Game on July 15, 2016 at 20:13, 8 players
1. 758 pts OrangeCup
2. 663 pts Inkey
3. 297 pts wilsnach
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 34 34
2. 11E 40 74
3. 8A 71 145
4. 10J 35 180
5. C3 80 260
6. N7 76 336
7. 8J 48 384
8. L1 84 468
9. 12A 50 518
10. 2I 70 588
11. 3K 46 634
12. E2 72 706
13. A10 48 754
14. B1 39 793
15. M10 38 831
16. A1 38 869
17. 1F 35 904
18. L12 31 935
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8302 OrangeCup 9 12:15 -177 758 1.8302 OrangeCup 9 12:15 -177 758
2.7659 Inkey 8 14:34 -272 663 Group: advanced
3. - wilsnach 0 20:03 -638 297 1.7659 Inkey 8 14:34 -272 663
4.4322 mordeckhi 0 6:45 -839 96 2.7693 PIThompson 1 2:21 -868 67
5.7693 PIThompson 1 2:21 -868 67 3.7749 queen66 1 0:54 -900 35
6.7749 queen66 1 0:54 -900 35 4.7300 Mycophot 1 1:25 -900 35
7.7300 Mycophot 1 1:25 -900 35 5.7424 sicilianc5 0 1:23 -905 30
8.7424 sicilianc5 0 1:23 -905 30 Group: not rated
1. - wilsnach 0 20:03 -638 297
2.4322 mordeckhi 0 6:45 -839 96
On 1st draw, C(A)VITY H7 34 --- CAVITY an unfilled space within a mass [n]
Other moves: CIV(V)Y H8 32, CI(V)VY H8 32, C(A)VITY H4 32, C(H)IVY H8 32, VIC(H)Y H4 32
C(A)VITY H7 34 Inkey
CI(V)VY H8 32 OrangeCup
CIV(V)Y H8 32 PIThompson
DI(V)VY H8 30 sicilianc5
On 2nd draw, OMITTED 11E 40 --- OMIT to leave out [v]
Other moves: DITTOED 11E 36, MIDDY 12D 24, MOIETY 12C 22, ODDITY 12C 22, DEMIT G10 21
OMITTED 11E 40 Inkey
MIDDY 12D 24 OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, (Q)UINELL(A) 8A 71 --- QUINELLA a type of bet in horse racing [n]
Other moves: UN(A)LLIED K4 66, UN(B)ILLED K4 66, UN(F)ILLED K4 66, UN(M)ILLED K4 66, UN(T)ILLED K4 66
UN(M)ILLED K4 66 OrangeCup
LINE 12J 13 Inkey
On 4th draw, FANGS 10J 35 --- FANG a long, pointed tooth [n] --- FANG to seize [v]
Other moves: FANES 10J 34, FABS 10J 33, FAB 10J 32, FAGS 10J 32, FANG 10J 32
FANGS 10J 35 OrangeCup, queen66, PIThompson, Mycophot
FANES 10J 34 Inkey
CAB 7H 8 wilsnach
On 5th draw, BOARDING C3 80 --- BOARDING the act of boarding a ship etc [n]
Other tops: ABORDING C3 80
Other moves: BONDAGER E2 74, BOGGARD M7 34, ROBAND 12J 32, BARONY 12C 30, GRODY 12D 29
BOARDING C3 80 OrangeCup
BOARD 12A 25 Inkey
BRAG M7 11 wilsnach
On 6th draw, FRISBEES N7 76 --- FRISBEE a plastic disk several inches in diameter sailed between players by a flip of the wrist -- a trademark [n]
Other tops: FREEBIES E2 76
Other moves: FRISBEES N3 65, BEEFS D1 42, FEEBS D1 42, FRIBS D1 42, BEEF D1 38
FRIBS D1 42 Inkey
BEEFS D1 42 OrangeCup
BRIEF 3C 14 wilsnach
On 7th draw, DEMARK 8J 48 --- DEMARK to delimit [v]
Other moves: KUMERA 8J 45, KAED O6 41, KART 8L 39, MARK 8L 39, MERK 8L 39
DEMARK 8J 48 OrangeCup, Inkey
(Q)UAKED A8 11 wilsnach
On 8th draw, HEIRLOOM L1 84 --- HEIRLOOM an inherited possession [n]
Other moves: HEIL O12 46, HEIR O12 46, ELHI O12 34, LEHR O12 34, HOLIER 12J 33
HEIR O12 46 OrangeCup, Inkey
On 9th draw, ZATIS 12A 50 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: ZATIS 3I 48, ZITIS 3I 48, ZINES 12K 43, SAZ B2 39, ZINE 12K 39
ZATIS 12A 50 OrangeCup, Inkey
AZO 4A 13 wilsnach
On 10th draw, SQUEAL 2I 70 --- SQUEAL to utter a sharp, shrill cry [v]
Other moves: QUOPS 4A 52, QUASH 1H 51, QURSH 1H 51, QUAILS 3I 50, QUAIRS 3I 50
QUOPS 4A 52 OrangeCup
QUAIRS 3I 50 Inkey
QUA K3 41 wilsnach
On 11th draw, PIX 3K 46 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other tops: PAX D2 46, POX D2 46
Other moves: APEX 12L 42, PREX 12L 42, RAX D2 42, AX D3 40, OX D3 40
PAX D2 46 OrangeCup
PIX 3K 46 Inkey
AX 1N 29 wilsnach
On 12th draw, UNTETHER E2 72 --- UNTETHER to free from a tether [v]
Other tops: EARTHNUT 5B 72
Other moves: TEHR O12 34, TETH O12 31, HUER D1 30, TEHR D2 30, THEN M12 28
REH D2 26 OrangeCup, wilsnach
EH D3 24 Inkey
THEN C12 14 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, RAZING A10 48 --- RAZE to tear down or demolish [v]
Other moves: AZURN A11 42, ZING A12 42, URVA D3 34, GARNI D2 32, AGIN 13A 30
RAZING A10 48 OrangeCup, Inkey
VIA 1G 20 wilsnach
On 14th draw, DRAWEE B1 39 --- DRAWEE the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn [n]
Other moves: GAWD M10 33, AWED M12 30, AWEE M12 28, EWER M12 28, WADE B11 28
AWED M12 30 Inkey
AW D3 27 OrangeCup
WEEDS 14J 17 wilsnach
FEEDER J10 12 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, GAPY M10 38 --- GAPY infested with gapeworms [adj]
Other moves: PYAT F2 34, PYAT M12 34, PYET F2 34, PYET M12 34, PYA M12 32
GAPY M10 38 Inkey, OrangeCup
PAVE 1F 29 wilsnach
NAY 14A 12 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, OONT A1 38 --- OONT a camel [n]
Other moves: JOE 1G 32, JO 1H 29, JEON 6J 27, ONIE L12 26, ONTO L12 26
JOE 1G 32 OrangeCup, Inkey, wilsnach
JUT 2D 12 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, AJEE 1F 35 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other tops: JIAO 1F 35
Other moves: JAI 1G 32, JEE 1G 32, JOE 1G 32, CAJOLE 5H 30, JA 1H 29
JIAO 1F 35 OrangeCup
JOE 1G 32 Inkey, wilsnach
JA 1H 29 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, OWE L12 31 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other moves: OW L12 29, WOE O13 29, NOVICE 14A 26, OW O11 26, VOCULE 5H 22
OWE L12 31 OrangeCup, Inkey
J*W G1JEW G1 17 mordeckhi
CUP K1 14 wilsnach
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