10 23 Inkey
On 19th draw, TOIT H12 20 --- TOIT to saunter [v]
Other moves: IN 15G 14, INCUT 11K 14, INTO C2 14, IO 15G 14, IT 15G 14
ON 15G 14 Inkey
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