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Game on September 29, 2016 at 19:10, 5 players
1. 698 pts OrangeCup
2. 524 pts shanice
3. 176 pts PIThompson

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abemotz   H4    56    56   zambo
 2. bdeegor   I8    67   123   begored
 3. ?ddfhoo  11E    44   167   godhood
 4. ?ilmssw   5G    74   241   sawmills
 5. aenosty   L2    74   315   anolytes
 6. aeortuv  14B    78   393   outraved
 7. aeilrtu  H11    32   425   hater
 8. aceefir   2J    38   463   fiacre
 9. adefiuw   1F    47   510   waifed
10. aeiorux  13B    38   548   ox
11. aahlotu   M9    33   581   hault
12. eilnntv   A8    40   621   ventil
13. aeennps   M2    29   650   caple
14. egijnoy  10F    53   703   jo
15. agiinnr  N10    33   736   grain
16. cegiknt  15J    52   788   ticken
17. eiinpru   2B    29   817   punier
18. aeiilns   D1    70   887   anilines

Remaining tiles: egquy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8553 FileOrangeCup   8 13:51  -189  698     1.8553 OrangeCup   8 13:51  -189  698 
  2.6782 Fileshanice     4 21:02  -363  524            Group: advanced
  3.7421 FilePIThompson  2  5:41  -711  176     1.7421 PIThompson  2  5:41  -711  176 
  4.7837 FileMycophot    0  2:49  -825   62     2.7837 Mycophot    0  2:49  -825   62 
  5.7217 Filesicilianc5  0  1:46  -863   24     3.7217 sicilianc5  0  1:46  -863   24 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6782 shanice     4 21:02  -363  524 

On 1st draw, ZAMBO H4 56 --- ZAMBO a Latin-American of mixed black and Indian ancestry [n]
Other moves: MATZO H4 38, MOTZA H4 38, ZAMBO H8 38, ZAMBO H5 36, ZAMBO H6 36
MAZE H6 30 OrangeCup
MAZE H8 30 shanice
MOZE H7 30 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, BEGORED I8 67 --- BEGORED smeared with gore [adj]
Other tops: BEGORED G8 67
Other moves: REBADGE 5E 44, BOREE I3 33, ZEROED 4H 32, DOREE I3 31, OGEE I4 29
BEGORED G8 67 OrangeCup
BODE I3 28 shanice
ROBE I3 26 PIThompson, Mycophot
OBE I4 24 sicilianc5

On 3rd draw, (G)ODHOOD 11E 44 --- GODHOOD the state of being a god [n]
Other moves: HOD(A)D H11 43, OOH(E)D H11 39, FOH H13 35, HOOF(E)D G5 35, OH(E)D H12 34
FOH H13 35 OrangeCup, PIThompson

On 4th draw, SAWMIL(L)S 5G 74 --- SAWMILL a place where logs are sawed [n]
Other tops: SAWMI(L)LS 5G 74
Other moves: DW(A)LMS 14I 38, MISS(A)W L8 38, OB(E)LISMS 8H 36, DWIL(E)S 14I 34, SWIMS L11 34
W(E)M H13 28 OrangeCup
M(A)W 10D 28 shanice

On 5th draw, ANOLYTES L2 74 --- ANOLYTE the part of an electricity-conducting solution nearest the anode [n]
Other tops: ANO(L)YTES M2 74
Other moves: HOYAS H11 47, HONEY H11 44, MOYS 6H 39, ASTONY L10 38, DYNAST 14I 36
MOYS 6H 39 OrangeCup
STAY 10C 29 shanice

On 6th draw, OUTRAVED 14B 78 --- OUTRAVE to surpass in raving [v]
Other moves: OUTRAVE M9 75, HATER H11 35, VAUNTER 3I 28, AVOW I2 25, MEATY 6H 25
OUTRAVED 14B 78 OrangeCup
HATER H11 35 shanice

On 7th draw, HATER H11 32 --- HATER one that hates [n]
Other moves: IRREAL 12H 25, MEATY 6H 25, ARIEL 12H 23, ARRET 12H 23, ARTI 15A 22
HATER H11 32 shanice, OrangeCup

On 8th draw, FIACRE 2J 38 --- FIACRE a small carriage [n]
Other moves: FARCIE 12A 33, FEARE 2J 32, FIACRE M8 32, FIANCEE 3I 32, FIERCE M8 32
FIRE 15A 31 OrangeCup
FACER 2K 20 shanice

On 9th draw, WAIFED 1F 47 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: WIFED 1G 44, DEAF O1 36, DEAW O1 36, DEIF O1 36, WIFE 1G 35
WAIFED 1F 47 OrangeCup, PIThompson
WIFED 1G 44 shanice
DEAW O1 36 Mycophot

On 10th draw, OX 13B 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: XI 13C 38, XU 13C 38
Other moves: OXIME 6E 37, AX 15A 36, EX 15A 36, OX 15A 36, EAUX 8L 33
OX 13B 38 OrangeCup, PIThompson
XI 13C 38 shanice

On 11th draw, HAULT M9 33 --- HAULT haughty [adj]
Other moves: AH 1N 32, LATAH 10B 32, LOTAH 10B 32, LOTH D12 32, OH 1N 32
TAHA 10D 32 OrangeCup
HEAT O1 24 shanice

On 12th draw, VENTIL A8 40 --- VENTIL a valve in wind instruments [n]
Other moves: LINNET 2B 25, MEINY 6H 25, EEVN O1 24, LEVE O1 24, NEVE O1 24
VENTIL A8 40 shanice
EEVN O1 24 OrangeCup

On 13th draw, CAP(L)E M2 29 --- CAPLE a horse [n]
Other tops: PANNES 2B 29, PEASEN 2B 29, PENNES 2B 29
Other moves: APSE 9F 28, PEASEN 9E 28, PENSEE 9E 28, NEAP O1 27, NEEP O1 27
PENNES 2B 29 OrangeCup
PEENS N7 21 shanice

On 14th draw, JO 10F 53 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JOEY N7 41, JINGO 2B 37, OJIME 6E 37, JEON O1 36, MOY 6H 36
JO 10F 53 OrangeCup, shanice

On 15th draw, GRAIN N10 33 --- GRAIN to form into small particles [v]
Other moves: RANGI N8 23, GARNI N8 22, NAG N8 21, RAG N8 21, AG N9 20
GRAIN N10 33 OrangeCup
RIG 12D 20 shanice

On 16th draw, TICKEN 15J 52 --- TICKEN a mattress material [n]
Other moves: GECK O1 48, NECK O1 45, TICKEN O6 43, GEEK O1 42, TEEK O1 39
TICKEN O6 43 OrangeCup
KINE O7 28 shanice

On 17th draw, PUNIER 2B 29 --- PUNY of inferior size, strength, or significance [adj]
Other tops: PINIER 2B 29
Other moves: RIPEN O7 28, NEEP O1 27, PIRNIE 2A 27, PRUINE 2A 27, PURINE 2A 27
PRUINE 2A 27 OrangeCup
PURE O7 22 shanice

On 18th draw, ANILINES D1 70 --- ANILINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ALIENS O7 32, ELANS O8 29, LEANS O8 29, LIENS O8 29, SILENI K4 27
ALIENS O7 32 shanice, OrangeCup

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