Game on September 8, 2016 at 18:57, 5 players
1. 892 pts OrangeCup
2. 693 pts Sirocco
3. 560 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


4F 36 58 


5B 82 140 


I9 69 209 


15H 158 367 


M3 43 410 


6E 30 440 


11D 102 542 


L8 42 584 


J10 36 620 


D7 82 702 


N6 77 779 


15A 49 828 


4A 66 894 


A1 45 939 


2A 62 1001 


1F 122 1123 


2H 34 1157 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 7 13:35 -265 892 1.8568 OrangeCup 7 13:35 -265 892
Sirocco 4 16:11 -464 693 Group: advanced
PIThompson 3 17:57 -597 560 1.7045 Sirocco 4 16:11 -464 693
queen66 0 2:03 -1029 128 2.7588 PIThompson 3 17:57 -597 560
shanice 1 4:01 -1081 76 3.7704 queen66 0 2:03 -1029 128
Group: intermediate
1.6716 shanice 1 4:01 -1081 76
On 1st draw, CEILIS H4 22 --- CEILI a night of song,story and dancing [n]
Other tops: CLINES H4 22
Other moves: CEILI H4 20, CEILS H4 20, CIELS H4 20, CINES H4 20, CLIES H4 20
CLINES H4 22 OrangeCup, PIThompson, shanice
CEILS H4 20 Sirocco
CINES H4 20 queen66
On 2nd draw, JACIN(T)H 4F 36 --- JACINTH a variety of zircon [n]
Other moves: HIJAC(K) 4D 34, J(O)HNNIE 5B 32, HAJ(J)I 6D 30, HEJI(R)A 5G 30, JEHA(D)I 5G 30
HIJAC(K) 4D 34 Sirocco
HAJE(S) 5E 28 OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, OUTNAME(S) 5B 82 --- OUTNAME to surpass in notoriety [v]
Other tops: OUTNAME(D) 5B 82, (T)AUTON(Y)M K4 82
Other moves: UM(B)ONATE 5A 79, AMOUNT(S) G7 70, MAN(I)TOU G8 67, MOUNTAI(N) 6B 67, MOUTAN(S) G8 67
MOUNTAI(N) 8B 60 OrangeCup
MA(S)T M2 28 shanice, PIThompson
JAM F4 18 Sirocco
On 4th draw, TOUGHER I9 69 --- TOUGH strong and resilient [adj]
Other moves: TOUGHER G8 68, TOUGHER I8 68, RESOUGHT 9F 65, ROUGHEST 9B 65, TEUGH M3 45
RESOUGHT 9F 65 OrangeCup
HOUR 6C 30 Sirocco
OH 6A 26 PIThompson, shanice
On 5th draw, FROSTIER 15H 158 --- FROSTY covered with frost [adj]
Other moves: FOISTER M1 91, FROSTIER 15B 86, ROTIFERS 15C 86, FOUSTIER C3 76, FOUSTIER 11G 72
FROSTIER 15H 158 OrangeCup
FROSTIER 15H 108 Sirocco, queen66
On 6th draw, RENAY M3 43 --- RENAY to renounce [v]
Other moves: YEARN M3 37, AY 6E 36, OY 6E 36, ONERY M2 35, QUERY 11H 34
AY 6E 36 OrangeCup
OY 6E 36 PIThompson
QUERY 11H 34 Sirocco
On 7th draw, OB 6E 30 --- OB an objection [n]
Other tops: AB 6E 30, BATON N6 30
Other moves: *B*ABO N5 28, OBA N5 28, BANT N6 27, BATT N6 27, BOAT N6 27
BATON N6 30 OrangeCup, PIThompson
OB 6E 30 Sirocco
On 8th draw, VESICULA 11D 102 --- VESICULA a small bladder [n]
Other moves: VOCALISE B4 71, ALCOVES B2 40, ALCOVE B2 38, SALE N4 37, AVES N1 36
VALISE N10 34 OrangeCup, PIThompson
VOCALISE B4 21 Sirocco
On 9th draw, VOMER L8 42 --- VOMER a bone of the skull [n]
Other moves: MOVER L8 40, VOTER L8 38, GROOVE B2 36, GOMER L8 34, GROVET L10 34
GROOVE B2 36 Sirocco
MOVER N6 33 OrangeCup
VROOM B2 32 PIThompson
On 10th draw, FLOE J10 36 --- FLOE a large mass of floating ice [n]
Other moves: FONE 4A 30, AFT 6A 29, EFT 6A 29, OFT 6A 29, EF 6A 26
OFT 6A 29 Sirocco
OF 6A 26 OrangeCup
EF 6A 26 PIThompson
On 11th draw, REINVOKE D7 82 --- INVOKE to appeal to for help [v] --- REINVOKE to invoke again [v]
Other moves: KERVE D8 34, KIEVE D8 34, KINE 4A 34, KNIVE D8 34, INVOKER D9 30
KNIVE D8 34 Sirocco
EVOKER D10 28 OrangeCup
KOI 3I 26 PIThompson
On 12th draw, DALLIED N6 77 --- DALLY to waste time [v]
Other moves: DAIDLE 15A 49, LADDIE 15A 49, LAIDED 15A 49, LALDIE 15A 46, DEAD 15A 43
DALLIED N6 77 OrangeCup
LAIDED 15A 49 PIThompson
DIED 15A 43 Sirocco
On 13th draw, WIND 15A 49 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [v]
Other moves: TONDI 15A 43, TIND 15A 40, TUND 15A 40, INDOW B2 34, DOIT O7 32
WIND 15A 49 OrangeCup, PIThompson, Sirocco
On 14th draw, ZYGA 4A 66 --- ZYGON a H shaped fissure of the brain [n]
Other moves: GAZER 8A 45, GAZE 8A 42, GAZY O4 41, YOGA O5 41, ZANY 10B 41
ZYGA 4A 66 OrangeCup
GAZER 8A 45 PIThompson
YOGA O5 41 Sirocco
On 15th draw, SPAZ A1 45 --- SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: PODIA O5 43, SPAIT O6 43, DITZ A1 42, ADOPTS O1 40, PAID O7 40
SPAZ A1 45 Sirocco
DITZ A1 42 OrangeCup
PAID O7 40 PIThompson
On 16th draw, PRETAX 2A 62 --- PRETAX existing before provision for taxes [adj]
Other moves: AX 14A 41, AXE C8 39, AX C8 36, EX C8 36, TAXER 8A 36
PRETAX 2A 62 OrangeCup
AX 14A 41 PIThompson, Sirocco
On 17th draw, OPAQUED 1F 122 --- OPAQUE to make opaque [v]
Other moves: OPAQUE 1F 60, QUEP 14B 54, QUA 3I 46, APODE 1D 43, QUAKED 13A 40
QUEP 14B 54 OrangeCup, PIThompson
QUA 3I 46 Sirocco
On 18th draw, WIG 2H 34 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other moves: TIG 2H 28, WIN 2H 28, WIT 2H 28, TINT 2H 25, GIN 2H 24
WIG 2H 34 Sirocco
GI O7 22 OrangeCup
WINK 13A 22 PIThompson
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