Game on February 22, 2016 at 20:33, 6 players
1. 600 pts Inkey
2. 582 pts jsmooth
3. 362 pts Kalikokat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


10H 73 95 


M9 36 131 


11H 29 160 


N6 35 195 


6A 62 257 


A4 42 299 


O2 94 393 


14H 76 469 


O11 29 498 


E4 98 596 


F10 53 649 


15I 34 683 


C2 82 765 


1J 78 843 


D1 35 878 


5G 30 908 


7M 22 930 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Inkey 7 13:16 -330 600 1.7733 Inkey 7 13:16 -330 600
jsmooth 4 18:39 -348 582 2.7918 jsmooth 4 18:39 -348 582
Kalikokat 2 9:55 -568 362 3.7864 PIThompson 2 3:41 -802 128
PIThompson 2 3:41 -802 128 4.7436 Mycophot 1 1:03 -877 53
Mycophot 1 1:03 -877 53 5.7971 OrangeCup 0 1:02 -897 33
OrangeCup 0 1:02 -897 33 Group: intermediate
1.6437 Kalikokat 2 9:55 -568 362
On 1st draw, PISTOL H4 22 --- PISTOL to shoot with a small firearm [v]
Other tops: PILOTS H4 22, POSTIL H4 22, PROSIT H4 22, SPOILT H3 22
Other moves: PILOT H4 20, PIRLS H4 20, PLOTS H4 20, POLIS H4 20, POLTS H4 20
PISTOL H4 22 jsmooth
On 2nd draw, ENNUIED 10H 73 --- ENNUI to bore [v]
Other moves: ENNUIED 10C 69, ENNUIED G9 63, DIENE 10F 21, DIENE G5 21, INDENE 10E 20
PINNED 4H 18 jsmooth
On 3rd draw, HEARKEN M9 36 --- HEARKEN to listen to [v]
Other moves: YAH 11I 35, YEH 11I 35, ANKH 9J 34, KHAN 9L 33, KYAR 9L 33
PRANKY 4H 30 jsmooth
On 4th draw, DOAT 11H 29 --- DOAT to love excessively [v]
Other moves: IDEATA 11D 26, IODATE 11D 26, ATONED 15J 24, DETAIN 15H 24, DIOTA 11E 24
DOAT 11H 29 Inkey
ATONED 15J 24 jsmooth
On 5th draw, JADED N6 35 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: FADER 14J 34, FARED 14J 34, FREED 14J 34, FARDEN 15H 33, FARER 14J 32
FARED 14J 34 jsmooth, Inkey
On 6th draw, OLEARIAS 6A 62 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: AREOLA O3 41, ALAR O6 38, LAARI O4 38, REALO O4 38, LARE O5 32
LARE O5 32 Inkey
ORA O6 29 jsmooth
On 7th draw, VIOLENT A4 42 --- VIOLENT marked by intense physical force or roughness [adj] --- VIOLENT to force [v]
Other moves: VIOLER A4 39, VIOLET A4 39, LIVENER 14H 36, EVILER 14I 34, VIRENT 14J 34
VIOLENT A4 42 Inkey
LIVENER 14H 36 jsmooth
TROVE A4 27 Kalikokat
On 8th draw, AUREATE O2 94 --- AUREATE golden [adj]
Other moves: AERATE O3 41, AURATE O3 41, EATER O5 41, ARET O6 38, REATA O4 38
EATER O5 41 Inkey
AERATE O3 41 jsmooth, Kalikokat
On 9th draw, COZENER 14H 76 --- COZENER one that cozens [n]
Other moves: ZONER 14J 68, ZO N2 46, ZIRCON 5G 45, ZONER 15K 45, COZEN 14J 44
ZONER 14J 68 Inkey
ZO N2 46 Kalikokat, PIThompson
ZONER 15K 45 jsmooth
On 10th draw, FIBS O11 29 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other tops: FAB 5D 29, FABS O11 29, FAS O12 29, FOB 5D 29, FOBS O11 29
Other moves: ABAS O11 28, *B*SABOS O11 28, BASAN 15I 28, BASON 15I 28, ISO O13 28
FAS O12 29 PIThompson
ISO O13 28 Kalikokat, Inkey
FRAB 12L 24 jsmooth
On 11th draw, F(U)RCRAEA E4 98 --- FURCRAEA a tropical plant [n]
Other tops: CARFARE(S) E4 98
Other moves: CARFARE(S) E1 74, F(U)RCRAEA E2 74, FAECA(L) 1J 54, FAR(L) 1L 51, FEA(L) 1L 51
FECA(L) 1K 51 Inkey
(H)EAR 15H 33 OrangeCup
(S)CARF 11A 28 Kalikokat
On 12th draw, XIS F10 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI F10 52, OXIDS 12A 41, YOGIS 12A 39, LOX 7A 37, OXIDS B10 34
XIS F10 53 jsmooth, Inkey, Kalikokat, PIThompson, Mycophot
On 13th draw, WOMEN 15I 34 --- WOMAN an adult female human [n]
Other tops: EMBOWED C1 34
Other moves: EMBOW B10 32, MOBE D1 32, WOMBED C2 32, BEDEW C3 30, BODE D1 30
WOMEN 15I 34 Inkey
WOT 15I 24 jsmooth
MEOW B8 21 Kalikokat
On 14th draw, GEO(M)ETRY C2 82 --- GEOMETRY a branch of mathematics [n]
Other moves: GEO(M)ETRY C5 63, Y(A)G 13I 40, GOE(L) 1L 39, OY(S)TER D8 38, Y(A)R 13I 38
GEO(M)ETRY C2 82 jsmooth
Y(A)G 13I 40 Inkey
Y(A) 13I 32 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, PHYTOL 1J 78 --- PHYTOL an alcohol [n]
Other tops: THYMOL 1J 78
Other moves: MOYL 1L 60, MOL 1M 39, POL 1M 39, THY N1 33, HIPLY 5G 31
PHYTOL 1J 78 jsmooth, Inkey
HM N2 28 Kalikokat
On 16th draw, MISO D1 35 --- MISO a type of food paste [n]
Other tops: IMBOSS 12A 35, MUSO D1 35
Other moves: SUMO D1 33, HIMBOS K1 26, OMBUS B10 26, BOSS 12C 25, BUSS 12C 25
MISO D1 35 Inkey
SOM 2I 20 Kalikokat
YOGIS L1 18 jsmooth
On 17th draw, BIGWIG 5G 30 --- BIGWIG an important person [n]
Other moves: IGGING 2A 26, UGGING 2A 26, BIGGIN 5G 24, WING D11 22, UNJADED N4 20
OB N1 16 Kalikokat, jsmooth
WOW I13 13 Inkey
On 18th draw, QAT 7M 22 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: UNJADED N4 20, QI 2I 19, DIQUAT 7J 17, DUI 4K 17, DUN 4K 17
QAT 7M 22 Inkey, Kalikokat
ON N1 8 jsmooth
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