Game on September 27, 2016 at 21:38, 6 players
1. 539 pts Sirocco
2. 58 pts dannyboy
3. 31 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 76 76 


14D 65 141 


15A 23 164 


12E 80 244 


11C 34 278 


15K 40 318 


N12 28 346 


15H 41 387 


O8 44 431 


C9 38 469 


N6 27 496 


B8 57 553 


A5 30 583 


5A 26 609 


4F 77 686 


L2 62 748 


J3 77 825 


3J 32 857 


6D 37 894 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Sirocco 5 17:19 -355 539 1.7084 Sirocco 5 17:19 -355 539
dannyboy 0 1:02 -836 58 2.7263 dannyboy 0 1:02 -836 58
sunshine12 0 2:18 -863 31 3.7478 GLOBEMAN 0 3:02 -863 31
GLOBEMAN 0 3:02 -863 31 4.7344 roocatcher 0 3:40 -863 31
roocatcher 0 3:40 -863 31 5.7642 WEASEL 0 0:30 -882 12
WEASEL 0 0:30 -882 12 Group: intermediate
1.6914 sunshine12 0 2:18 -863 31
On 1st draw, BL(E)EPER H8 76 --- BLEEPER a device that bleeps [n]
Other tops: BEPE(A)RL H2 76, BEPE(A)RL H4 76, BLEEP(E)R H4 76, BLEEP(E)R H8 76, BLE(E)PER H4 76, BLE(E)PER H8 76, BL(E)EPER H4 76
Other moves: BEPE(A)RL H3 72, BEPE(A)RL H6 72, BEPE(A)RL H7 72, BLEEP(E)R H2 72, BLEEP(E)R H3 72
BLEEP(E)R H4 26 Sirocco
On 2nd draw, OUTTRADE 14D 65 --- OUTTRADE to get the better of in a trade [v]
Other moves: OUTDATE I2 64, OUTRATED 14E 63, READOUT 14H 20, ROTATED 14H 20, TAUTED G10 20
PUTTED 12H 18 Sirocco
On 3rd draw, LEARN 15A 23 --- LEARN to gain knowledge by experience, instruction, or study [v]
Other tops: LONER 15A 23, ORLON 15A 23
Other moves: AREOLA I9 21, ENROOT G9 21, ALONE 15K 20, ANOLE 15K 20, ENROL 15K 20
LEARN 15A 23 Sirocco
On 4th draw, WAYPOI(N)T 12E 80 --- WAYPOINT a point between major points on a route [n]
Other moves: (S)WAT 15H 58, (S)WOT 15H 58, (S)TOAI 15H 52, O(S)TIA 15G 51, TI(D)EWAY 11E 48
(S)WAT 15H 58 Sirocco, dannyboy
On 5th draw, JEON 11C 34 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: JEAN 11C 34
Other moves: JIAO 11B 32, JOE 11D 32, JA 11D 28, JEAN I7 28, JEON I7 28
JIAO 11B 32 Sirocco
On 6th draw, MALIK 15K 40 --- MALIK the head of a village [n]
Other moves: AMNIC 15K 38, MALIC 15K 34, MANIC 15K 34, LAKIN 15K 32, MACK 13A 31
M*CK 13AMICK 13A 31 Sirocco
On 7th draw, QADI N12 28 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: JAG C11 22, QI N14 22, EDGE 11H 20, GAED 11J 19, GAED G7 18
QI N14 22 Sirocco
On 8th draw, SI 15H 41 --- SI the seventh note of the diatonic scale [n]
Other tops: IS 15G 41, OS 15G 41
Other moves: BL(E)EPERS H8 33, ROJIS C9 26, GRIG O10 22, JIG C11 22, JOG C11 22
IS 15G 41 Sirocco
On 9th draw, HEREIN O8 44 --- HEREIN contained in this [adv]
Other moves: HEIR 11J 23, HUER 11J 23, EH 14A 22, HEIR O10 22, HIE 11J 21
HEIR I7 20 Sirocco
On 10th draw, FUJIS C9 38 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: GAJOS C9 30, OUIJAS C8 28, FIL M13 27, SAJOU C9 26, GJUS C10 24
GOAF I7 22 Sirocco
On 11th draw, GLOBE N6 27 --- GLOBE to form into a perfectly round body [v]
Other moves: GLODE N6 25, EDGES 11H 24, L*SB*LESBO N6 24, BEL M13 23, BLOG B7 23
GLOBE N6 27 Sirocco
On 12th draw, GOX B8 57 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: SOX B8 56, OX B9 55, DOUX 11J 31, XU 11J 29, XU 10B 25
GOX B8 57 Sirocco
On 13th draw, VITA A5 30 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: OVA A6 27, VIA A6 27, VOL M13 27, TAO A7 24, VITAE M3 24
VITA A5 30 Sirocco
On 14th draw, VERDOY 5A 26 --- VERDOY charged with flowers as a bordure [adj]
Other tops: ADOS M7 26
Other moves: VARDY 5A 24, ADO M7 22, AY 14A 22, DOSE M8 22, YAR(E) 10E 22
YAR(E) 10E 22 Sirocco
On 15th draw, MEINIES 4F 77 --- MEINIE a retinue [n]
Other moves: MEINIES 6E 74, SME(E) 10E 28, MEES 4B 26, MEIN 4B 26, NEEM 4B 26
MEIN 4B 26 Sirocco
On 16th draw, UPSTAGER L2 62 --- UPSTAGER one that upstages [n]
Other moves: UPRATE 3I 29, UPTEAR 3I 29, APTER 3I 27, GAPIER H1 27, UPGIRT H1 27
TAUPE 3G 23 Sirocco
On 17th draw, ZIRCONIA J3 77 --- ZIRCONIA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AZOIC H1 48, COUZIN 2J 46, CZARINA 6F 42, NAZIR H1 42, ZODIAC D3 42
ZOA 6J 32 Sirocco
On 18th draw, ZAPS 3J 32 --- ZAP to kill or destroy instantaneously [v]
Other moves: ATONED B1 29, AUTOED B1 29, OUSTED B1 29, SAUTED B1 29, STANED B1 29
STONED B1 29 Sirocco
DAL M13 19 sunshine12
DOL M13 19 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 19th draw, OUCHT 6D 37 --- OUCHT anything [n]
Other moves: OUCH 6D 36, OCH 6E 32, COVIN H1 30, HOVEN B2 30, CH 6F 29
HAN 13M 12 WEASEL, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
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