Game on September 24, 2016 at 18:08, 7 players
1. 880 pts OrangeCup
2. 634 pts musdrive
3. 275 pts shanice
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


5B 20 96 


8A 80 176 


C8 84 260 


11H 83 343 


15A 42 385 


L7 82 467 


4C 39 506 


B10 31 537 


14J 66 603 


10J 34 637 


3B 35 672 


O5 85 757 


15F 36 793 


2E 38 831 


14F 52 883 


1H 33 916 


A10 33 949 


M3 28 977 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 9 15:49 -97 880 1.8565 OrangeCup 9 15:49 -97 880
musdrive 7 11:44 -343 634 Group: advanced
shanice 0 9:57 -702 275 1.7567 musdrive 7 11:44 -343 634
PIThompson 2 5:26 -813 164 2.7471 PIThompson 2 5:26 -813 164
Mycophot 0 1:51 -950 27 3.7482 Mycophot 0 1:51 -950 27
Sirocco 0 0:34 -951 26 4.7103 Sirocco 0 0:34 -951 26
queen66 0 1:11 -951 26 5.7590 queen66 0 1:11 -951 26
Group: intermediate
1.6748 shanice 0 9:57 -702 275
On 1st draw, BESTEAD H4 76 --- BESTEAD to help [v]
Other tops: DEBATES H2 76
Other moves: BESTEAD H6 74, DEBATES H4 74, BESTEAD H2 72, BESTEAD H3 72, BESTEAD H7 72
DEBATES H2 76 OrangeCup
DEBATES H2 26 musdrive, Sirocco, PIThompson, queen66
DEBATES H4 24 shanice
On 2nd draw, DURANCE 5B 20 --- DURANCE restraint by or as if by physical force [n]
Other tops: CANDLER 5C 20, CAULDER 5C 20, LAUNCED 5C 20, UNLACED 5C 20, UNRACED 5C 20
Other moves: CANDLE 5C 18, CAUDLE 5C 18, CEDARN 5G 18, CEDULA 5G 18, CRADLE 5C 18
CANDLER 5C 20 musdrive
CAD G3 16 OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, P(R)OTEOSE 8A 80 --- PROTEOSE a water-soluble protein [n]
Other moves: POOTE(R)S 11B 77, POOT(L)ES 11B 77, POO(R)EST 11C 77, STOOPE(D) 11H 77, STOOPE(R) 11H 77
POO(R)EST 11C 77 OrangeCup
POSTE(D) I3 32 musdrive
POOTE(R)S 11B 27 Mycophot
TOPES I1 25 shanice
On 4th draw, OVERSLIP C8 84 --- OVERSLIP to leave out [v]
Other moves: OVERSLIP F8 67, PELVIS 11C 33, VIPERS 11C 33, PERVS 11D 31, PLUVIOSE C3 30
OVERSLIP C8 84 OrangeCup
VIPERS 11C 33 musdrive
On 5th draw, SLIMMER 11H 83 --- SLIMMER one who slims [n]
Other moves: SLIMMER I8 79, MARMELISE E4 76, SLIMMERS 12C 76, SLIMMERS G8 70, LIMMERS I9 69
SLIMMER 11H 83 OrangeCup
PRIMES 15C 33 musdrive, shanice
On 6th draw, ZEP 15A 42 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: GRENZ F2 39, GUIZER 14A 36, BROUZE 4H 34, GUTZER 7F 33, OOZE F8 33
ZEP 15A 42 musdrive
ZIG J10 33 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, DEFAMING L7 82 --- DEFAME to destroy the reputation of [v] --- DEFAMING the act of defaming [n]
Other moves: DEFAMING K7 65, FAINED 12J 45, FINED 4A 38, FRIDGE N10 38, FAINE 12J 37
DEFAMING L7 82 OrangeCup
FRIDGE N10 38 PIThompson
FRINGE N10 36 musdrive
FIEND 14B 36 shanice
On 8th draw, YOKE 4C 39 --- YOKE to fit with a yoke (a wooden frame for joining together draft animals) [v]
Other tops: YUKE 4C 39, YUKO 4C 39
Other moves: KEA 10J 37, KOA 10J 37, YOK 4C 35, YUK 4C 35, YOK M13 33
KOA 10J 37 OrangeCup
KEA 10J 37 musdrive
KIST 12A 26 shanice
On 9th draw, YOU B10 31 --- YOU something identified with the person addressed [n] --- YOU the 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun [pron]
Other moves: OILY M6 30, TOEY M6 30, YITIE 14B 30, YE B10 28, YO B10 28
YOU B10 31 musdrive, OrangeCup
On 10th draw, JAGHIR 14J 66 --- JAGHIR a land tax [n]
Other moves: JAGIR 14J 58, HAJ 3B 48, ROJI A10 46, HEJRA 8K 45, HIJRA 14B 44
JAGHIR 14J 66 OrangeCup, PIThompson
HAJ 3B 48 musdrive
On 11th draw, HEAT 10J 34 --- HEAT to make hot [v]
Other moves: HARE O12 33, HART O12 33, HIRE O12 33, HURT O12 33, HUTIA 15F 33
HEAT 10J 34 musdrive, PIThompson, OrangeCup
THAT 15H 32 shanice
On 12th draw, TALAR 3B 35 --- TALAR a long cloak [n]
Other moves: ALAR 3C 33, LANA 3B 30, NALA 3B 30, RANA 3B 30, RATA 3B 30
TANA 3B 30 musdrive
RANA 3B 30 OrangeCup
On 13th draw, INCENT(S) O5 85 --- INCENT to provide with an incentive [v]
Other moves: CENTINE(L) E7 68, ENCEINT(E) E8 68, ENC(E)INTE E8 68, NE(O)TENIC E7 68, NE(S)CIENT E7 68
CERT O12 27 musdrive
C(A)NINE M2 20 OrangeCup
On 14th draw, UNGLAD 15F 36 --- UNGLAD not glad [adj]
Other moves: DURGAN 15F 35, LURDAN 15F 32, DRAG 15H 30, GLAD 15H 30, GRAD 15H 30
UNGLAD 15F 36 musdrive
DURGAN 15F 35 OrangeCup
On 15th draw, TWIN 2E 38 --- TWIN to bring together in close association [v]
Other moves: TWO 2E 37, BOWR A10 34, BOW A10 33, BROWN 2F 30, NOWT A10 30
TWIN 2E 38 musdrive
BOWR A10 34 OrangeCup
On 16th draw, XI 14F 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AX 14E 50, OX 14E 50, QI 1G 50, BOX 1G 46, XI 1G 42
XI 14F 52 musdrive
QI 1G 50 OrangeCup
AX 14E 50 shanice
On 17th draw, AERUGO 1H 33 --- AERUGO a green film that forms on copper [n]
Other tops: OARAGE 1H 33
Other moves: AERUGO 1G 32, OARAGE 1G 32, AGORAE 1H 30, AGORA 1H 27, ARGUE 1H 27
OARAGE 1H 33 OrangeCup
AGORA 1H 27 musdrive
GEAR 1G 24 shanice
On 18th draw, BOW A10 33 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: WAB 13G 25, NAB 13L 24, NOB 13L 24, BOW 13G 23, ISBA G7 23
BOW A10 33 OrangeCup
WAB 13G 25 musdrive, shanice
On 19th draw, FOVEA M3 28 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FOVEA K4 27, FE 15N 26, FOVEA K3 25, AFF 9J 23, FAVE K4 23
FOVEA K4 27 musdrive
FE 15N 26 OrangeCup
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