Game on September 8, 2016 at 18:09, 5 players
1. 710 pts OrangeCup
2. 586 pts Sirocco
3. 544 pts shanice
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 70 70 


6C 75 145 


7G 29 174 


3C 32 206 


8K 38 244 


4A 33 277 


A1 42 319 


8A 78 397 


O1 89 486 


2H 37 523 


L1 27 550 


M3 28 578 


C8 72 650 


15C 66 716 


12A 32 748 


A12 27 775 


11E 40 815 


10B 32 847 


2E 30 877 


14E 27 904 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 12 12:30 -194 710 1.8572 OrangeCup 12 12:30 -194 710
2. -
Sirocco 4 23:26 -318 586 Group: advanced
shanice 6 22:22 -360 544 1.7581 PIThompson 0 3:09 -858 46
PIThompson 0 3:09 -858 46 2.7154 Mycophot 0 1:40 -886 18
Mycophot 0 1:40 -886 18 Group: intermediate
1.6720 shanice 6 22:22 -360 544
Group: not rated
1. - Sirocco 4 23:26 -318 586
On 1st draw, DOG(E)ARS H2 70 --- DOGEAR to turn down a corner of a page [v]
Other tops: DOG(E)ARS H4 70, DRAGO(N)S H4 70, (B)ODRAGS H2 70, (B)ODRAGS H7 70, (W)ARDOGS H7 70
Other moves: DOG(E)ARS H3 68, DOG(E)ARS H6 68, DOG(E)ARS H7 68, DOG(E)ARS H8 68, DRAGO(N)S H2 68
(W)ARDOGS H7 70 OrangeCup
DRAGO(N)S H4 20 Sirocco, shanice
(W)ARDOGS H7 20 PIThompson
GRAD(E)S H4 18 Mycophot
On 2nd draw, (B)UNKMATE 6C 75 --- BUNKMATE a person with whom sleeping quarters are shared [n]
Other moves: TRU(C)KMEN 7G 66, UNKEM(P)T G8 65, UNK(E)M(P)T 5E 44, T(H)UNKED 2B 42, T(R)UNKED 2B 42
K(A)NT G3 28 shanice
KUE G3 27 OrangeCup
NEK G1 26 PIThompson
UNKEM(P)T G8 15 Sirocco
On 3rd draw, YRENT 7G 29 --- REND to tear apart forcibly [v]
Other moves: TUYER 7D 27, NUB(B)Y C3 26, TUB(B)Y C3 26, BUTTE I3 25, BYTE 7B 25
NUB(B)Y C3 26 OrangeCup
BYTE 7B 25 Sirocco
BENNY 5J 24 shanice
On 4th draw, ENDOPOD 3C 32 --- ENDOPOD a branch of a crustacean limb [n]
Other moves: BOUNDED D4 26, POUNDED D4 26, BONDED 5J 25, PONDED 5J 25, BODED 5J 23
BONDED 5J 25 OrangeCup, shanice
DOPED 5J 22 Sirocco
On 5th draw, OVINE 8K 38 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other moves: NIXE 4A 37, BONXIE 5J 35, BOXEN 5J 33, EXO 4B 33, DOXIE 2H 32
OVINE 8K 38 OrangeCup
NIXE 4A 37 Sirocco
BOXEN 5J 33 shanice
On 6th draw, HIREE 4A 33 --- HIREE one that is hired [n]
Other tops: HEROE 4A 33
Other moves: HOD 2F 32, ENROUGH D2 30, EH 2E 29, OH 2E 29, GHEE 4B 28
HOD 2F 32 shanice, OrangeCup
HEIR 4C 28 Sirocco
On 7th draw, FIGHTER A1 42 --- FIGHTER one that fights [n]
Other moves: FIGHT A1 36, PIGHT A1 33, PEGH A1 30, EIGHT A1 27, PITH A1 27
FIGHTER A1 42 Sirocco
PITH A1 27 OrangeCup, shanice
On 8th draw, SLAY 8A 78 --- SLAY to amuse overwhelmingly [v] --- SLAY to kill violently [v]
Other tops: SLEY 8A 78
