Game on September 23, 2016 at 13:05, 7 players
1. 685 pts OrangeCup
2. 573 pts Sirocco
3. 547 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 68 68 


11E 40 108 


8A 98 206 


13H 42 248 


10J 34 282 


I2 80 362 


H1 58 420 


5G 29 449 


4K 25 474 


O1 176 650 


C8 28 678 


12L 52 730 


F10 36 766 


O12 33 799 


6I 30 829 


9K 55 884 


B4 26 910 


A10 42 952 


A1 32 984 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 6 13:26 -299 685 1.8576 OrangeCup 6 13:26 -299 685
Sirocco 1 18:56 -411 573 Group: advanced
moonmonkey 0 24:05 -437 547 1.7113 Sirocco 1 18:56 -411 573
PIThompson 0 4:48 -844 140 2.7457 PIThompson 0 4:48 -844 140
Mycophot 0 4:17 -855 129 3.7368 Mycophot 0 4:17 -855 129
queen66 0 1:02 -942 42 4.7538 queen66 0 1:02 -942 42
sicilianc5 0 1:37 -966 18 5.7635 sicilianc5 0 1:37 -966 18
Group: not rated
1.4806 moonmonkey 0 24:05 -437 547
On 1st draw, READIER H8 68 --- READY prepared [adj]
Other tops: READIER H2 68, READIER H3 68, READIER H4 68, READIER H6 68, READIER H7 68
Other moves: READIER H5 66, AERIED H7 18, ARRIDE H8 18, DEARER H4 18, DEARIE H4 18
READIER H3 68 OrangeCup
READIER H3 18 Sirocco
READIER H8 18 PIThompson
READIER H7 18 sicilianc5
READIER H6 18 moonmonkey
On 2nd draw, DAIDLED 11E 40 --- DAIDLE to waddle [v]
Other moves: DAIDLE I9 29, DIODE I9 26, RADIOED 14H 26, DILDOE G10 25, ADDIO G8 24
DEAD I9 21 OrangeCup
DEAD G9 21 Sirocco
DEAD G10 21 moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, TYPIF(I)ER 8A 98 --- TYPIFIER one that typifies [n]
Other moves: TYP(I)FIER 8A 95, PRET(T)IFY 14G 84, TYP(I)FIER 14A 84, TYPIF(I)ED E4 82, TYPIF(I)ED K4 82
FIT(L)Y 10J 42 OrangeCup
FE(S)TY 10J 42 Mycophot
FE(L)TY 10J 42 queen66
FIE(R)Y 10J 42 moonmonkey
FEY 10J 33 Sirocco
On 4th draw, EXTRAS 13H 42 --- EXTRA something additional [n]
Other moves: SURTAX 12A 40, XERUS 9G 38, RAX 12D 32, SAX 12D 32, TAX 12D 32
EXTRAS 13H 42 OrangeCup
SURTAX 12A 40 Sirocco
TAX 12D 32 moonmonkey
On 5th draw, HINAU 10J 34 --- HINAU (Maori) a New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: HAIN 10J 31, NOAH 10C 31, HAN 10J 30, HAO 10J 30, HAVIOUR 14B 30
NOAH 10C 31 OrangeCup, PIThompson
HON 10J 30 Sirocco, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, (M)EINEYS I2 80 --- MEINEY a retinue [n]
Other moves: YEE(L)INS I2 77, (M)ENYIES I2 77, PIN(K)EYES C8 76, SYENITE(S) A3 64, (S)YENITES A3 64
SEY 10D 30 OrangeCup, Sirocco
YENS 12L 28 moonmonkey
On 7th draw, WHAM H1 58 --- WHAM to hit with a loud impact [v]
Other tops: HAWM H1 58
Other moves: THEMA H1 54, MATH H1 51, METH H1 51, AHEM H1 49, THEM H1 49
METH H1 51 Sirocco, PIThompson
MATH H1 51 OrangeCup, Mycophot
HAEM H1 46 moonmonkey
