Game on June 13, 2016 at 16:58, 6 players
1. 650 pts musdrive
2. 443 pts Allotment
3. 208 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


4D 68 94 


5E 29 123 


L1 40 163 


9B 73 236 


C7 44 280 


6J 29 309 


N2 78 387 


M8 82 469 


15G 92 561 


B11 43 604 


F7 63 667 


D12 48 715 


12K 54 769 


O6 55 824 


14J 59 883 


O10 54 937 


1H 36 973 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 5 15:43 -323 650 1.7580 musdrive 5 15:43 -323 650
Allotment 0 14:53 -530 443 2.7629 PIThompson 0 4:46 -765 208
PIThompson 0 4:46 -765 208 3.7637 Mycophot 1 4:52 -782 191
Mycophot 1 4:52 -782 191 4.7374 queen66 0 1:22 -922 51
queen66 0 1:22 -922 51 5.7314 sicilianc5 0 1:38 -939 34
sicilianc5 0 1:38 -939 34 Group: novice
1.5926 Allotment 0 14:53 -530 443
On 1st draw, MAVEN H4 26 --- MAVEN an expert [n]
Other moves: VEENA H4 24, VENAE H4 24, MAVEN H8 22, MEANER H4 22, RENAME H8 22
MAVEN H4 26 musdrive
On 2nd draw, AU(T)OMATE 4D 68 --- AUTOMATE to convert to a system of automatic control [v]
Other tops: AUTOMA(T)E 4D 68
Other moves: AE(R)ONAUT 8D 58, A(Q)UATONE 8B 58, O(C)EANAUT 8D 58, AMATEU(R) 4G 16, AUTOMA(N) 4D 16
(S)ATE 9H 14 musdrive
On 3rd draw, REBATO 5E 29 --- REBATO a wide, lace-edged collar [n]
Other moves: BALER 5G 26, BEVOR G7 26, ABORE 5H 24, ABORT 5H 24, BEVOR 3K 24
ABET 5H 22 musdrive
BREVET K2 22 Allotment
On 4th draw, FOG(S) L1 40 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other moves: COV(E)N 6F 39, FON(D) L1 38, FON(S) L1 38, COG(S) L1 36, GON(E)F 6B 35
GON(E)F 6B 35 musdrive
(D)ONG L4 26 Allotment
On 5th draw, INCUDES 9B 73 --- INCUS a bone in the middle ear [n]
Other tops: CUNDIES 9B 73, INCUSED 9D 73, INDUCES 9B 73
Other moves: INCUDES G8 64, INCUSED G8 64, INDUCES G8 64, DUES K2 34, CIVE 6F 33
FICE 1L 27 musdrive
FIND 1L 24 Allotment
On 6th draw, JANITOR C7 44 --- JANITOR a maintenance man [n]
Other moves: JAI 8A 34, JAROOL 2I 30, JA 8A 29, JO 8A 29, RAJ 3B 29
JANITOR C7 44 musdrive
JAI 8A 34 PIThompson, Mycophot, Allotment, sicilianc5
On 7th draw, PIVOT 6J 29 --- PIVOT to turn on a shaft or rod [v]
Other tops: LIPIN B8 29
Other moves: FLIP 1L 27, FLOP 1L 27, PONTIL 6J 27, PILOT 6J 26, PINOT 6J 26
PIVOT 6J 29 musdrive
VIOL 12A 22 PIThompson
FONT 1L 21 Allotment
On 8th draw, PHILTRED N2 78 --- PHILTRE to put under the spell of a love potion [v]
Other moves: HELP D12 36, EPHORI 2I 34, LIPIDE B8 34, HEID D12 32, HELD D12 32
HELP D12 36 PIThompson
HIP B8 29 musdrive
HOPED 2K 22 Allotment
On 9th draw, BEAMLET M8 82 --- BEAMLET a little beam [n]
Other moves: ATREMBLE 13A 63, BIMETAL B8 54, MABE O8 39, METAL O8 39, BEAT O1 33
MABE O8 39 musdrive
BEET O1 33 Allotment
EME O7 32 PIThompson
On 10th draw, UNLEADS 15G 92 --- UNLEAD to remove the lead from [v]
Other moves: UNLADES 15G 89, UNSALTED 14H 72, RUNDALES 13C 61, UNLEASED 13G 61, UNSEALED 13G 61
SED O6 43 musdrive
UNLEADS 15G 42 PIThompson
UNSAFE 1H 27 Allotment
On 11th draw, AZANS B11 43 --- AZAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other moves: BEZ 8M 42, AZAN B11 41, ZAS 14A 39, ZA O1 37, ZAS B12 37
BEZ 8M 42 Allotment, PIThompson, musdrive
On 12th draw, ORDAINER F7 63 --- ORDAINER one that ordains [n]
Other moves: AEON D12 37, AERO D12 37, AE D12 31, EA D11 31, OE D12 31
AEON D12 37 musdrive
OE D12 31 Mycophot
ZONER 12B 28 Allotment
On 13th draw, ODIC D12 48 --- ODIC pertaining to an ode [adj]
Other moves: QI E11 46, COED O1 41, QI O1 37, ODE D12 36, ROED O1 35
ODIC D12 48 Mycophot
QI E11 46 musdrive
QI O1 37 Allotment
On 14th draw, KYLIX 12K 54 --- KYLIX a two-handled drinking vessel [n]
Other moves: IBEX 8L 42, YBET 8L 39, OX G12 36, KITTY 14K 33, KILTY 12K 32
IBEX 8L 42 Mycophot
KOI O1 30 Allotment
KOA 8A 23 musdrive
On 15th draw, SEY O6 55 --- SEY a part carcase of beef [n]
Other moves: GYBES 8K 45, SEG O6 43, SEE O6 37, SEL O6 37, FEES O1 36
SEY O6 55 musdrive
FEES O1 36 Mycophot, Allotment
On 16th draw, WHITE 14J 59 --- WHITE of the color of pure snow [adj] --- WHITE to whiten [v]
Other moves: LIEF O1 51, WHIFF 1H 51, FLITE 14J 50, FLITT 14J 50, WHET 14J 39
WHIFF 1H 51 musdrive
LIEF O1 51 queen66
HIE O1 27 Allotment
On 17th draw, LOXING O10 54 --- LOX to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v]
Other moves: GONIF 1H 27, LION O1 27, LOIN O1 27, TOXIN O10 24, VIOL L6 22
LOXING O10 54 musdrive
GLOOP 2J 12 Allotment
On 18th draw, TRUFFE 1H 36 --- TRUFFE an edible fungus [n]
Other tops: GRUFF 1H 36
Other moves: FEU A13 34, FIQUE 11E 34, FUG 3E 25, EF O3 23, TEF G11 23
FEU A13 34 musdrive
QI 11E 22 Allotment
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