Game on Mars 10, 2016 at 05:11, 2 players
1. 534 pts fatcat
2. 192 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 48 48 


13B 93 141 


11D 86 227 


K4 70 297 


I3 68 365 


B6 67 432 


L1 50 482 


1L 42 524 


A1 41 565 


10J 53 618 


2A 72 690 


M7 82 772 


L12 46 818 


15F 42 860 


2J 80 940 


N6 33 973 


O7 53 1026 


1F 30 1056 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
fatcat 1 18:21 -522 534 1.6548 fatcat 1 18:21 -522 534
verelst 0 11:37 -864 192 Group: not rated
1.4657 verelst 0 11:37 -864 192
On 1st draw, TALAQ H8 48 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other tops: QA(B)ALA H4 48, TALAQ(S) H8 48
Other moves: QA(N)AT H4 46, TAL(A)Q H8 46, TA(L)AQ H8 46, T(A)LAQ H8 46, (T)ALAQ H8 46
QAT H6 24 fatcat
On 2nd draw, YAWNERS 13B 93 --- YAWNER one that yawns [n]
Other moves: STERNWAY 8G 68, YAWNERS G2 67, SWAYER 13H 47, RENAYS 13C 41, SAWNEY 13H 41
SWEAR 13H 27 fatcat
On 3rd draw, (M)ONTAGED 11D 86 --- MONTAGE to combine into a composite picture [v]
Other moves: T(H)ONGED G3 70, T(H)ONGED I3 70, T(A)NGOED G3 69, T(A)NGOED I3 69, DENOT(I)NG E7 68
Q(U)OTED 12H 30 fatcat
On 4th draw, OUTDARED K4 70 --- OUTDARE to surpass in daring [v]
Other moves: OUTREAD G3 69, OUTREAD I3 69, OUTDREA(M) D4 68, READOUT G3 66, OUTDARE G2 62
ROUTED 10J 18 fatcat
On 5th draw, LOWLIER I3 68 --- LOWLY in a low position of rank [adj]
Other moves: LOWE 12C 35, LOWRIE L2 35, LOWE 14A 34, LOWER J8 33, OWRIE L3 33
WELL 10J 28 fatcat
On 6th draw, SA(V)AGERY B6 67 --- SAVAGERY the quality of being savage [n]
Other tops: (T)EARGAS G3 67
Other moves: AGRES(T)AL 3B 66, AGRES(T)AL 6B 62, GAS(T)REA G2 62, S(T)ARAGEN F4 62, AGATE(W)ARES 8E 61
AGERS 8K 24 fatcat
On 7th draw, JABOT L1 50 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: JOBE L1 46, JATO L1 42, JETE L1 42, JOE H4 42, JEAT H1 41
JEAT H1 41 fatcat
On 8th draw, JOHN 1L 42 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other tops: JOSH 1L 42
Other moves: HOPES M2 41, HEPS M2 39, HOPE M2 39, HOPS M2 39, HEAPS 2J 36
JOHN 1L 42 fatcat
O(V)ENS 8A 15 verelst
On 9th draw, STIFLE A1 41 --- STIFLE to smother [v]
Other moves: STEP H1 36, FILLETS 6F 35, ITSELF M3 34, FEELS 10J 31, FEELS J10 31
FELTS 10J 31 fatcat
APSE 8K 9 verelst
On 10th draw, FEDEX 10J 53 --- FEDEX Federal Exprss [n] --- FEDEX to send by Federal Express [v]
Other tops: FEDEX J10 53
Other moves: EX 14E 52, EXED H1 49, OXY M1 49, HYED H1 46, EXED L7 45
EX 14E 52 fatcat
HEXED J10 41 verelst
On 11th draw, TENURING 2A 72 --- TENURE to grant tenure (the status of holding one's position on a permanent basis) to [v]
Other moves: INANE 2J 26, INURE M3 26, INURN M3 26, URAEI 2J 26, AGRIN 8K 24
FRINGE 4A 20 fatcat
BRIG 3L 14 verelst
On 12th draw, MADERISE M7 82 --- MADERISE to become flat and rusty (wine) [v]
Other moves: MEDIAS 1D 59, MESIAD 1D 58, MEDIA 1D 56, MEADS 1F 39, DRAMA 2J 38
DEARS 1F 32 fatcat
MIXERS N8 15 verelst
On 13th draw, KUEH L12 46 --- KUEH a Malaysian, Indian or Chinese cake [n]
Other moves: KEEP L12 42, PEEK L12 42, KEY L12 39, PAYEE 2K 37, KEP L12 36
HE 14F 28 fatcat
AYE 8M 18 verelst
On 14th draw, BIOTECH 15F 42 --- BIOTECH applied biological science [n]
Other moves: ABACI 8K 36, BITCH 15H 36, BOTCH 15H 36, ICEBOX N5 34, ABATE 8K 30
BITCH 15H 36 fatcat
ACT 8M 15 verelst
On 15th draw, ZOAEA 2J 80 --- ZOAEA a larval stage of crabs, pl ZOAEAE or ZOAEAS [n]
Other moves: ZUPAN D1 52, ZOA H4 50, ZUPA D1 50, ZA H4 47, ZO H4 47
ZOA H4 50 fatcat
AVE 8M 18 verelst
On 16th draw, COMIX N6 33 --- COMIX comic books or strips [n]
Other moves: PUMPION D1 32, AMAIN 8K 30, MUONIC D1 26, PUMP D1 26, CUMIN D1 24
ICON N5 18 fatcat
AIM 8M 15 verelst
On 17th draw, YIP O7 53 --- YIP to utter a short, sudden cry [v]
Other tops: YUP O7 53
Other moves: PIP O7 49, PUP O7 49, YIN O7 45, NIP O7 41, PIN O7 41
PUNY D1 24 verelst
AMP 8M 21 fatcat
On 18th draw, PIU 1F 30 --- PIU more -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: UP 14I 22, UP 1H 21, UP G8 18, SPIN 1A 16, SPUN 1A 16
PAV 9A 12 fatcat
RUIN E2 8 verelst
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