Game on September 28, 2016 at 20:32, 9 players
1. 662 pts musdrive
2. 413 pts sunshine12
3. 381 pts mordeckhi
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


4G 80 108 


N1 38 146 


3A 75 221 


A1 149 370 


1L 39 409 


K4 102 511 


J6 52 563 


O5 86 649 


D1 82 731 


1D 51 782 


L6 26 808 


L11 37 845 


B8 77 922 


E8 72 994 


A12 54 1048 


E3 46 1094 


14H 34 1128 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 5 12:28 -466 662 1.7592 musdrive 5 12:28 -466 662
sunshine12 2 13:27 -715 413 2.7426 PIThompson 1 7:28 -792 336
mordeckhi 1 23:47 -747 381 3.7790 Mycophot 3 4:46 -842 286
PIThompson 1 7:28 -792 336 4.7387 GLOBEMAN 2 11:11 -851 277
Mycophot 3 4:46 -842 286 5.7263 dannyboy 1 1:06 -1077 51
GLOBEMAN 2 11:11 -851 277 6.7679 queen66 0 0:54 -1096 32
dannyboy 1 1:06 -1077 51 7.7084 Sirocco 0 1:43 -1105 23
queen66 0 0:54 -1096 32 Group: intermediate
Sirocco 0 1:43 -1105 23 1.6859 sunshine12 2 13:27 -715 413
Group: not rated
1.4308 mordeckhi 1 23:47 -747 381
On 1st draw, HUNGAN H4 28 --- HUNGAN a voodoo priest [n]
Other moves: UNHANG H7 24, HUNGAN H3 22, HUNGAN H7 22, HUNGAN H8 22, UNHANG H3 22
UNHANG H7 24 musdrive
HUNG H7 16 mordeckhi
On 2nd draw, THIMBLES 4G 80 --- THIMBLE a cap used to protect the fingertip during sewing [n] --- THIMBLE to wear a cap on the finger when sewing [v]
THIMBLES 4G 30 musdrive
SH*T 4GSHIT 4G 7 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, CAUSEY N1 38 --- CAUSEY a paved road [n]
Other moves: COSEY N2 36, EYOT 5J 36, OUTSAY N1 34, YAE 5K 30, YEA 5J 29
COSEY N2 36 musdrive
OY 5J 28 sunshine12
COME J2 14 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, TWOONIE 3A 75 --- TWOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: TWICE 1K 42, WICE 1L 39, TOWNIE O5 34, WINCE 1K 33, TOWIE O5 31
TWICE 1K 42 musdrive, sunshine12, PIThompson
WINCE 1K 33 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, COTTA(G)ED A1 149 --- COTTAGED covered with cottages [adj]
Other tops: O(U)TACTED A1 149
Other moves: AD(V)OCATE 8H 89, A(N)ECDOTA 8A 89, A(U)TOCADE 8H 89, A(N)ECDOTA 8H 86, TAC(N)ODE O5 84
DECA(N)T O5 32 PIThompson, queen66
CATTED A1 30 musdrive
COA(S)TED 10E 23 Sirocco
ACT 1M 15 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, YUCA 1L 39 --- YUCA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: YODE 5K 35, TOADY O5 34, TODAY O5 34, TODY 4A 34, DOTY O5 32
TODY 4A 34 musdrive
DICT 1L 27 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, BLONDI(S)H K4 102 --- BLONDISH somewhat blonde [adj]
Other moves: HOLDIN(G) O5 90, DOL(P)HIN O5 88, DOL(P)HIN 2D 75, HOLDIN(G) B7 72, HONDLIN(G) E1 72
HOLDIN(G) O5 40 musdrive
DOH 2D 33 PIThompson
HIND 6F 16 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, JA J6 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO J6 52
Other moves: FADO O5 34, FOLD O5 34, DAFT O5 32, FOAL O5 31, JOLT 2D 31
JO J6 52 musdrive, Mycophot
JOLT D2 22 mordeckhi
On 9th draw, MARRERS O5 86 --- MARRER one that mars [n]
Other moves: MARRERS 10B 78, MARRERS B7 68, MARRERS G8 68, MARRERS I8 68, MARRERS M6 68
MARRERS O5 36 musdrive, PIThompson
MARRER O5 33 sunshine12
ARMERS O6 29 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, BIOTOPES D1 82 --- BIOTOPE a stable habitat [n]
Other moves: BIOTOPES C1 63, BOEPS 2C 36, BOPS 2D 33, BOEP 2C 32, BOITES N9 30
BOPS 2D 33 PIThompson, sunshine12
TOPES 10D 24 musdrive
POST 10F 23 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, BRONZE 1D 51 --- BRONZE to colour brown or tan [v]
Other tops: BONZER 1D 51
Other moves: BONZE 1D 48, PREZ 2G 40, POZ C7 36, ZONER C5 36, POWER C5 34
BONZER 1D 51 musdrive
BRONZE 1D 51 mordeckhi, dannyboy
POZ C7 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, GAIT L6 26 --- GAIT to train a horse to move in a particular way [v]
Other tops: GEAT L6 26, GEIT L6 26
Other moves: EVITE L11 23, GAE L6 23, GEE L6 23, GIE L6 23, ETA L6 21
GEAT L6 26 musdrive
VIM J2 16 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HAVES 11K 11 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, ADVEW L11 37 --- ADVEW to view [v]
Other tops: DWAM J1 37
Other moves: WAKED C7 33, WAD E5 31, WAKE C7 31, WAVED C7 31, WED E5 31
WAKED C7 33 musdrive, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
WAD E5 31 Mycophot
WED E5 31 PIThompson
BRONZED 1D 19 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, OLEFINS B8 77 --- OLEFIN an alkene [n]
Other moves: OLEFINS 10B 75, OLEFINS C8 74, OLEFINS B6 72, OLEFINS E8 72, FELONIES 14F 71
INFLOWS 15G 39 musdrive
NIFES E3 34 Mycophot, PIThompson
WIFE 15L 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WINS 15L 21 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, TRIPLED E8 72 --- TRIPLE to make three times as great [v]
Other moves: PIED A12 41, PIER A12 38, PIET A12 38, PRIDE C7 35, REDIPT E5 31
PIED A12 41 Mycophot, musdrive, PIThompson, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
WILD 15L 24 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, KAIE A12 54 --- KAIE a wharf [n]
Other tops: KEIR A12 54, KIER A12 54
Other moves: QI A12 44, GAWKER 15J 42, WAKE 15L 33, WARK 15L 33, WEAK 15L 33
KAIE A12 54 Mycophot, PIThompson
KEIR A12 54 sunshine12
QI A12 44 musdrive
QI 12A 21 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, NIXE E3 46 --- NIX a water sprite [n]
Other moves: NIX E3 40, NOX E3 40, XI E5 40, OXER C9 36, FLEXOR 12D 34
NIXE E3 46 sunshine12, musdrive, GLOBEMAN
XI E5 40 Mycophot
WIRE 15L 21 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, ROQUE 14H 34 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: VROUW 15H 33, FUERO 14J 32, FOR C5 28, VOR C5 28, ORF 2H 27
ROQUE 14H 34 Mycophot, musdrive
QI I3 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
QI 10D 11 mordeckhi
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