Game on February 28, 2016 at 14:22, 7 players
1. 776 pts OrangeCup
2. 620 pts Inkey
3. 410 pts Allotment
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 32 32 


3H 48 80 


N1 85 165 


1J 33 198 


L3 76 274 


K3 25 299 


4D 27 326 


8A 86 412 


1H 39 451 


C7 74 525 


12A 48 573 


A10 48 621 


O7 44 665 


N10 55 720 


13I 30 750 


5B 32 782 


6F 32 814 


11C 22 836 


B2 36 872 


10C 40 912 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 9 12:18 -136 776 1.7981 OrangeCup 9 12:18 -136 776
Inkey 7 16:10 -292 620 2.7710 Inkey 7 16:10 -292 620
Allotment 2 17:09 -502 410 3.7211 dannyboy 1 5:38 -716 196
dannyboy 1 5:38 -716 196 4.7698 PIThompson 2 5:13 -781 131
PIThompson 2 5:13 -781 131 5.7012 sicilianc5 0 2:59 -839 73
sicilianc5 0 2:59 -839 73 6.7012 queen66 0 1:17 -877 35
queen66 0 1:17 -877 35 Group: novice
1.5737 Allotment 2 17:09 -502 410
On 1st draw, EWFTES H3 32 --- EFT a newt [n]
Other tops: FETWAS H4 32, FEWEST H4 32, WEFTES H4 32
Other moves: FETWA H4 30, WAFTS H4 30, WEFTE H4 30, WEFTS H4 30, EWFTES H4 26
FEWEST H4 32 OrangeCup, PIThompson, Allotment
On 2nd draw, EX(C)AMB 3H 48 --- EXCAMB to exchange [v]
Other moves: MA(X)IXE 3C 44, (O)XIM I6 43, AXI(O)M I6 42, AXI(L) I6 39, AXI(S) I6 39
AXI(O)M I6 42 OrangeCup, Inkey
AX(E) I2 38 sicilianc5
QAT 6F 32 Allotment
On 3rd draw, NESTERS N1 85 --- NESTER one that nests [n]
Other tops: RESENTS N1 85
Other moves: STRENES N3 76, ASSENTER K3 66, EARNESTS K2 66, SARSENET K2 66, NESTERS G7 65
RESENTS N1 85 OrangeCup
RESENTS N1 35 Inkey, sicilianc5
NESTERS 6E 11 Allotment
On 4th draw, LAMENT 1J 33 --- LAMENT to express sorrow or regret for [v]
Other moves: AMENT 1K 30, MANG 1L 30, MATE 4L 30, MATT 4L 30, MENG 1L 30
LAMENT 1J 33 Inkey, Allotment, OrangeCup, PIThompson
On 5th draw, MANACLES L3 76 --- MANACLE to handcuff [v]
Other moves: ANLACES M7 75, ANELACES 7B 65, ANALECTS 6B 64, ANLACES G8 63, LEATS 4K 26
AAL 2I 21 OrangeCup
EAN 2I 21 Inkey
MEMS L1 16 Allotment
On 6th draw, APOD K3 25 --- APOD an animal without feet or fins [n]
Other moves: OUP G5 22, PUDOR G7 22, PUDOR K9 22, ODOUR O7 20, POD G7 20
APOD K3 25 OrangeCup, Inkey
ODOUR O7 20 PIThompson
OOP O7 17 Allotment
On 7th draw, TAUIWI 4D 27 --- TAUIWI (Maori) literally "foreign race", the non-Maori people of New Zealand [n]
Other moves: YITIE I5 25, YITIE G7 24, AYE G6 23, AYU G6 23, YATE G7 23
YETI I5 23 Inkey
YETI G7 23 OrangeCup
TAY O7 20 Allotment
On 8th draw, HURLI(N)GS 8A 86 --- HURLING an Irish game [n]
Other moves: HURLI(N)G O7 85, HURLI(N)G G7 78, HURLI(N)G K9 77, LAUGHI(E)R E3 72, HURTLI(N)G D1 67