Other moves: SEELY 8A 72, SYLI 8A 69, SAY 8A 63, SEY 8A 63, SLY 8A 63
SLAY 8A 78 OrangeCup, shanice
SEELY 8A 72 Sirocco
On 9th draw, BISTABLE O1 89 --- BISTABLE a bistable system [n] --- BISTABLE having two stable states [adj]
Other moves: BIBLIST M7 34, LIBLABS B8 34, BASTO K4 28, SIBB E8 24, ABS J1 23
BIB 7M 23 OrangeCup, Sirocco
STAB E8 20 shanice
On 10th draw, DAZE 2H 37 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other moves: TOWZE K7 34, GAUZE 4H 33, LAZE B8 33, NAZE N8 33, AZO F1 32
DAZE 2H 37 Sirocco, OrangeCup
On 11th draw, IRONE L1 27 --- IRONE an aromatic oil [n]
Other tops: ARIEL L1 27, ORIEL L1 27
Other moves: ARIL L1 25, ARLE L1 25, IRON L1 25, ORAL L1 25, ORLE L1 25
ORIEL L1 27 OrangeCup
ORAL L1 25 shanice
LOIN N2 18 Sirocco
On 12th draw, FORA M3 28 --- FORUM a public meeting place [n]
Other tops: FARO M3 28, F*RTFART M3 28, FORT M3 28
Other moves: FAR M3 26, FAT M3 26, FOR M3 26, RAFT M3 25, OAF M3 23
FORT M3 28 OrangeCup, shanice, Sirocco
On 13th draw, ANALCITE C8 72 --- ANALCITE a white mineral [n]
Other moves: ACTINAL C8 24, VENATIC L8 24, ACETAL C8 22, ACETIN C8 22, ANETIC 9B 22
VATIC L8 20 OrangeCup
INLACE M8 18 shanice
LACE 9C 15 Sirocco
On 14th draw, EXUDES 15C 66 --- EXUDE to ooze forth [v]
Other moves: EXED 15A 42, DEX D13 41, SEX D13 39, SIX D13 39, EX D14 36
EXUDES 15C 66 OrangeCup
EXES 15A 36 Sirocco
EX D14 36 shanice
On 15th draw, WICCA 12A 32 --- WICCA a form of nature-oriented witchcraft [n]
Other moves: OW 2E 30, TOGA 14C 24, COCA 12A 22, CITO 14A 21, OCTA 14A 21
WICCA 12A 32 OrangeCup
OW 2E 30 Sirocco
On 16th draw, WARP A12 27 --- WARP to turn or twist out of shape [v]
Other tops: WRAP A12 27
Other moves: PAIL B10 26, AWARE A11 24, PLEURA 11E 24, LAP B8 23, LEP B8 23
WARP A12 27 OrangeCup, shanice
PAIL B10 26 Sirocco
On 17th draw, JOLE 11E 40 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other tops: JOLT 11E 40
Other moves: JET 11E 38, JOE 11E 38, JOL 11E 38, JOT 11E 38, JO 11E 36
JOLT 11E 40 OrangeCup, shanice
JOT 11E 38 Sirocco
On 18th draw, QAT 10B 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: OH 2E 30, OH K4 25, OH N1 24, TOUGH 12H 23, QI 2N 22
QAT 10B 32 OrangeCup, shanice, Sirocco
On 19th draw, OW 2E 30 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: OOM 2D 28, TOMO 14C 26, MOW 13E 24, MOW 14E 24, OM 2E 24
OW 2E 30 OrangeCup, shanice
MOOI 14E 21 Sirocco
On 20th draw, MIHI 14E 27 --- MIHI a Maori greeting [n] --- MIHI to greet with a mihi [v]
Other moves: MIHI 13E 25, OH K4 25, OH N1 24, OHM 12G 23, HIM 12H 21
OH K4 25 OrangeCup
MHO 13E 21 Sirocco
HOM 12H 21 shanice
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