Game on Mars 8, 2016 at 17:43, 3 players
1. 689 pts Inkey
2. 28 pts Allotment
3. 14 pts worsie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


5B 66 98 


G8 82 180 


D1 104 284 


1D 42 326 


11E 44 370 


B1 82 452 


A8 107 559 


15A 75 634 


13A 30 664 


H13 51 715 


12J 28 743 


B10 54 797 


O7 42 839 


4H 26 865 


I13 30 895 


J14 24 919 


6F 33 952 


M9 24 976 


12C 31 1007 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Inkey 8 14:55 -318 689 1.7656 Inkey 8 14:55 -318 689
Allotment 0 1:47 -979 28 Group: intermediate
worsie 0 1:32 -993 14 1.6406 worsie 0 1:32 -993 14
Group: novice
1.5758 Allotment 0 1:47 -979 28
On 1st draw, WITNEY H4 32 --- WITNEY a heavy woollen fabric [n]
Other tops: WITNEY H7 32
Other moves: TWINY H8 30, WINEY H4 30, WINEY H8 30, BENTY H8 28, BENTY H4 26
WITNEY H4 32 Inkey
On 2nd draw, LUTEOLIN 5B 66 --- LUTEOLIN a yellow pigment [n]
Other moves: NOULE I5 22, OLENT I7 18, ENOL G7 17, ENOL I7 17, EON G7 16
TONE I3 14 Inkey
On 3rd draw, ABROACH G8 82 --- ABROACH astir [adj]
Other moves: ABROACH G9 72, ABROACH I9 72, ARHAT 6D 35, ABATOR 6E 32, AAH 6D 31
HAT 6F 29 Inkey
On 4th draw, QUA(R)TERN D1 104 --- QUARTERN one-fourth of something [n]
Other tops: QUARTE(R)N D1 104
Other moves: ANT(I)QUER D3 84, AEQUOR(I)N 11C 82, AEQUOR(I)N F1 73, QUORA(T)E 11E 60, AQUA(F)ER 12G 50
(S)QUARE J5 44 Inkey
QUATE D2 28 Allotment
On 5th draw, QUASS 1D 42 --- QUASS a Russian beer [n]
Other moves: SMAAKS 12D 34, KAFS 9A 32, MAKS 9A 32, SMAAK 12D 32, WAKFS 4H 32
QUASS 1D 42 Inkey
On 6th draw, FLOATED 11E 44 --- FLOAT to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid [v]
Other moves: FLOATEL 11E 40, FATED 6F 38, FATE 6F 32, FEUD C3 30, ELF 6D 29
FLOATED 11E 44 Inkey
On 7th draw, COMPLINS B1 82 --- COMPLIN the last prayer of the day [n]
Other moves: ANOMIC 12G 34, OPIUMS 2A 32, COMPLIN B1 30, COUPS 2B 30, MICOS 10J 30
MOUPS 2B 30 Inkey
On 8th draw, (A)TOMIZE A8 107 --- ATOMIZE to reduce to a fine spray [v]
Other moves: ATOMIZE(D) 12G 100, ATOMIZE(R) 12G 100, ATOMIZE(S) 12G 100, (A)TOMIZE 10I 97, (A)TOMIZE 12I 92
O(O)ZE A7 41 Inkey
On 9th draw, ROBE 15A 75 --- ROBE to cover with a robe (a long, loose outer garment) [v]
Other moves: REGO 15A 72, REB 15A 69, RIB 15A 69, ROB 15A 69, REG 15A 66
ROBE 15A 75 Inkey
On 10th draw, ZONED 13A 30 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ADORES 12G 30
Other moves: REDO B10 29, ZEDS 13A 28, ZEROS 13A 28, ZONER 13A 28, ZONES 13A 28
REDO B10 29 Inkey
On 11th draw, HAJ H13 51 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: HAY H13 39, HEY H13 39, HAJI 10J 38, HAJ 10J 37, HAJI 12J 36
HAJ H13 51 Inkey
On 12th draw, DIVOTS 12J 28 --- DIVOT a piece of turf [n]
Other tops: ISO I13 28
Other moves: CHORIST 13G 26, DIVOTS 10J 26, DIVOT 10J 25, VIDS J2 25, DIVOT 12J 24
DIVOTS 10J 26 Inkey
On 13th draw, XU B10 54 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: EX 14A 38, OXO B13 38, NEXUS O8 36, SAXE O12 33, WAXEN 4H 32
XU B10 54 Inkey
On 14th draw, GRYKES O7 42 --- GRYKE a ravine [n]
Other moves: KILEYS O7 39, KYLIES O7 39, KYRIES O7 39, KITER N10 38, KILERGS O6 36
KITER N10 38 Inkey
On 15th draw, WEAVER 4H 26 --- WEAVER one that weaves [n]
Other moves: GREAVED J6 24, VALOR M9 24, WAVER 4H 24, WEAVE 4H 24, VENAE I3 23
WEAVER 4H 26 Inkey
On 16th draw, ADO I13 30 --- ADO bustling excitement [n]
Other moves: ENDITE 6D 25, IDE 12C 23, LODEN C9 23, ODA 12C 23, ODE 12C 23
DA I14 19 Inkey
On 17th draw, ET J14 24 --- EAT to consume food [v]
Other tops: EE J14 24
Other moves: TAEL F8 21, GITE 2F 20, ATE 12C 19, ETA 12C 19, GIT 2F 19
GITE 2F 20 Inkey
On 18th draw, FATE 6F 33 --- FATE to destine [v]
Other moves: EF 10I 30, IF 10I 30, FAT 6F 29, FIT 6F 29, PREIF M3 28
FATE 6F 33 Inkey
FOG M11 14 worsie
On 19th draw, PIROGI M9 24 --- PIROGI a small dumpling with a filling [n]
Other moves: PI 12D 23, PIROG M9 22, IMPAIR 3A 20, GRIGRI M3 18, PI 13M 18
GI 2F 16 Inkey
On 20th draw, IWI 12C 31 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: WIVING K2 26, WIRING M2 24, WRING M3 22, IWI 14C 20, LIVING K2 20
WIVING K2 26 Inkey
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