Game on September 24, 2016 at 17:24, 8 players
1. 833 pts OrangeCup
2. 697 pts musdrive
3. 306 pts shanice
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 86 86 


15B 125 211 


I9 35 246 


J6 39 285 


I3 27 312 


H1 50 362 


14B 31 393 


J13 34 427 


3D 62 489 


1H 86 575 


F1 69 644 


D1 78 722 


13A 40 762 


15J 39 801 


K5 31 832 


8J 75 907 


N3 37 944 


M7 43 987 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 10 14:24 -154 833 1.8561 OrangeCup 10 14:24 -154 833
musdrive 5 11:22 -290 697 Group: advanced
shanice 2 9:25 -681 306 1.7561 musdrive 5 11:22 -290 697
PIThompson 0 4:06 -811 176 2.7471 PIThompson 0 4:06 -811 176
Sirocco 2 3:20 -812 175 3.7103 Sirocco 2 3:20 -812 175
queen66 0 3:39 -847 140 4.7455 queen66 0 3:39 -847 140
Mycophot 2 1:44 -903 84 5.7482 Mycophot 2 1:44 -903 84
sicilianc5 1 1:14 -937 50 6.7447 sicilianc5 1 1:14 -937 50
Group: intermediate
1.6733 shanice 2 9:25 -681 306
On 1st draw, P(E)ISHWA H8 86 --- PEISHWA a chief minister [n]
Other tops: PI(G)WASH H6 86, P(E)ISHWA H7 86, SHIPWA(Y) H3 86, SHIPWA(Y) H8 86, WASPI(S)H H4 86, WASPI(S)H H6 86, WA(M)PISH H4 86, WA(M)PISH H6 86, WA(R)SHIP H4 86, WA(R)SHIP H8 86, WA(S)PISH H4 86, WA(S)PISH H6 86, WHIPSA(W) H3 86, WHIPSA(W) H4 86, (W)HIPSAW H3 86, (W)HIPSAW H6 86
Other moves: PI(G)WASH H4 84, P(E)ISHWA H4 84, WA(R)SHIP H6 84, PI(G)WASH H3 80, PI(G)WASH H7 80
P(E)ISHWA H7 86 OrangeCup
WA(R)SHIP H4 36 musdrive
P(E)ISHWA H7 36 PIThompson
On 2nd draw, INDOLES 15B 125 --- INDOLE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: DOLINES 15B 122, SONDELI 15H 122, DEILS 15D 69, DELIS 15D 69, DELOS 15D 69
INDOLES 15B 125 OrangeCup
INDOLES 15B 75 musdrive, PIThompson, queen66
On 3rd draw, MOTION I9 35 --- MOTION to signal by a bodily movement [v]
Other moves: MOFO G7 30, MOFO I7 30, MOIT 14B 27, MOOI 14B 27, MOON 14B 27
MOON 14B 27 OrangeCup
MOTIF I5 27 musdrive
MOOT 14B 27 PIThompson
MOIT 14B 27 queen66
On 4th draw, XERUS J6 39 --- XERUS an African ground squirrel [n]
Other moves: XU 14B 38, EX 14A 36, PEDS J12 33, PED J12 32, SPUED 14A 32
XU 14B 38 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66, musdrive
On 5th draw, TOTEM I3 27 --- TOTEM a natural object serving as the emblem of a family or clan [n]
Other tops: MEAN 14B 27, MEAN J12 27, MEAT 14B 27, MEAT J12 27, MENO J12 27, MENT J12 27, META J12 27, MOAN 14B 27, MOAN J12 27, MOAT 14B 27, MOAT J12 27, MONA J12 27, MOTE J12 27, MOTT J12 27
Other moves: EMANANT 14D 26, MEN J12 26, MET J12 26, MNA J12 26, MOA J12 26
MEAT 14B 27 musdrive
MEAN 14B 27 OrangeCup
On 6th draw, CRAY H1 50 --- CRAY crayfish [n]