HURLI(N)G O7 85 OrangeCup
HURLI(N)G O7 35 queen66
(H)IGH 5C 27 Inkey
HURLI(N)G I8 16 Allotment
On 9th draw, FILAMENT 1H 39 --- FILAMENT a very thin thread or threadlike structure [n]
Other moves: FETED O5 36, FETID O5 36, FRUITED C7 32, DEIF O5 31, FETE O5 30
FETID O5 36 OrangeCup, Inkey
ETUDE O6 22 Allotment
On 10th draw, TRENDOID C7 74 --- TRENDOID a trendy person [n]
Other moves: DENTOID K9 73, NODDIEST 10F 64, TINDED O7 32, INTOED O7 29, OINTED O7 29
TINDED O7 32 OrangeCup
DENTOID K9 23 Allotment
TIDED O7 23 Inkey
On 11th draw, ZLOTE 12A 48 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: ZOOT 12A 46, PLOTZES 10F 44, PREZ 3B 43, TOZE O7 41, TREZ O7 41
ZOOT 12A 46 OrangeCup, Inkey, dannyboy, PIThompson
RAZE E3 26 Allotment
On 12th draw, DIZAIN A10 48 --- DIZAIN a ten-line stanza [n]
Other moves: AZIDO A11 45, ZONA A12 39, ADOWN 5B 32, DAWD 11C 30, DAWN 5C 30
ZONA A12 39 Inkey, OrangeCup, dannyboy, Allotment
On 13th draw, INJERA O7 44 --- INJERA a type of Ethiopian bread [n]
Other moves: BAJRI 11E 36, BAJRI K9 34, BENJ 11E 34, JAB 5C 34, JIB 5C 34
INJERA O7 44 OrangeCup
JIBER 5A 34 Inkey
JAB 5C 34 dannyboy
JAB E3 24 Allotment
On 14th draw, HONEY N10 55 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other moves: HONEY M9 41, HOVEN M9 41, WHEY 5B 38, HEY N10 37, HOY N10 37
HONEY N10 55 OrangeCup, Inkey
HEY N10 37 dannyboy
ENVOY 5A 34 Allotment
On 15th draw, VEGGIE 13I 30 --- VEGGIE a vegetable [n]
Other moves: BIGG 5C 27, BIGG 11E 24, BIGG K9 22, DEB 11C 22, DIB 11C 22
VEGGIE 13I 30 Inkey
DEB 11C 22 OrangeCup
BEG 11E 20 Allotment
On 16th draw, AVOW 5B 32 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: VAW 5C 30, VOW 5C 30, WAVE 11E 30, WOVE 11E 30, PAW 5C 28
AVOW 5B 32 OrangeCup, Inkey
WAVES 10H 19 Allotment
On 17th draw, QAT 6F 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BY 6A 28, YEBO 11E 28, PAY 6D 27, AY 6A 26, BAYE 11E 26
BY 6A 28 OrangeCup, Inkey
BA 12J 11 Allotment
On 18th draw, DUROC 11C 22 --- DUROC a large red dog [n]
Other moves: COOER J5 20, CORER J5 20, COURE J5 20, CORE J5 19, COUR J5 19
DUROC 11C 22 Inkey
CORER J5 20 OrangeCup
CURER J10 15 Allotment
On 19th draw, BERAY B2 36 --- BERAY to befoul [v]
Other moves: OY 10E 29, BY 6A 28, OY 6A 26, BOYAR B2 24, BOYAU B2 24
BERAY B2 36 OrangeCup
OY 10E 29 Inkey
On 20th draw, NOOK 10C 40 --- NOOK a corner, as in a room [n]
Other moves: KORO A1 36, KORU A1 36, KOP A1 35, NOOP 10C 28, NOUP 10C 28
NOOK 10C 40 OrangeCup, Inkey, dannyboy
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