Game on February 26, 2016 at 15:57, 6 players
1. 538 pts OrangeCup
2. 386 pts Allotment
3. 332 pts Kalikokat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


15H 89 153 


13H 72 225 


O9 60 285 


12K 33 318 


N6 31 349 


M5 21 370 


11D 38 408 


6G 64 472 


O1 48 520 


5C 74 594 


12A 47 641 


A6 42 683 


4A 46 729 


N1 38 767 


L2 43 810 


13C 42 852 


C2 24 876 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 7 12:36 -338 538 1.7964 OrangeCup 7 12:36 -338 538
Allotment 1 21:11 -490 386 2.7697 queen66 0 1:37 -837 39
Kalikokat 1 9:31 -544 332 3.7713 PIThompson 0 1:24 -846 30
sicilianc5 0 1:12 -833 43 Group: intermediate
queen66 0 1:37 -837 39 1.6448 Kalikokat 1 9:31 -544 332
PIThompson 0 1:24 -846 30 2.6657 sicilianc5 0 1:12 -833 43
Group: novice
1.5707 Allotment 1 21:11 -490 386
On 1st draw, IN(Q)UIRE H8 64 --- INQUIRE to ask about [v]
Other tops: IN(Q)UIRE H3 64, IN(Q)UIRE H4 64, IN(Q)UIRE H6 64, IN(Q)UIRE H7 64, UNI(F)IER H2 64, UNI(F)IER H3 64, UNI(F)IER H4 64, UNI(F)IER H6 64, UNI(F)IER H7 64, UNI(F)IER H8 64, URI(D)INE H2 64, URI(D)INE H3 64, URI(D)INE H4 64, URI(D)INE H6 64, URI(D)INE H7 64, URI(D)INE H8 64
Other moves: IN(Q)UIRE H2 62, IN(Q)UIRE H5 62, UNI(F)IER H5 62, URI(D)INE H5 62, ERINU(S) H3 12
On 2nd draw, (S)OUTANE 15H 89 --- SOUTANE a cassock [n]
Other tops: OUTEA(R)N 15C 89
Other moves: AERON(A)UT 13F 68, OUTEARN(S) 13C 68, OUTEA(T)EN 14B 68, OUT(L)EARN 13B 68, OU(T)EATEN 14B 68
(D)OTE 15H 27 Allotment
On 3rd draw, RIGAUDON 13H 72 --- RIGAUDON a lively dance [n]
Other moves: GADI 14J 24, GRADINO 13G 24, DOUANE N10 22, DANG 14L 21, DING 14L 21
GADI 14J 24 OrangeCup
GROUND 13G 11 Allotment
On 4th draw, FOMENTS O9 60 --- FOMENT to promote the development of [v]
Other moves: FENTS O11 48, FONTS O11 48, EXO 12K 43, SEXTON O8 42, TONES O11 39
EXO 12K 43 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
TONES O11 39 queen66
MIX 12G 21 Allotment
On 5th draw, LYASE 12K 33 --- LYASE an enzyme [n]
Other moves: YA N10 30, YALE 12L 29, YATE 12L 29, LARDY I5 26, TARDY I5 26
YA N10 30 OrangeCup, PIThompson
LYART I4 11 Allotment
On 6th draw, REJIG N6 31 --- REJIG to re-equip [v]
Other moves: GJU J13 27, JIG N8 27, INJURE 11E 26, JEE 14F 26, JO 10N 25
REJIG N6 31 OrangeCup
JO 10N 25 Allotment
On 7th draw, OAF M5 21 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: EF M6 20, OF M6 20, FEIS I8 19, FEASE M2 18, FEES 14F 18
EF M6 20 OrangeCup, Kalikokat
SAFE 7K 11 Allotment
On 8th draw, OPAQUED 11D 38 --- OPAQUE to make opaque [v]
Other moves: OPAQUER 11D 36, OPAQUE 11D 34, ROQUE 11E 28, PARED L1 25, PORED L1 25
PARED L1 25 OrangeCup
DRAPE L2 23 Allotment
DOPE L3 21 Kalikokat
On 9th draw, RAINWEARS 6G 64 --- RAINWEAR waterproof clothing [n]
Other moves: SWANNIER 9D 63, SWANNIER 9E 63, ANSWER 12A 36, WANIER 12A 36, SENARII 12B 35
SAWER 12B 32 OrangeCup
ANEW 12C 27 Kalikokat
ARSINE O1 24 Allotment
On 10th draw, NURDISH O1 48 --- NURDISH socially inept [adj]
Other tops: BURNISH O1 48
Other moves: BUNDHS O1 42, HUBRIS O1 36, DUH 10D 35, DHURNA H1 33, HUB 10D 33
DUH 10D 35 OrangeCup
UH 10E 30 Kalikokat
BURINS O1 27 Allotment
On 11th draw, BARTONS 5C 74 --- BARTON a farmyard [n]
Other moves: TABORINS I1 66, TABORINS 8C 61, BORNA 12A 28, SABOT 12B 28, SNOB 10C 28
SNOB 10C 28 OrangeCup
NOB 10D 27 Kalikokat
SABOT 10B 23 Allotment
On 12th draw, CLOYED 12A 47 --- CLOY to gratify beyond desire [v]
Other moves: CLOYE 4A 42, CLOYE 12A 40, COYED 12B 39, CLOY 4A 38, CLOY 10C 36
CLOYED 12A 47 OrangeCup
CLOY 10C 36 Kalikokat
CLOYED D9 24 Allotment
On 13th draw, VOCALIC A6 42 --- VOCALIC a vowel sound [n]
Other moves: VOCAL 10B 39, LAC 10D 34, VILLAE B10 34, VIOLA 4A 34, ALCOVE A10 33
VEAL 4A 30 OrangeCup
CAVE A12 27 Kalikokat
COLIC A8 27 Allotment
On 14th draw, BRAKE 4A 46 --- BRAKE to slow down or stop [v]
Other moves: BEAK 4A 42, BRAK 4A 42, KRAB 4A 42, BEAK 4D 39, BAKE 4B 38
BRAKE 4A 46 OrangeCup
BEAK 4A 42 Kalikokat
BAKE 4B 38 Allotment
On 15th draw, EX N1 38 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: MIXABLE C1 38
Other moves: TEXTILE 14B 32, MIXTE 14D 30, MIXTE L2 30, TWIXT K5 30, MET 13C 29
EX N1 38 Kalikokat, OrangeCup
TWIXT K5 30 Allotment
On 16th draw, PEIZE L2 43 --- PEIZE to weigh [v]
Other moves: PIZE L3 41, TWEEZE K5 36, PIZE 4I 35, ZEE 14F 32, PIZE 3E 30
PEIZE L2 43 OrangeCup
ZEE 14F 32 Kalikokat
PEW K4 16 Allotment
On 17th draw, HEW 13C 42 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other moves: MEW 13C 38, HEMINA H1 36, WEMB A1 33, WHEEL 3I 30, HE 13C 26
HEW 13C 42 OrangeCup
LIMB A1 24 Allotment
VIEW 3J 20 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, VIABLE C2 24 --- VIABLE capable of living [adj]
Other tops: LIMB A1 24, VIM 14A 24
Other moves: ELM 14A 18, TABLET C3 18, ME 7I 17, EL 3B 16, EM 14B 16
LIMB A1 24 OrangeCup, Allotment
MAD F10 12 Kalikokat
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