On 8th draw, NONEGOS 5G 29 --- NONEGO all that is not part of the ego [n]
Other tops: SWOON 5E 29
Other moves: NONEGO 5G 27, SNOW 5H 27, WOOSE 12A 27, NONGS 5G 25, GNOW 12C 24
WOOSE 12A 27 OrangeCup
SNOW 5H 27 Sirocco
W*GS 14LWOGS 14L 23 moonmonkey
On 9th draw, AGORA 4K 25 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n] --- AGORA a monetary unit of Israel [n]
Other moves: TANAGER G3 24, GETA J4 22, AGAR 4K 21, AGOROT 12A 21, AGOROT 10A 20
AGORA 4K 25 OrangeCup
GOAT 4L 20 moonmonkey
OOT G1 18 Sirocco
On 10th draw, AUTARKIC O1 176 --- AUTARKIC relating to autarky [adj] --- AUTARKY national economic self-sufficiency [adj]
Other moves: CAUK 9J 40, RAKU 3K 40, TRAIK 10B 40, AKRATIC O1 39, RAIK 10C 37
TRAIK 10B 40 OrangeCup, PIThompson
TACK 12L 36 Sirocco
TAK 3K 36 Mycophot
KART 12L 32 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, PELVIC C8 28 --- PELVIC a bone of the pelvis [n]
Other moves: CEL 3K 26, VENIN 10B 25, CLINE 12A 23, NECK 6L 23, VEH(M)IC 2F 23
CEL 3K 26 OrangeCup
LIVE 12L 22 Sirocco
VICE 12B 21 moonmonkey
On 12th draw, BENJ 12L 52 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: JAB 3K 49, JAB 12L 44, JANE 12L 44, JEAN 12L 44, JEAT 12L 44
BENJ 12L 52 Sirocco, OrangeCup
JAB 12L 44 moonmonkey
On 13th draw, TALAQ F10 36 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: JAIL O12 33, JATO O12 33, JIAO O12 33, JILT O12 33, JOLT O12 33
JAIL O12 33 OrangeCup
QAT F10 32 Sirocco, moonmonkey
On 14th draw, JOUR O12 33 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other moves: TROP 9J 28, WOT 3M 26, BOP 9K 25, OW G2 24, PEW G7 24
JOUR O12 33 OrangeCup
BOP 9K 25 moonmonkey, Sirocco
On 15th draw, EMOS 6I 30 --- EMO emotional punk rock [n]
Other moves: MOOP 7D 28, MOPUS 15B 27, POMOS 15B 27, VUM 9K 27, EMO J5 26
VUM 9K 27 OrangeCup
MOP 9K 25 moonmonkey, Sirocco
On 16th draw, FEZ 9K 55 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: BEZ 9K 53, L*ZLEZ 9K 49, LUZ 9K 49, ZO 9M 44, FUZE 6D 38
FEZ 9K 55 OrangeCup
ZO 9M 44 moonmonkey
BOZOS M1 32 Sirocco
On 17th draw, BIOTYPE B4 26 --- BIOTYPE a group of genetically similar organisms [n]
Other moves: BET 3M 22, BOT 3M 22, PET 3M 22, POT 3M 22, BITE 7D 20
BET 3M 22 OrangeCup, Sirocco
BOP 7D 19 moonmonkey
On 18th draw, TOWNIE A10 42 --- TOWNIE a nonstudent who lives in a college town [n]
Other moves: DEW 3K 37, TWINED A10 36, TWONIE A10 33, WINO A1 29, DITONE A10 28
DEW 3K 37 OrangeCup
TWINED A10 36 Sirocco
WINO A1 29 moonmonkey
On 19th draw, UNGOD A1 32 --- UNGOD to make godless [v]
Other moves: LUDO A1 23, UNDO A1 23, GOLD 7D 22, UNGOD C1 21, ION 12H 20
UNDO A1 23 Sirocco
LUDO A1 23 OrangeCup
GOLF E5 16 moonmonkey
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