Game on Mars 3, 2016 at 08:53, 7 players
1. 129 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 109 pts roocatcher
3. 96 pts Allotment
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


11E 44 72 


F8 63 135 


G2 63 198 


15A 33 231 


5E 52 283 


4A 28 311 


A4 45 356 


3B 32 388 


L3 83 471 


14B 48 519 


12J 40 559 


O10 33 592 


10E 25 617 


14I 42 659 


13C 41 700 


8K 51 751 


3I 54 805 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
GLOBEMAN 0 5:17 -676 129 1.7426 roocatcher 0 5:36 -696 109
roocatcher 0 5:36 -696 109 2.7004 BadBoyBen 0 1:56 -765 40
Allotment 1 4:30 -709 96 3.7275 sunshine12 0 1:45 -774 31
BadBoyBen 0 1:56 -765 40 4.7284 WEASEL 0 0:13 -781 24
sunshine12 0 1:45 -774 31 5.7680 TWEEKS 0 1:55 -781 24
WEASEL 0 0:13 -781 24 Group: intermediate
TWEEKS 0 1:55 -781 24 1.6779 GLOBEMAN 0 5:17 -676 129
Group: novice
1.5738 Allotment 1 4:30 -709 96
On 1st draw, GONEFS H8 28 --- GONEF a thief [n]
Other tops: GOWFS H4 28
Other moves: GONEF H8 26, GOWFS H8 26, GONEFS H4 24, GOWFS H5 24, GOWFS H6 24
GONEFS H8 28 Allotment
On 2nd draw, TOWERED 11E 44 --- TOWER to rise to a great height [v]
Other moves: SHROWED 13H 36, HOWE G9 35, SHOWED 13H 34, SHREWD 13H 34, SHROWD 13H 34
HOW G9 29 Allotment
On 3rd draw, DATOLITE F8 63 --- DATOLITE a rock formed from boron and calcium silicates [n]
Other moves: DATOLITE 9E 61, DERAIL I9 25, FELID 12H 25, FETIAL 12H 25, FETID 12H 25
DILATES 13B 18 Allotment
On 4th draw, (R)OULEAU G2 63 --- ROULEAU a roll of coins wrapped in paper [n]
Other moves: (R)OULEAU I2 61, AU(R)EOLE 15C 21, AU(T)OED 8A 21, EUOUAE 15A 21, EUOUAE(S) 15A 21
(R)OULEAU 15B 21 Allotment
On 5th draw, KOTARE 15A 33 --- KOTARE a small greenish-blue kingfisher found in New Zealand and Australia [n]
Other moves: SKATOL 13H 30, TRAIKS 13C 30, TALUK 4D 28, TAROK 10J 28, KETOL 15E 27
On 6th draw, SYLVINE 5E 52 --- SYLVINE an ore of potassium [n]
Other moves: VISNOMY 3C 38, MEINY 10J 37, YENS 10J 31, YINS 10J 31, VEIN H1 30
On 7th draw, VIRGE 4A 28 --- VIRGE the brink [n]
Other moves: VIRGE(R) 2B 22, GRIVET C10 20, REGIVE J10 20, VIGIL 12B 20, RIVE 12J 19
On 8th draw, VIXEN A4 45 --- VIXEN a shrewish woman [n]
Other tops: VITEX A4 45
Other moves: XENIAL 12A 44, AXONE 9F 43, TAXON 9E 43, AXON 9F 42, TEX H1 40
On 9th draw, MOUP 3B 32 --- MOUP to nibble [v]
Other moves: FEMORA 12H 31, MOPER 10J 30, MAP 14B 28, MOPER 4I 28, MORAE 10J 28
On 10th draw, IN(S)IPID L3 83 --- INSIPID dull and uninteresting [adj]
Other moves: (A)MIDIN B2 36, PIN(E)D 10J 30, PI(E)ND 10J 30, PID(G)IN 10J 29, P(O)IND 10J 29
On 11th draw, JIB 14B 48 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other moves: J*WJEW H1 45, JIBED 8K 45, JIN 14B 42, J*W*DJEWED J10 36, JEWIE J10 33
On 12th draw, FEALTY 12J 40 --- FEALTY loyalty [n]
Other tops: FEATLY 12J 40
Other moves: FOLIES 13C 37, TONEY 10F 36, FEALTY M8 35, FEATLY M8 35, FY 6I 34
On 13th draw, MAYORS O10 33 --- MAYOR the chief executive official of a city or borough [n]
Other tops: MORAYS O8 33, QATS N10 33, SMEARY O7 33
Other moves: QAT N10 32, MORAY O8 30, MOSEY O8 30, REAMY O8 30, SAMEY O8 30
On 14th draw, ATONER 10E 25 --- ATONER one that atones [n]
Other tops: LOOIES 13C 25, LORIES 13C 25, LOUIES 13C 25
Other moves: UREAL B6 24, TONER 10F 22, URAO B6 21, UREA B6 21, ULE B6 20
On 15th draw, THAWIER 14I 42 --- THAWY inclined to melt [adj]
Other moves: WANIEST 13C 41, WHINER 14J 40, WHITER 14J 40, WITHER 14J 40, WHITEN 8J 36
HANT 2A 31 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 16th draw, BASICS 13C 41 --- BASIC fundamental principles [n]
Other moves: COBIAS 13C 37, BAC 2A 29, CAB 2A 29, BOAS 15H 27, GAB 2A 27
On 17th draw, HIZEN 8K 51 --- HIZEN a type of Japanese porcelain [n]
Other moves: ZEAL 15H 48, HAZING 3I 46, ZIGAN 8K 45, GENIZAH 3I 44, ZEA 15H 43
ZAG 2A 40 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, BadBoyBen
On 18th draw, QUOINED 3I 54 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: QUOIN 3I 48, QUENA N6 42, QUENA J2 36, EQUID 3I 32, QUEP 7I 30
QUA K1 14 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
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