Game on April 25, 2016 at 07:02, 6 players
1. 441 pts sunshine12
2. 299 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 252 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 68 68 


I11 21 89 


15I 60 149 


11D 98 247 


12A 34 281 


O8 83 364 


A10 45 409 


10D 58 467 


K6 62 529 


G3 78 607 


3G 30 637 


4J 56 693 


5A 74 767 


H1 39 806 


A1 45 851 


13A 28 879 


B5 35 914 


C3 28 942 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 2 12:41 -501 441 1.7099 sunshine12 2 12:41 -501 441
GLOBEMAN 2 11:51 -643 299 2.7407 GLOBEMAN 2 11:51 -643 299
roocatcher 1 13:46 -690 252 3.7494 roocatcher 1 13:46 -690 252
verelst 1 10:11 -741 201 Group: not rated
5. -
WEASEL 0 3:46 -897 45 1.4665 verelst 1 10:11 -741 201
6. -
TWEEKS 0 0:13 -917 25 2. - WEASEL 0 3:46 -897 45
3. - TWEEKS 0 0:13 -917 25
On 1st draw, LENT(I)GO H7 68 --- LENTIGO a freckle [n]
Other moves: LENT(I)GO H2 66, LENT(I)GO H3 66, LENT(I)GO H4 66, LENT(I)GO H6 66, LONGE(S)T H2 66
On 2nd draw, TOPEE I11 21 --- TOPEE a sun-helmet [n]
Other tops: TOPER I11 21
Other moves: PROTEGE 12C 20, PROTEI I5 20, TOPE I11 20, TOPI I11 20, TIP I11 19
TOPER I11 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 3rd draw, EVZONES 15I 60 --- EVZONE a Greek soldier [n]
Other tops: EVZONES 15D 60
Other moves: EVZONE 15D 57, EVZONES 14I 54, EVZONE 14I 52, SOZINE 15D 48, SEIZE 15H 45
ZINES 15F 42 sunshine12
ZONES 15F 42 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 4th draw, URO(L)(I)THIC 11D 98 --- UROLITHIC [adj]
Other moves: EU(P)HORIC 8H 89, ICHOR(O)US O8 89, ICH(O)ROUS O8 89, UNH(E)ROIC 9G 68, CO(T)HURNI 9B 65
(N)OH 14L 23 sunshine12
HO 14N 22 roocatcher
On 5th draw, WASP 12A 34 --- WASP a stinging insect [n]
Other moves: SPEW 12C 33, BAPU 14L 32, PAW 14L 32, PEBA 14L 32, PEW 14L 32
PAW 14L 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
AW 10E 28 roocatcher
On 6th draw, ORBITIES O8 83 --- ORBITY bereavement [n]
Other moves: BOATER B10 28, BOATIE B10 28, TOWIER A10 27, BOART B10 26, BIRO 14L 24
WORE A12 21 sunshine12
On 7th draw, MAWKIN A10 45 --- MAWKIN a scarecrow [n]
Other moves: KAME 14L 36, KAT 10F 34, KET 10F 34, EXAM N5 33, KEX G13 33
XI 13B 31 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 8th draw, TAJ 10D 58 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JADE 14L 41, JATO N6 31, JOTA N6 31, JOTAS F10 30, DOJOS F8 29
TAJ 10D 58 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JAB 10M 14 verelst
On 9th draw, FREDAINE K6 62 --- FREDAINE a prank [n]
Other moves: FARCED L8 32, FENCED L8 32, FENCER L8 30, DEFACER L7 28, ENFACED L7 28
FE B14 22 sunshine12
AFAR E8 7 verelst
On 10th draw, FORBADE G3 78 --- FORBID to command not to do something [v]
Other tops: FORBADE I3 78
Other moves: FORBADE N3 74, FORBADE B4 73, FORDABLE 7B 69, FORBADE G1 68, FARCED L8 53
BODE 14L 26 sunshine12
FEED 8J 9 verelst
On 11th draw, FACULAR 3G 30 --- FACULA an unusually bright spot on the sun's surface [adj] --- FACULAR pertaining to a facula [adj]
Other moves: CLAN H1 29, CRAN H1 29, CANULA L1 27, CARAUNA B6 25, ALAN H1 23
CLAN H1 29 sunshine12
CARNAL 5E 16 verelst
On 12th draw, MIXED 4J 56 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: EXAM H1 55, MIXES 4J 54, MIX 4J 48, SIX 4J 42, SAXE H2 38
MAX H2 37 sunshine12
SAXE L2 22 verelst
On 13th draw, NEGATORY 5A 74 --- NEGATORY expressing denial [adj]
Other moves: GENTY B6 36, GOATY B6 36, GOETY B6 36, AGONY B6 34, TANGY B6 34
TOY 2L 25 sunshine12
YOB 10M 10 verelst
On 14th draw, OVARY H1 39 --- OVARY a female reproduction gland [n]
Other moves: OTARY H1 30, RIVO 2L 27, LUV 2L 25, VIOLA D1 24, VOILA D1 24
VIOLA D1 24 verelst
TOR 2L 19 sunshine12
On 15th draw, SHEWN A1 45 --- SHEW to show [v]
Other tops: SHAWN A1 45
Other moves: TAWAIS B9 43, TAWNIES A2 42, WAHINES A1 42, AWAIT B10 41, WAHINE A1 39
SHEWN A1 45 verelst
WITH 2L 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, WEASEL
On 16th draw, KAIS 13A 28 --- KAI a meal [n]
Other moves: WAULS 4A 27, WAUL 4A 23, LIAS 2L 21, LUAU 2L 21, SAIL 2L 21
SAIL 2L 21 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
LAS 2L 19 sunshine12
SLAG C2 10 verelst
On 17th draw, EQUID B5 35 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: EQUALI D2 30, EQUID 3A 30, EQUAL D2 28, IDEE B2 28, QADI D4 28
QUAD D3 28 verelst, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 18th draw, LEGIT C3 28 --- LEGIT a legitimate drama [n]
Other moves: GIG C5 23, LUGE 2L 23, TEGU 2L 23, TIGE 2L 23, GILET 8A 21
LUGE 2L 23 roocatcher
HUGE 2A 16 verelst
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