Game on September 13, 2016 at 13:20, 7 players
1. 761 pts OrangeCup
2. 365 pts kellybelly
3. 224 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


4G 32 80 


I9 76 156 


11E 102 258 


15D 60 318 


3B 41 359 


7A 62 421 


N4 80 501 


A4 45 546 


O6 45 591 


J10 35 626 


12C 40 666 


2F 77 743 


1H 36 779 


L6 76 855 


10E 43 898 


C9 52 950 


B10 34 984 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 8 13:38 -223 761 1.8593 OrangeCup 8 13:38 -223 761
kellybelly 3 11:10 -619 365 Group: advanced
PIThompson 1 5:28 -760 224 1.7573 kellybelly 3 11:10 -619 365
Kalikokat 1 3:21 -789 195 2.7752 PIThompson 1 5:28 -760 224
queen66 1 6:17 -796 188 3.7626 queen66 1 6:17 -796 188
Mycophot 0 2:40 -910 74 4.7738 Mycophot 0 2:40 -910 74
sicilianc5 0 1:06 -948 36 5.7798 sicilianc5 0 1:06 -948 36
Group: intermediate
1.6863 Kalikokat 1 3:21 -789 195
On 1st draw, Q(U)INES H4 48 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: Q(U)INE H4 46, Q(U)INS H4 46, SQ(U)EG H8 32, Q(U)INES H7 30, Q(U)INES H8 30
Q(U)INES H4 48 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66
On 2nd draw, EQUINIA 4G 32 --- EQUINIA glanders, a contagious horse disease [n]
Other moves: QUINIE 4H 30, QUEAN 4H 28, QUENA 4H 28, QUINA 4H 28, QUINE 4H 28
QUINIE 4H 30 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66
On 3rd draw, HELMETS I9 76 --- HELMET to supply with a helmet (a protective covering for the head) [v]
Other moves: HELMETS G8 72, HEMS 3G 49, THEM 3F 47, HEM 3G 46, TEMSE 3G 40
HELMETS I9 76 OrangeCup
HEMS N1 35 PIThompson
MESH N2 35 queen66
On 4th draw, HERBLETS 11E 102 --- HERBLET a small herb [n]
Other moves: SHERBETS 15B 92, HARTBEES M3 84, SHERBET N4 83, SHERBET 3A 79, BREATHES M1 78
BREATHES M1 78 OrangeCup
REH J8 33 PIThompson, queen66
On 5th draw, JA(R)TAS 15D 60 --- JARTA a term of endearment [n]
Other moves: FAJ(I)TAS 15C 51, MATJ(E)S 15D 51, MAATJ(E)S 15C 48, FA(N)TASM 15D 45, JAFAS 15E 45
JAM 3M 42 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66, Mycophot
On 6th draw, VAINLY 3B 41 --- VAIN filled with undue admiration for oneself [adv] --- VAINLY in a vain manner [adv]
Other moves: NOILY 3I 37, INLAY 10B 36, ONLAY 10B 36, INLAY 3C 33, NOILY 3C 33
INLAY 10B 36 OrangeCup, PIThompson
NOY 10D 32 Mycophot
On 7th draw, GUERIDON 7A 62 --- GUERIDON a small ornate stand or table [n]
Other moves: GORED 10B 27, GRUED 10B 27, GUIDER 12A 27, ROGUED 10A 26, ROGUED 12A 26
GORED 10B 27 OrangeCup
RODE 10D 23 kellybelly
On 8th draw, STODGER N4 80 --- STODGER a dull person [n]
Other moves: GOADSTER M2 74, GOSTERED 13C 72, STODGER 2G 69, DIGESTOR 6G 67, DIGESTORS L3 62
DOGGERS A4 36 OrangeCup, sicilianc5, kellybelly
On 9th draw, YAGGER A4 45 --- YAGGER a pedlar [n]
Other moves: GOATY 3I 43, GOETY 3I 43, GARGETY A4 42, GARGETY A7 39, TOGGERY A4 39
YOGA 8L 36 kellybelly
AYE 10E 34 OrangeCup
On 10th draw, FOULE O6 45 --- FOULE fulled cloth [n]
Other moves: FOUL O6 40, CLEF 10C 35, FEU O6 35, FOU O6 35, FEEL J10 34
FOULE O6 45 OrangeCup
FEEL J10 34 kellybelly
On 11th draw, FEM J10 35 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other tops: FRAIM 12A 35
Other moves: FEAL J10 34, FEAR J10 34, FLAME J7 32, FRAME J7 32, FAME J8 31
FEM J10 35 kellybelly
FEAR J10 34 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, COAX 12C 40 --- COAX to cajole [v]
Other moves: COXAE 12A 39, BOX 12D 38, COX 12D 38, AXE 3K 35, COXAE 12B 35
COAX 12C 40 OrangeCup
AXE 3K 35 kellybelly
On 13th draw, AWAITER 2F 77 --- AWAITER one that awaits [n]
Other moves: AWAITER 2G 68, TAWA 10D 44, AWA 10E 43, AWE 10E 43, RAW 10D 41
AWE 10E 43 kellybelly, OrangeCup, Kalikokat
On 14th draw, BOUN 1H 36 --- BOUN to prepare [v]
Other moves: NOUP 1H 32, BOI 1H 31, POI 1H 31, UPON 13D 27, BO 1H 26
BOUN 1H 36 kellybelly, OrangeCup
POI 1H 31 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, LICENSOR L6 76 --- LICENSOR one who licenses [n]
Other tops: INCLOSER L6 76
Other moves: INCLE 10C 31, ENCIRCLE C7 30, COVEN B1 27, COVER B1 27, CIRCLE C9 26
COVER B1 27 OrangeCup
LO 10F 18 Kalikokat
LICE C10 12 kellybelly
On 16th draw, AVO 10E 43 --- AVO a monetary unit of Macao [n]
Other tops: PAV 10D 43
Other moves: TAV 10D 41, VIVAT B1 29, PIVOT B1 27, POTAE 13E 26, VAT 10D 26
PAV 10D 43 kellybelly, OrangeCup
TAV 10D 41 Kalikokat
On 17th draw, ZINCO C9 52 --- ZINCO a zincographic block [n]
Other moves: ZOL 6J 32, ROZIT 9A 31, ZIP 1D 29, ZIT 9C 29, COZ C12 28
ZINCO C9 52 OrangeCup
ZOL 6J 32 kellybelly
COZ C12 28 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, KI B10 34 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other moves: KIWI 6E 29, PIKI 6E 27, ID B9 26, KIP B13 24, KIPP 6G 24
KI B10 34 OrangeCup, Kalikokat
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