Game on Mars 9, 2016 at 21:20, 4 players
1. 719 pts jsmooth
2. 55 pts queen66
3. 55 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5E 90 112 


L1 42 154 


J4 65 219 


11D 78 297 


2J 60 357 


12C 31 388 


1L 24 412 


13E 52 464 


8J 33 497 


12I 84 581 


N10 36 617 


15L 36 653 


4A 50 703 


C2 82 785 


2B 46 831 


A4 42 873 


D6 47 920 


E7 34 954 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
jsmooth 6 12:52 -235 719 1.8020 jsmooth 6 12:52 -235 719
queen66 0 2:21 -899 55 2.8194 OrangeCup 0 0:33 -934 20
PIThompson 0 2:34 -899 55 Group: advanced
OrangeCup 0 0:33 -934 20 1.7201 queen66 0 2:21 -899 55
2.7727 PIThompson 0 2:34 -899 55
On 1st draw, BRANLE H4 22 --- BRANLE an old French dance [n]
Other moves: BALER H4 20, BELAR H4 20, BLAER H4 20, BLARE H4 20, BLEAR H4 20
BLARE H4 20 jsmooth, OrangeCup
BALER H4 20 PIThompson
BLEAR H4 20 queen66
On 2nd draw, REPRINTS 5E 90 --- REPRINT to print again [v]
Other moves: PTERINS 10B 76, NIPTERS 10B 72, PRINTERS 5B 70, PRINTERS 5G 70, PTERINS G9 70
SPRINTER 5F 70 jsmooth
On 3rd draw, WHIMSY L1 42 --- WHIMSY full of whims [adj] --- WHIMSY gentle fantasy [n]
Other tops: WHIMS(E)Y L1 42
Other moves: WH(I)MSY L1 40, WHI(M)SY L1 36, Y(A)H 6J 35, Y(A)H I7 35, Y(E)H 6J 35
Y(A)H I7 35 queen66, PIThompson
Y(E)H 6D 30 jsmooth
On 4th draw, UNDERSEA J4 65 --- UNDERSEA beneath the surface of the sea [adv]
Other moves: UNERASED J4 63, UNSEARED J4 63, DRAWEES 1I 33, RESAWED 1H 33, DEWARS 1J 30
SWEAR 1K 24 jsmooth
On 5th draw, INE(R)TIAL 11D 78 --- INERTIA the tendency of a body to resist acceleration [adj] --- INERTIAL pertaining to inertia [adj]
Other moves: ETI(O)LIN 12F 74, LE(C)ITHIN 2G 74, TINLI(K)E 12G 74, LINTIE(S) 12D 73, INTI(T)LE K9 70
INE(R)TIAL 11D 78 jsmooth
On 6th draw, JOHN(S) 2J 60 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: J(O)CO 12A 44, J(U)CO 12A 44, J(U)NCO 4A 44, JOC(O) 12A 42, JO(H)N 12A 40
JO(B) 4D 21 jsmooth
On 7th draw, AFORE 12C 31 --- AFORE before [adv]
Other tops: FAA 6F 31, OAF 10D 31
Other moves: FRENA 12A 30, NEAFE 12A 30, REEF 6C 30, FANE 12D 29, FARE 12D 29
EF 10E 28 jsmooth
On 8th draw, WEET 1L 24 --- WEET to know [v] --- WEET wet [adj]
Other moves: TOPEE G3 18, TEG 13E 17, GEIT 13E 16, OGEE 13E 16, GEE 13E 15
WEET 1L 24 jsmooth
On 9th draw, GAZE 13E 52 --- GAZE to look intently [v]
Other moves: AZOTE 13F 49, AZO 13F 46, ZAG 13G 46, ZIG 13G 46, ZATI 13G 45
GAZER F8 35 jsmooth
On 10th draw, RUCOLA 8J 33 --- RUCOLA a salad plant [n]
Other tops: RECOAL 8J 33, RECOIL 8J 33
Other moves: RAUCLE 8J 27, LACE 12J 24, LAIC 12J 24, LICE 12J 24, LOCA 12J 24
RECOIL 8J 33 jsmooth
On 11th draw, SLICERS 12I 84 --- SLICER one that slices [n]
Other moves: SLICERS 14H 74, CLASSIER O6 61, SLICER 12I 30, SLICES 12I 30, CRESS 14B 29
SLICERS 14H 74 jsmooth
On 12th draw, VERDIN N10 36 --- VERDIN a small bird [n]
Other tops: VORRED N10 36
Other moves: VIRED N10 34, AVERSION O8 33, VENDOR 4A 32, VIREO N10 32, VOIDER 4A 32
On 13th draw, FANG 15L 36 --- FANG a long, pointed tooth [n] --- FANG to seize [v]
Other tops: FAND 15L 36, FOND 15L 36, HAND 15L 36, HANG 15L 36, HOND 15L 36, HONG 15L 36
Other moves: SOFA O12 35, FANO 15L 33, FAA 6F 31, HOA 6F 31, FEOD M11 30
FANG 15L 36 jsmooth
On 14th draw, QUOTA 4A 50 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: QUAT 4C 30, WA(R)EZ G9 29, QAT 13A 28, QAT 4D 28, QUA 13A 28
QUOTA 4A 50 jsmooth
On 15th draw, PROBATED C2 82 --- PROBATE to establish the validity of a will [v]
Other moves: BEPAT 3C 35, BATED 3C 33, PATED 3C 33, DEBAR 3C 31, PEBA 3C 31
PROBATED C2 82 jsmooth
On 16th draw, YPIGHT 2B 46 --- PITCH to throw [v]
Other moves: THEY 8A 42, THEM 8A 36, HIM B6 35, HIT B6 31, HI B6 28
THEY 8A 42 jsmooth
On 17th draw, QUINO A4 42 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: QUOIN A4 42
Other moves: MINI B6 29, MINO B6 29, MUNI B6 29, MOA 6F 25, MUN B6 25
On 18th draw, MOXA D6 47 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: VOX 13A 44, MAX D6 43, MAX 13A 42, OXO D7 40, AX 13B 36
VOX 13A 44 jsmooth
On 19th draw, WOK E7 34 --- WOK a pan used in Chinese cookery [n]
Other moves: EWK H13 30, KOW 13A 30, DOW E7 28, OIK 1F 28, VOW 13A 28
VOW 13A 28 jsmooth
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