Game on June 29, 2016 at 03:41, 1 player
1. 180 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 24 24 


8H 77 101 


5D 90 191 


D1 44 235 


O1 98 333 


6J 41 374 


E5 80 454 


11D 72 526 


1D 39 565 


3G 32 597 


F4 33 630 


8A 39 669 


B1 78 747 


A2 45 792 


12A 34 826 


H11 48 874 


13B 27 901 


N8 76 977 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
verelst 2 9:32 -797 180 1.4605 verelst 2 9:32 -797 180
On 1st draw, OV(A)TOR H3 24 --- OVATOR one who ovates [n]
Other tops: VO(S)TRO H4 24
Other moves: VOT(E)R H4 22, VO(D)OU H4 22, VROO(M) H4 22, VROU(S) H4 22, VROU(W) H4 22
ROOT H7 8 verelst
On 2nd draw, RAOULIAS 8H 77 --- RAOULIA a large, white plant [n]
Other moves: AVAILS 4G 18, SALIVA 4D 18, VIOLAS 4H 18, VISUAL 4H 18, VAILS 4H 16
On 3rd draw, PRON(A)TED 5D 90 --- PRONATE to turn the palm downward or backward [v]
Other moves: PORTENDS O1 86, PROTENDS O1 86, DIPTERON M7 82, PRONATED N4 65, TROUPED K5 40
On 4th draw, JALAP D1 44 --- JALAP a Mexican plant [n]
Other moves: RAJ G1 35, INJERA M8 28, JAPAN D3 28, JAPER D3 28, LAPJE D3 28
On 5th draw, DASY(P)ODS O1 98 --- DASYPOD a type of armadillo [n]
Other moves: DOO(M)SDAY 3G 80, DOO(M)SDAY 3F 76, DO(G)DAYS 9B 75, DOO(M)SDAY F3 70, DOO(M)SDAY J7 70
On 6th draw, FIASCO 6J 41 --- FIASCO a wine bottle [n] --- FIASCO a complete failure [n]
Other moves: JUDAS 1D 39, FASCIA 2J 38, FASCIO 6J 37, FISC 6J 33, FADS 6J 32
On 7th draw, REAWOKEN E5 80 --- REAWAKE to awake again [v]
Other moves: KEA N2 33, KEN N2 33, KOA N2 33, KON N2 33, AKE N1 31
On 8th draw, REBEGINS 11D 72 --- REBEGIN to begin again [v]
Other moves: KERBINGS 10E 69, SABERING I7 69, BIGENERS 11B 61, BREINGES 11C 61, REBEGINS 11B 61
On 9th draw, JANTEE 1D 39 --- JANTEE briskly self-assured [adj]
Other moves: IGNITE H10 24, ETEN N1 22, INIA N1 22, GENET H11 21, GENIE H11 21
STAIN K11 5 verelst
On 10th draw, VORLAGE 3G 32 --- VORLAGE a position in skiing [n]
Other moves: LAVAGE 2A 31, LOVAGE 2A 31, RAVAGE 2A 31, VOLAGE 2A 31, AGLOW 8A 30
AGLOW 8A 30 verelst
On 11th draw, FOHN F4 33 --- FOHN a warm dry wind [n]
Other moves: FEH C2 32, FOHN 12I 32, FOH F4 30, GONEF H11 30, JALAPENO D1 28
On 12th draw, IMMEW 8A 39 --- IMMEW to confine [v]
Other moves: GIMME H11 33, IMMY 4L 32, MIRAGE 2A 29, GRAME 2B 28, GRIME H11 27
MILE 3B 12 verelst
On 13th draw, GONIDIUM B1 78 --- GONIDIUM an asexual reproductive cell [n]
Other moves: GOING H11 24, UNDY 4L 24, GUANO 2B 22, NGAIO 2B 22, RIGID D11 22
SIGN K11 5 verelst
On 14th draw, HEX A2 45 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: EXIT A3 43, TEX A2 39, TIX A2 39, HEX A4 38, HEXER 12K 37
XI 4A 17 verelst
On 15th draw, YEWEN 12A 34 --- YEWEN made of yew [adj]
Other moves: WEENY 12B 33, WIENIE 12B 28, YEP 9I 27, YIP 9I 27, WAY I7 26
WEED 1L 12 verelst
On 16th draw, GLITZ H11 48 --- GLITZ gaudy showiness [n] --- GLITZ to make flashy in appearance [v]
Other tops: L*ZLEZ 13B 48
Other moves: CLYPEI A10 39, ETYPIC A10 39, TYPIC A11 36, AIZLE N8 34, PEIZE B11 32
GLITZ H11 48 verelst
On 17th draw, TOP 13B 27 --- TOP to cut off the top (the highest part, point, or surface) of [v]
Other tops: YBET A12 27, YEBO A12 27, YIPE A12 27
Other moves: BOP 9I 23, OB 13C 23, OP 13C 23, UTE 13A 23, BITO 9I 22
YIPE A12 27 verelst
On 18th draw, ACQUITE N8 76 --- ACQUITE to free from a charge [v]
Other moves: QI G13 44, ACQUIT N8 37, QUIET 10I 33, QUITE 10I 33, QUIT 10I 32
QUITE 13F 16 verelst
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