Game on September 23, 2016 at 00:04, 2 players
1. 332 pts verelst
2. 43 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


9B 70 96 


8H 86 182 


O4 66 248 


5E 40 288 


D8 80 368 


11I 38 406 


N1 27 433 


12I 37 470 


10J 74 544 


1L 42 586 


15B 33 619 


13G 46 665 


4A 39 704 


3A 48 752 


A3 42 794 


7K 23 817 


L3 26 843 


7G 26 869 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
verelst 0 16:51 -537 332 1.6970 sunshine12 0 2:06 -826 43
sunshine12 0 2:06 -826 43 Group: not rated
1.4625 verelst 0 16:51 -537 332
On 1st draw, FRAUD H4 26 --- FRAUD criminal deception [n]
Other tops: FAULD H4 26, FAURD H4 26
Other moves: FLURR H4 24, FURAL H4 24, FAULD H8 22, FAURD H8 22, FRAUD H8 22
FRAUD H5 18 verelst
On 2nd draw, LARDONS 9B 70 --- LARDON a thin slice of bacon or pork [n]
Other tops: LADRONS 9B 70
Other moves: LANDDROS 8D 61, LANDDROS 8E 61, LADRONS 5E 32, FONDAS 4H 20, FRONDS 4H 20
SODA 9H 16 verelst
On 3rd draw, DEMUREST 8H 86 --- DEMURE shy and modest [adj]
REEFS 4E 8 verelst
On 4th draw, EXULTI(N)G O4 66 --- EXULT to rejoice greatly [v]
Other moves: LI(N)UXES N2 58, EX(O) 10E 54, (A)XE 10E 54, EX 10E 53, XU 10F 52
OX F9 25 verelst
On 5th draw, EVIRATE 5E 40 --- EVIRATE to castrate [v]
Other tops: OVERATE 5E 40, OVEREAT 5E 40
Other moves: VETO 8A 31, VITEX 5K 30, EVITE N1 27, OVATE N1 27, VITAE N1 27
VIA 6F 14 verelst
On 6th draw, PROLAT(E)D D8 80 --- PROLATE to lengthen out in utterance [v]
Other moves: PETALOD(Y) M7 78, PETALO(I)D M7 78, PO(R)TALED M2 76, P(R)OLATED M2 76, TR(I)PODAL D8 74
OPT F9 11 verelst
On 7th draw, JERKING 11I 38 --- JERK to move with a sharp, sudden motion [v] --- JERKING a search for contraband [n]
Other moves: JIRD 15A 36, JUNKIER K7 36, HIKER 4A 34, JERKI(N) 10J 34, JIN C12 34
KINDER 15A 33 verelst
On 8th draw, TURBO N1 27 --- TURBO a type of engine [n]
Other tops: RAUPO N1 27, ROOP 10C 27
Other moves: UPBORE 4J 26, BAP C12 25, OUPA N2 25, PORTA N1 25, PRUTA N1 25
PROD 15A 21 verelst
On 9th draw, OLEIN 12I 37 --- OLEIN the liquid portion of a fat [n]
Other moves: OLEA 12I 33, GAOL M2 32, DEALING 15D 27, DIGONAL 15D 27, GENAL D1 27
LAND 15A 15 verelst
On 10th draw, ZAS 10J 74 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZOS 10J 74
Other moves: SMORZATO F7 73, ZA 10J 66, ZO 10J 66, ZEATINS M7 54, TZARS L1 41
MATS 1L 27 verelst
On 11th draw, WITH 1L 42 --- WITH a partition between chimney flues [n] --- WITH in the company of [prep]
Other tops: CHOTA 1K 42, CHOTT 1K 42
Other moves: WATCH 4A 39, WITCH 4A 39, CAHOW 4A 37, CHAW 13F 37, CHOW 13F 37
WOAD 15A 24 verelst
On 12th draw, PIDGEON 15B 33 --- PIDGEON a type of business affair [n]
Other tops: DEMOING 15D 33, MENDIGO 15A 33
Other moves: MOOP 10C 31, DOGMEN 15D 30, DOMING 15D 30, DOPING 15D 30, GONE 13K 29
PIED 15A 21 verelst
On 13th draw, CAWS 13G 46 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other moves: WAGS 13G 40, WIGS 13G 40, CAGS 13G 38, CIGS 13G 38, WAES 13G 36
WE F14 13 sunshine12
WILES B7 10 verelst
On 14th draw, HOMEY 4A 39 --- HOMEY a person from one's own neighborhood [n] --- HOMEY homelike [adj]
Other tops: HEMP 8A 39
Other moves: MOTHY 4A 37, TEMPI 8A 36, TEMPO 8A 36, HOI 14F 35, MEATHE I3 34
OOH 10D 30 sunshine12
SKIM L10 10 verelst
On 15th draw, CYANO 3A 48 --- CYANO pertaining to cyanogen [adj]
Other moves: TACHYON A1 45, TEAPOY 8A 45, AYONT 3A 42, CHANTY A3 42, ATONY 3C 40
HONEY A4 33 verelst
On 16th draw, CHAFER A3 42 --- CHAFER a large beetle [n]
Other moves: FECHT A1 39, ETCHANT A1 36, CHARET A3 33, CHENAR A3 33, RACHET A1 33
F*RT 13AFART 13A 14 verelst
On 17th draw, NEBEL 7K 23 --- NEBEL an old Hebrew harp [n]
Other moves: BA 10F 22, BE 10F 22, FAINE 4H 22, BANI C12 21, BENI C12 21
BEAR 3K 12 verelst
On 18th draw, VID L3 26 --- VID short for video [n]
Other tops: VIATOR 3I 26
Other moves: DIOTA E9 22, OD(E)A 14B 22, VIBE M5 22, VOT(E) 14A 22, AVOID G2 21
INTO M11 8 verelst
On 19th draw, QUA 7G 26 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QAT 13B 24, DIOTA E9 22, QADI E7 20, YOGA B3 20, TOG(E) 14A 19
INGOT M11 12 verelst
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