Game on February 22, 2016 at 05:09, 1 player
1. 573 pts jsmooth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


4E 78 108 


E4 94 202 


G9 42 244 


J1 63 307 


1H 33 340 


12A 52 392 


2B 72 464 


C6 80 544 


A10 45 589 


1A 60 649 


12G 22 671 


A7 54 725 


8J 30 755 


M7 84 839 


N10 53 892 


O11 42 934 


O2 81 1015 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
jsmooth 5 16:31 -442 573 1.7890 jsmooth 5 16:31 -442 573
On 1st draw, COWPE(A) H4 30 --- COWPEA a black-eyed pea [n]
Other tops: COWPE(D) H4 30, COWP(I)E H4 30
Other moves: COWP(S) H4 28, (S)COWP H8 28, COWPE(A) H3 26, COWPE(A) H8 26, COWPE(D) H3 26
POWE(R) H4 24 jsmooth
On 2nd draw, OVICIDES 4E 78 --- OVICIDE an agent that kills eggs [n]
Other moves: VISED 10F 34, VISIED 10F 33, VISIE 10F 31, DIVES 10D 30, DIVIS 10D 30
VISED 10F 34 jsmooth
On 3rd draw, OUTBOUND E4 94 --- OUTBOUND outward bound [adj]
Other moves: DONUT 3I 28, DOUBT 5K 24, BITOU G3 23, BOD 3I 22, BOUND 3K 22
BOUND 3K 22 jsmooth
On 4th draw, ZEA G9 42 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other tops: ZEE G9 42
Other moves: ZA G9 41, NERTZ 6B 36, ZANTE 6B 36, DAZER J4 35, DAZE J4 34
ZA G9 41 jsmooth
On 5th draw, FOEDA(R)IE J1 63 --- FOEDARIE an accomplice [n]
Other moves: AFI(R)E H11 35, AFO(R)E H11 35, OAF(S) I6 32, AFI(R)E 5J 29, AFO(R)E 5J 29
FOA(L) 5K 24 jsmooth
On 6th draw, AEFALD 1H 33 --- AEFALD one-fold [adj]
Other tops: FALSED 1J 33, SAFED 1H 33, SALADE 12E 33
Other moves: SALAD 12E 32, SELD 12E 32, SALE 12E 30, SALADE 12G 29, DALES 12A 28
On 7th draw, JIAOS 12A 52 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JATOS 12A 52, JOTAS 12A 52
Other moves: SAJOU D6 47, SAJOU H11 41, JO D8 36, JOIST 12B 36, JOUST 12B 36
OUIJA D11 29 jsmooth
On 8th draw, TRIDENT 2B 72 --- TRIDENT a spear having three prongs [n]
Other moves: NITRATED C8 70, TRIDENT K7 70, TRIDENT K8 68, STRIDENT L4 61, JEDI A12 36
TRIDENT K8 68 jsmooth
On 9th draw, WATERMAN C6 80 --- WATERMAN a boatman [n]
Other moves: AWNER H11 38, REAM 1A 38, TEAM 1A 38, TAWNIER B8 36, ANEW 13A 34
WATERMAN C6 80 jsmooth
On 10th draw, MAJORS A10 45 --- MAJOR to pursue a specific principal course of study [v]
Other moves: JAMS A12 39, JAPS A12 39, JARP A12 39, JASP A12 39, GAMPS H11 36
JAMS A12 39 jsmooth
On 11th draw, PEAK 1A 60 --- PEAK to reach a maximum [v]
Other moves: TEAK 1A 54, QAT 1D 48, NEAP 1A 38, QAT 8A 36, KEP 1D 32
PEAK 1A 60 jsmooth
On 12th draw, SCUL 12G 22 --- SCUL school [n]
Other tops: SCUR 12G 22
Other moves: RURUS H11 20, SCUL 9J 19, SCUL I9 19, SCUR 9J 19, SCUR I9 19
On 13th draw, NONMAJORS A7 54 --- NONMAJOR a student who is not majoring in a specified subject [n]
Other moves: CLEG H12 21, CLOG H12 21, GENU I9 21, ELOGE K11 19, GENNEL 11I 19
On 14th draw, EOLITH 8J 30 --- EOLITH a prehistoric stone tool [n]
Other tops: CHOG H12 30, CHUG H12 30
Other moves: CHIT H12 27, CHOU H12 27, CHUT H12 27, COTH H12 27, ALIGHT 5J 26
CHUG H12 30 jsmooth
On 15th draw, FILAGREE M7 84 --- FILAGREE to adorn with intricate ornamental work [v]
Other moves: FILAREE M7 30, CAFE H12 27, CALF H12 27, CLEF H12 27, EF 3C 26
CALF H12 27 jsmooth
On 16th draw, XI N10 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: TIX N8 53, XU N10 53
Other moves: AXITE 5J 44, XI I9 43, XU I9 43, GREX 12L 40, TEX K3 40
XU N10 53 jsmooth
On 17th draw, BINGY O11 42 --- BINGY the stomach [n]
Other moves: BRINY O11 39, BRING O11 33, BINER 14J 26, BILGY J10 25, EYING 3J 25
BINGY O11 42 jsmooth
On 18th draw, REQUIGHT O2 81 --- REQUIGHT to repay [v]
Other moves: TOQUE K7 30, QUIGHT O4 29, TUQUE I11 24, GILET L6 23, TILER L6 22
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