Game on Mars 7, 2016 at 17:59, 2 players
1. 429 pts Inkey
2. 312 pts jsmooth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


6F 68 96 


N1 41 137 


O5 47 184 


L4 36 220 


1I 42 262 


5B 27 289 


J6 60 349 


K9 34 383 


15K 52 435 


B1 84 519 


D3 72 591 


A8 51 642 


15H 36 678 


N10 62 740 


B10 52 792 


L10 33 825 


2K 23 848 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Inkey 3 14:21 -419 429 1.7661 Inkey 3 14:21 -419 429
jsmooth 2 9:13 -536 312 2.7996 jsmooth 2 9:13 -536 312
On 1st draw, WILCO H4 28 --- WILCO used to indicate that a message received will be complied with [interj]
Other moves: COWK H5 26, COWK H6 26, COWK H7 26, COWK H8 26, WICK H5 26
On 2nd draw, EULO(G)IZE 6F 68 --- EULOGIZE to praise highly [v]
Other moves: O(B)ELIZE 6E 35, L*Zz**LEZ(Z)IE 6H 34, OUZEL 6D 34, OUZEL(S) 6D 34, WEIZE 4H 34
On 3rd draw, TAIVER N1 41 --- TAIVER to wander aimlessly [v]
Other tops: VARIER N1 41
Other moves: RIVIERA K5 40, AIVER N2 39, RAVER N2 39, RIVER N2 39, TAVER N2 39
On 4th draw, ESPY O5 47 --- ESPY to catch sight of [v]
Other moves: SPAY O6 45, SYPE O6 45, PYATS 1K 42, PYETS 1K 42, SPY O6 42
On 5th draw, (Z)UZIM L4 36 --- ZUZ an ancient Hebrew silver coin [n]
Other moves: (G)IZMO L4 32, WIT(E) 1L 30, WIT(H) 1L 30, WIT(S) 1L 30, WIZ L4 30
On 6th draw, BROMATE 1I 42 --- BROMATE to combine with bromine [v]
Other moves: KETA 1L 39, KETO 1L 39, EMBARK M8 38, MIKE K5 38, REBATO 1J 33
MIKE K5 38 Inkey
On 7th draw, FERNY 5B 27 --- FERNY abounding in ferns [adj]
Other tops: FENNY 5B 27
Other moves: FEYS N8 26, FEY N8 25, FRY N8 25, FEY 5D 23, FRY 5D 23
FERNY 5B 27 jsmooth
FEY N8 25 Inkey
On 8th draw, (G)ALENOID J6 60 --- GALENOID pertaining to galena [adj]
Other moves: IDEAL 4B 32, DEAL 4C 25, DEAN 4C 25, DEIL 4C 25, DINE 4A 25
IDEAL 4B 32 Inkey
On 9th draw, HARTAL K9 34 --- HARTAL a stoppage of work [n]
Other moves: HAAR 4C 31, AARRGH D3 28, AAH 4D 27, HART K9 27, AAH K9 26
HAAR 4C 31 Inkey
RAH K9 26 jsmooth
On 10th draw, SKATE 15K 52 --- SKATE to glide over ice or the ground on skates (shoes fitted with runners or wheels) [v]
Other moves: GECKS 15G 46, STACK 15K 46, CAKES 15G 43, TACKS 15G 43, SCEAT 15K 40
SKATE 15K 52 Inkey
TACKS 15G 43 jsmooth
On 11th draw, OVERFUND B1 84 --- OVERFUND to fund more than required [v]
Other moves: DEVOUT N10 28, OVERDUE C3 28, VOITURE 12H 28, DERO 4A 25, DOEN 4C 25
DORE 4A 25 Inkey
On 12th draw, GARROTED D3 72 --- GARROTE to execute by strangling [v]
Other tops: GARROTED D2 72
Other moves: GAROTED G8 64, OARED A8 33, ORATED A8 33, OREAD A8 33, ORGEAT A8 33
GOAD A6 32 jsmooth
GOOD 1A 24 Inkey
On 13th draw, OXIDS A8 51 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: OXID A8 45, OXIDS E8 40, OXID E8 38, BOX 1A 36, OX A8 36
OXIDS A8 51 jsmooth, Inkey
On 14th draw, OUTSKATE 15H 36 --- OUTSKATE to surpass in skating [v]
Other tops: HAUNT C9 36
Other moves: HANT I9 33, NOAH 1A 33, TAHOU B10 32, HAN I9 29, HAO I9 29
HAUNT C9 36 Inkey
HANT I9 33 jsmooth
On 15th draw, JACENT N10 62 --- JACENT sluggish [adj]
Other moves: FANJET C9 52, FANJET N10 48, FACET C9 40, FANJET E9 40, CONF 1A 39
FACT I9 37 jsmooth
JANE 2F 31 Inkey
On 16th draw, FEIGN B10 52 --- FEIGN to pretend [v]
Other moves: FOIBLE 1A 42, LOBEFIN 1A 39, FEIGN C9 38, FINDABLE 13G 38, GOLF 1A 36
GOLF 1A 36 jsmooth, Inkey
On 17th draw, STAW L10 33 --- STAW to stall a past tense of STEAL [v] --- STEAL to take without right or permission [v]
Other moves: ISATIN 15A 31, WITANS E7 30, SAW L11 28, TAW L11 28, WITAN E7 28
TOWNS 1A 27 Inkey
WONTS 1A 27 jsmooth
On 18th draw, PIBAL 2K 23 --- PIBAL a small balloon for determining the direction and speed of the wind [n]
Other moves: QI 3M 22, BOIL 1A 21, BOP 1A 21, LOBI 1A 21, ALB M1 20
BOP 1A 21 Inkey
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