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Game on Mars 24, 2016 at 09:28, 2 players
1. 359 pts mordeckhi
2. 57 pts Allotment

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adefmor   H4    32    32   foamed
 2. ?ceemou   I3    27    59   cameo
 3. aikoors   5G    26    85   oomiaks
 4. dijorsu   L2    32   117   jouks
 5. aaefgir   M1    31   148   fairs
 6. dehostt   J7    68   216   shotted
 7. ?eilnrt  13G    70   286   tendrils
 8. eloorsu   8J    30   316   houser
 9. adeprtw  H11    42   358   twerp
10. aacehiv  11D    52   410   cavitate
11. dehlrtu  12A    30   440   ruth
12. adeeinu   9A    62   502   unideaed
13. aegnopq   A5    51   553   opaque
14. beinrwy  N10    38   591   winsey
15. aegitvy   N1    41   632   ay
16. begilnt   B5    34   666   begin
17. beillnx   1M    39   705   fax
18. aillort  15K    27   732   tolyl
19. eginrvz   C2    44   776   vezir
20. abdgiln   E2    74   850   blindage

Remaining tiles: gnn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4287 Filemordeckhi   1 18:32  -491  359     1.5876 Allotment   1  3:39  -793   57 
  2.5876 FileAllotment   1  3:39  -793   57            Group: not rated
                                             1.4287 mordeckhi   1 18:32  -491  359 

On 1st draw, FOAMED H4 32 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other tops: FARMED H4 32, FORMED H4 32, FRAMED H4 32
Other moves: DEFOAM H7 30, DEFORM H7 30, FAMED H4 30, FEMORA H4 30, FOAMER H4 30
FRAMED H6 24 mordeckhi

On 2nd draw, C(A)MEO I3 27 --- CAMEO to portray in sharp, delicate relief [v]
Other tops: COM(A)E G3 27, COM(B)E G3 27, COM(T)E G3 27
Other moves: C(L)EOME G2 26, C(L)EOME I2 26, MEOUE(D) G7 26, MEOUE(D) I7 26, MEOU G7 25
MACE 6G 10 mordeckhi

On 3rd draw, OOMIAKS 5G 26 --- OOMIAK an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: IROKOS J7 25, CROAKS 3I 24, CROOKS 3I 24, F(A)KIRS 4H 24, IROKO J7 24

On 4th draw, JOUKS L2 32 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other moves: JUDIES 8D 31, JOUK L2 30, JURIES 8D 30, DROUKS L1 26, JIRDS M1 26
DUSK L2 18 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, FAIRS M1 31 --- FAIR to make smooth [v]
Other moves: REJIG 2J 30, JAFA 2L 28, GAIRS M1 27, FAE M1 25, FAR M1 25
JIG 2L 22 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, SHOTTED J7 68 --- SHOT to load with shot (small lead or steel pellets) [v]
Other moves: HOAED 6F 30, FEH 1M 27, FOH 1M 27, HAED 6G 24, JADE 2L 24
HOSED 9D 10 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, TENDRIL(S) 13G 70 --- TENDRIL a coiling, threadlike, climbing organ of a plant [n]
Other tops: TRENDIL(Y) 13F 70, TRINDLE(D) 13F 70, TRINDLE(S) 13F 70, (S)NIRTLED 13C 70
Other moves: REENLI(S)T 12H 68, TREEN(A)IL 12H 68, TRIN(D)LED 13C 68, (U)NDERLIT 13H 68, ENTIREL(Y) 12E 66
HINTER 8J 30 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, HOUSER 8J 30 --- HOUSER one who organizes housing projects [n]
Other tops: HOUSEL 8J 30
Other moves: ER N1 29, JARL 2L 22, JARS 2L 22, JAR 2L 20, EROS G7 19
HORSE 8J 9 mordeckhi

On 9th draw, TWERP H11 42 --- TWERP a small, impudent person [n]
Other moves: AW N1 41, TWEED H11 39, WEEP H12 39, WEPT H12 39, TWEER H11 36
WEPT H12 39 mordeckhi

On 10th draw, CAVITATE 11D 52 --- CAVITATE to form cavities [v]
Other moves: CHA(S)E N10 30, AI N1 29, CHIVE L11 28, JAVA 2L 28, CHAI J2 27
CA(S)H N11 16 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, RUTH 12A 30 --- RUTH compassion [n]
Other tops: HUR(S)T N10 30, LEHR 12B 30, TEHR 12B 30
Other moves: ER N1 29, DROUTH 9H 28, DUH 12B 28, EDH 12B 28, HURDLER 14B 28
DEI L11 23 mordeckhi

On 12th draw, UNIDEAED 9A 62 --- UNIDEAED lacking ideas [adj]
Other moves: AI N1 29, DAINE L11 29, JADE 2L 24, NEED 13B 24, NIED 13B 24
DRAIN A11 18 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, OPAQUE A5 51 --- OPAQUE impervious to light [adj] --- OPAQUE to make opaque [v]
Other moves: GAPE 8A 43, GAPO 8A 43, NAPE 8A 37, NOPE 8A 37, QUA A8 36

On 14th draw, WIN(S)EY N10 38 --- WINSEY a cloth [n]
Other moves: BYRNIE B2 36, INBYE B2 35, BYRNIE B1 34, REWIN B5 34, BIR(S)Y N10 30
FRY 1M 27 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, AY N1 41 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: AG N1 33, VARIETY O6 33, AYIN B6 31, AI N1 29, JAVA 2L 28
RAGE A12 15 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, BEGIN B5 34 --- BEGIN to start [v]
Other moves: INBYE 15K 33, ELINT B6 32, BLINGER 14B 30, BINE B7 27, BINT B7 27
LYE 15M 18 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, FAX 1M 39 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: INBYE 15K 33, NIXER 14D 30, NIXE C2 27, BENI 12L 24, BYE 15M 24
FAX 1M 39 mordeckhi, Allotment

On 18th draw, TOLYL 15K 27 --- TOLYL a chemical radical derived from toluic acid [n]
Other moves: ARYL 15L 24, LA O14 23, LO O14 23, TA O14 23, TO O14 23
OAR 13C 18 Allotment
ROAR A12 12 mordeckhi

On 19th draw, VEZIR C2 44 --- VEZIR a minister [n]
Other moves: ZINGER C1 42, VEZIR 14D 39, ZEIN C3 36, ZINGED D4 36, GRIZE C1 35
ZIP 15F 14 mordeckhi

On 20th draw, BLINDAGE E2 74 --- BLINDAGE a temporary wooden screen(military) [n]
Other moves: DA D3 31, BAND 12L 28, BANG 12L 28, LA D3 28, LAVING 2A 28
RAID A12 15 mordeckhi

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