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Game on September 28, 2016 at 18:13, 5 players
1. 686 pts OrangeCup
2. 524 pts shanice
3. 263 pts PIThompson

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eefhist   H7    32    32   fetish
 2. ?agloqr  10F    32    64   qaid
 3. ?alouvw   J6    27    91   wauls
 4. eijmnrt  11E    35   126   jins
 5. ademopt   D8    37   163   apedom
 6. deghlno  C12    33   196   dhol
 7. adopstx   K5    38   234   pox
 8. agilrrv   L1    30   264   virga
 9. abdenot   2H    76   340   obtained
10. aeiorsu   H7    45   385   fetishise
11. aginorz   1B   110   495   zingaro
12. deeilmt   E1    77   572   gimleted
13. ceintuy   B1    38   610   zincy
14. aefituv   A5    41   651   fauve
15. eiilort   1L    34   685   vote
16. aeelrst   L7    76   761   elaters
17. giknost  15A    39   800   silk
18. cenoruy  K11    30   830   yourn
19. abegrtw   3K    34   864   brew
20. acenrrt   M9    38   902   rance

Remaining tiles: giortu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8575 FileOrangeCup   6  9:43  -216  686     1.8575 OrangeCup   6  9:43  -216  686 
  2.6750 Fileshanice     5 18:26  -378  524            Group: advanced
  3.7457 FilePIThompson  2 11:45  -639  263     1.7457 PIThompson  2 11:45  -639  263 
  4.7568 Filesicilianc5  0  3:34  -846   56     2.7568 sicilianc5  0  3:34  -846   56 
  5.7733 Filequeen66     0  0:56  -864   38     3.7733 queen66     0  0:56  -864   38 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6750 shanice     5 18:26  -378  524 

On 1st draw, FETISH H7 32 --- FETISH an object believed to have magical power [n]
Other tops: FETISH H4 32
Other moves: HEFTE H4 30, HEFTS H4 30, THIEF H8 30, FETISH H3 26, FETISH H8 26

On 2nd draw, QAI(D) 10F 32 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: Q(U)AG G10 32
Other moves: QOR(M)A I3 30, SQ(U)ALOR 11H 30, QOR(M)AS 11C 28, Q(U)A G10 28, Q(U)AGS 11D 28

On 3rd draw, WAUL(S) J6 27 --- WAUL to cry like a cat [v]
Other moves: VA(I)LS 11D 26, WA(I)LS 11D 26, AVOW(S) J6 24, V(I)AS 11E 24, AVOU(C)H 12C 22
WA(I)LS 11D 26 shanice

On 4th draw, JINS 11E 35 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: MERITS 11C 29, REMITS 11C 29, TRIMS 11D 29, EMIRS 11D 27, EMITS 11D 27
JINS 11E 35 shanice
JET K5 27 OrangeCup, PIThompson

On 5th draw, APEDOM D8 37 --- APEDOM the world of apes [n]
Other tops: POMADE D7 37
Other moves: DEMPT D11 35, TEMPO K5 33, UPDATE 8J 33, APEDOM K2 31, APODE D8 31
TAMPED K2 30 OrangeCup
MOPED K3 28 PIThompson
POTED K3 24 shanice

On 6th draw, DHOL C12 33 --- DHOL an large cylindrical drum, used in Indian music [n]
Other moves: OHED C12 32, HELD C12 29, HEND C12 29, HOED C12 29, HOLD C12 29
HOLD C12 29 OrangeCup
HEND C12 29 sicilianc5
HOED C12 29 PIThompson
HONE C12 27 shanice

On 7th draw, POX K5 38 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: SOX K5 34, TAXA 8A 33, POSADA 8A 27, SALP 15A 27, APODS K4 26
POX K5 38 OrangeCup, PIThompson, shanice

On 8th draw, VIRGA L1 30 --- VIRGA wisps of precipitation evaporating before reaching ground [n]
Other tops: VILLAR 15A 30
Other moves: LAI(D) I7 27, VAGAL 8A 27, VILLA 15A 27, VAG L4 25, VIG L4 25
VIRGA L1 30 OrangeCup
VAG L4 25 shanice

On 9th draw, OBTAINED 2H 76 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v]
Other moves: BATONED C2 75, BATONED E2 73, BATONED G2 71, BLOATED 15B 33, BOLDEN 15A 33
BATONED C2 75 OrangeCup
BOLTED 15A 30 PIThompson
BALD 15A 27 sicilianc5
VADE 1L 24 shanice

On 10th draw, FETISHISE H7 45 --- FETISHISE
Other moves: VARE 1L 34, VERA 1L 34, VIAE 1L 34, VIRE 1L 34, URAOS B10 30
VIRE 1L 34 OrangeCup
VARE 1L 34 shanice, PIThompson

On 11th draw, ZINGARO 1B 110 --- ZINGARO an Italian gypsy [n]
Other moves: ZINGARO 3C 95, ZINGARO E3 90, ZINGARO 3B 88, GINZO 1E 82, ZIGAN 1D 81
ZOA 1H 75 OrangeCup
AZO 1G 73 shanice

On 12th draw, GIMLETED E1 77 --- GIMLET to pierce with a boring tool [v]
Other moves: EVITE 1K 39, VIDE 1L 38, DELIMED O2 36, VITE 1L 34, DELIME 15A 30
EVITE 1K 39 OrangeCup, PIThompson
VIDE 1L 38 queen66, shanice

On 13th draw, ZINCY B1 38 --- ZINCY resembling zinc [adj]
Other moves: VINE 1L 34, VITE 1L 34, CULTY 15A 33, EDICT O1 33, EDUCT O1 33
ZINCY B1 38 OrangeCup, PIThompson

On 14th draw, FAUVE A5 41 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: FAVE A5 38, FIVE A5 38, VIAE 1L 34, VITA 1L 34, VITE 1L 34
FIVE A5 38 OrangeCup, shanice

On 15th draw, VOTE 1L 34 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other tops: VETO 1L 34, VIRE 1L 34, VITE 1L 34
Other moves: DIORITE O2 27, DOILTER O2 27, VIRGATE L1 27, ROTL I4 26, EDITOR O1 24
VOTE 1L 34 shanice
VITE 1L 34 OrangeCup

On 16th draw, ELATERS L7 76 --- ELATER a click beetle [n]
Other moves: CELLARETS 4B 74, HALTERES 12H 74, STEALERS 14H 70, REALEST M5 64, RELATES M5 64
STEALERS 14H 70 OrangeCup
TALLER 15A 21 shanice

On 17th draw, SILK 15A 39 --- SILK to cover with silk (a soft, lustrous fabric) [v]
Other moves: GLISK 4D 30, KILNS 15A 30, KILOS 15A 30, KILTS 15A 30, NKOSI 14A 30
SILK 15A 39 OrangeCup, shanice

On 18th draw, YOURN K11 30 --- YOURN yours [pron]
Other tops: CYCLONE 4B 30
Other moves: CRY 3G 29, UNCOY C6 28, YOUR K11 28, RYE 3L 27, CURNEY G3 26
YOURN K11 30 OrangeCup, shanice

On 19th draw, BREW 3K 34 --- BREW to make beer or the like [v]
Other moves: GNAWER 15J 33, GREW 3K 31, WATE M9 31, WETA M9 31, WAE M11 30
WATE M9 31 OrangeCup

On 20th draw, RANCE M9 38 --- RANCE a variety of marble [n] --- RANCE to prop [v]
Other moves: RANTER M9 34, ANCE M10 31, ACER M11 29, ACE M11 27, ANTE M10 25
ACER M11 29 OrangeCup
LACE 8L 18 shanice

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