Other tops: PRAY H1 50, PREY H1 50
Other moves: CRAPE H1 47, CRAP H1 42, PYA J13 38, PYE J13 38, PAYER H2 37
PREY H1 50 OrangeCup
PRAY H1 50 musdrive, Mycophot
CRAY H1 50 sicilianc5
On 7th draw, HEIL 14B 31 --- HEIL to salute [v]
Other moves: HIE 14B 27, HUE 14B 27, HUI 14B 27, HIVED D11 24, LUTHIER 2B 24
HEIL 14B 31 OrangeCup
HIE 14B 27 musdrive
On 8th draw, TYE J13 34 --- TYE a chain on a ship [n] --- TYE to wash in a trough [v]
Other tops: EYE J13 34
Other moves: TAY 13A 30, AY 13B 28, YA J14 27, YE J14 27, YA 13C 26
EYE J13 34 OrangeCup, Mycophot
TAY 13A 30 musdrive, shanice
On 9th draw, GERIAT(R)IC 3D 62 --- GERIATRIC [n]
Other tops: GE(R)IATRIC 3D 62
Other moves: RICIER 8J 33, RICI(N)G 8J 33, ICER 13A 30, RICER(S) 8J 30, RICIE(R) 8J 30
RICI(N)G 8J 33 musdrive
CR(O)G K4 27 OrangeCup
On 10th draw, CANARIED 1H 86 --- CANARY to prance about [v]
CANARIED 1H 86 OrangeCup
EARD 13A 27 musdrive
On 11th draw, WORDAGES F1 69 --- WORDAGE the number of words used [n]
Other moves: SWAGED M3 48, SAWED M3 46, SOWED M3 46, SWAGE M3 44, SEADOG M3 42
SWAGED M3 48 shanice
SOWED M3 46 musdrive
DOGES K5 37 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, ANGLEDUG D1 78 --- ANGLEDUG (English dialect) an earthworm [n]
Other moves: AGED 13A 30, EAGLED 15J 30, GLADES 8A 30, NUDGES 8A 30, GAED 13A 29
GLADES 8A 30 musdrive
RANGED 8J 27 OrangeCup
UNGLAD D1 18 shanice
On 13th draw, BAFT 13A 40 --- BAFT a coarse fabric [n]
Other moves: BARF 13A 37, RAFT 13A 36, AFT 13B 34, RUBATI 8J 33, FAB 13A 32
BAFT 13A 40 musdrive
FAB 13A 32 shanice
FA 13C 26 OrangeCup
On 14th draw, ENFIRE 15J 39 --- ENFIRE to inflame [v]
Other moves: FONE K5 31, FEIGNS 8A 30, FORGES 8A 30, FRIGES 8A 30, FOE K5 27
ENFIRE 15J 39 musdrive, OrangeCup
FRIGES 8A 30 shanice
On 15th draw, VOTE K5 31 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other moves: BONE K5 29, EBON 14L 27, VOE K5 27, BON K5 25, BOT K5 25
VOTE K5 31 OrangeCup, shanice
BONE K5 29 musdrive
QUEEN 7C 25 Sirocco
On 16th draw, REQUIN 8J 75 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: QUAG 8A 42, QUA 14M 41, AQUA 1A 39, QUOIF L11 34, QUOIST 11D 30
REQUIN 8J 75 musdrive, Sirocco, shanice, OrangeCup
On 17th draw, BORZOI N3 37 --- BORZOI a Russian hound [n]
Other moves: RAZOO E7 35, BORZOI M10 34, ZAREBA 5A 34, ZARF L12 32, ORZO E8 30
ZARF L12 32 Sirocco
BOP 14M 26 musdrive
BAP 14M 26 OrangeCup
On 18th draw, JUVE M7 43 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: AJUGAS 8A 42, JAVA 1A 42, JUPE M7 41, PUJA 1A 39, PUJA M7 31
JUVE M7 43 Sirocco
JAVA 1A 42 musdrive, shanice
JUPE M7 41 OrangeCup
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