Game on August 12, 2016 at 17:45, 6 players
1. 542 pts Kalikokat
2. 456 pts PIThompson
3. 445 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


13H 49 79 


I6 43 122 


N8 92 214 


J4 51 265 


O4 26 291 


15K 45 336 


14I 39 375 


15F 42 417 


K5 29 446 


M3 75 521 


14A 29 550 


A12 42 592 


4C 82 674 


11E 102 776 


C3 36 812 


H1 21 833 


13C 23 856 


10F 62 918 


8A 48 966 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Kalikokat 2 13:13 -424 542 1.8425 OrangeCup 1 2:51 -850 116
PIThompson 4 10:33 -510 456 Group: advanced
Mycophot 3 14:01 -521 445 1.7665 PIThompson 4 10:33 -510 456
queen66 3 1:59 -795 171 2.7519 Mycophot 3 14:01 -521 445
sicilianc5 1 4:19 -796 170 3.7335 queen66 3 1:59 -795 171
OrangeCup 1 2:51 -850 116 4.7576 sicilianc5 1 4:19 -796 170
Group: intermediate
1.6852 Kalikokat 2 13:13 -424 542
On 1st draw, NAZIR H8 30 --- NAZIR an Indian court official [n]
Other tops: NAZIR H4 30
Other moves: NAZIR H5 28, NAZIR H6 28, NAZIR H7 28, IZAR H5 26, IZAR H6 26
RIZA H8 26 OrangeCup
RIZA H6 26 PIThompson
ZIN H7 24 Kalikokat
On 2nd draw, SYMBOL 13H 49 --- SYMBOL to serve as a symbol (a representation) of [v]
Other moves: SYBO I7 36, YOD I9 34, YOS I9 32, BOD I9 30, MOD I9 30
YOD I9 34 PIThompson
YOS I9 32 Mycophot
BOD I9 30 sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, APEX I6 43 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: PAX I7 42, APEX 12K 40, APEX N11 40, PATEN N10 40, TAX I7 38
PAX I7 42 PIThompson, OrangeCup, sicilianc5, Kalikokat
On 4th draw, ENCLOS(E) N8 92 --- ENCLOSE to close in on all sides [v]
Other tops: (E)NCLOSE N8 92, (I)NCLOSE N8 92, (U)NCLOSE N8 92
Other moves: C(H)OLINES 11D 86, LEC(T)IONS 11D 86, LE(X)ICONS 11E 86, S(I)LICONE 11E 86, (H)ELICONS 11E 86
ENCLOS(E) N8 42 Mycophot
COL G7 23 Kalikokat
On 5th draw, COWAGE J4 51 --- COWAGE a tropical vine [n]
Other moves: TOWAGE J4 49, WAGE J6 47, COWAGE O3 45, WATE J6 45, COWAGE H1 41
COW G7 35 Kalikokat
CAW G7 35 queen66
WEET 8L 33 sicilianc5
On 6th draw, IO(L)ITE O4 26 --- IOLITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: ETOI(L)E O3 24, IO(L)ITE O3 24, TOE(B)IE O3 24, ETOI(L)E O4 23, TOEIE(R) H1 23
TI(D)E 15L 20 queen66
TO(R)E 15L 20 Kalikokat
TO(S)E 15L 20 sicilianc5
On 7th draw, TWIST 15K 45 --- TWIST to combine by winding together [v]
Other moves: WAST 15L 42, WIST 15L 42, WATS K5 40, BAST 15L 36, BATS K5 36
TWIST 15K 45 queen66, sicilianc5, PIThompson
WIST 15L 42 Kalikokat
On 8th draw, AYE 14I 39 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: BAY K5 38, BEY K5 38, YAD K5 36, DAY K5 34, DEV K5 34
AYE 14I 39 Kalikokat
BAY K5 38 PIThompson
DEY K5 34 Mycophot
On 9th draw, HOGH 15F 42 --- HOGH a promontory [n]
Other tops: HAH K5 42, HORAH 15E 42
Other moves: HATH 15F 39, GARTH 15E 36, HAH 15G 36, HOAR K4 36, HOH 15G 36
HAH K5 42 queen66, Mycophot
HATH 15F 39 Kalikokat
On 10th draw, MAR K5 29 --- MAR to detract from the perfection or wholeness of [v]
Other tops: UREMIA N1 29
Other moves: URAEMIC 4D 28, ARAME N2 27, RAM K5 27, RAMIE N2 27, REM K5 27
MAR K5 29 queen66, Mycophot, Kalikokat, PIThompson
On 11th draw, TRISULA M3 75 --- TRISULA a trident of Siva [n]
Other moves: RITUALS M2 69, AURIST H1 28, AURIST 14B 25, RITUAL 14B 25, TRISUL 14B 25
TRIALS 14A 23 PIThompson
TRAILS 14A 23 Mycophot
TAXERS 9G 14 Kalikokat
On 12th draw, ENFREE 14A 29 --- ENFREE to set free [v]
Other moves: FREE L1 28, PEON 12L 24, PREE L1 24, FEZ 10F 23, PERFIN 11D 22
FREE L1 28 PIThompson, Kalikokat
FEZ 10F 23 Mycophot
On 13th draw, KAED A12 42 --- KAE to serve [v]
Other moves: DEAVED A10 36, DEEVED A10 36, DEKED A11 36, EVADED A10 36, DEEK A12 33
KAED A12 42 PIThompson
EVADED A10 36 Mycophot
DEEK A12 33 Kalikokat
On 14th draw, VALPROIC 4C 82 --- VALPROIC as in valproic acid, used to treat seizures [adj]
Other moves: RAVIOLI 11E 40, VARIO(L)ITE O1 33, PARVO L9 26, PRAO L1 24, LAV K9 23
KIVA 12A 22 PIThompson
POZ 10F 20 Mycophot
VIA L2 18 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, FATIGUED 11E 102 --- FATIGUE to weary [v]
Other moves: FATIGUE 11E 44, DEGOUT H1 31, DEFOG H1 30, FAGOT H1 27, DEF K9 26
FADO H1 24 Mycophot, PIThompson
FEZ 10F 23 Kalikokat
On 16th draw, OVERBID C3 36 --- OVERBID to bid higher than [v]
Other moves: BEZ 10F 32, BIZ 10F 32, BORED 10B 30, BREID 10B 30, DIEB 10C 28
BORED 10B 30 PIThompson
DRIB 10C 28 Kalikokat
BROOD H1 24 Mycophot
On 17th draw, VINO H1 21 --- VINO wine [n]
Other moves: ION 13C 20, INION 8A 18, UNION 8A 18, VIN 10D 17, IO 13C 16
VINO H1 21 PIThompson, Mycophot
VIN B1 14 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, OUD 13C 23 --- OUD a stringed instrument of northern Africa [n]
Other moves: IDIOT 8A 21, TEIID 8A 21, OUT 13C 20, TED 10D 20, TID 10D 20
TID 10D 20 PIThompson
DOIT 8A 18 Mycophot
DUO B10 14 Kalikokat
On 19th draw, JIZ 10F 62 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: QAT F10 32, JAI F10 26, JEE L2 26, JA F10 25, JEE N2 25
QAT F10 32 PIThompson, Mycophot, Kalikokat
On 20th draw, QUINTE 8A 48 --- QUINTE an attacking fencing position [n]
Other moves: QUIET 8A 45, QUINE 8A 45, QUINT 8A 45, QUITE 8A 45, QUIN 8A 42
QUINTE 8A 48 OrangeCup
QUINT 8A 45 Kalikokat
QUITE 8A 45 Mycophot
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