Game on September 29, 2016 at 19:54, 5 players
1. 717 pts OrangeCup
2. 511 pts shanice
3. 105 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 40 40
2. 8A 80 120
3. C8 68 188
4. 15A 30 218
5. 14F 32 250
6. L8 96 346
7. 15H 38 384
8. 13H 94 478
9. E5 32 510
10. O12 45 555
11. N10 41 596
12. 5G 76 672
13. D10 40 712
14. L1 48 760
15. 8J 51 811
16. D1 30 841
17. 1K 42 883
18. F10 39 922
19. 1D 36 958
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8547 OrangeCup 5 13:27 -241 717 1.8547 OrangeCup 5 13:27 -241 717
2.6780 shanice 3 17:22 -447 511 Group: advanced
3.7419 PIThompson 1 2:32 -853 105 1.7419 PIThompson 1 2:32 -853 105
4.7217 sicilianc5 2 2:20 -888 70 2.7217 sicilianc5 2 2:20 -888 70
5.7539 queen66 0 1:08 -932 26 3.7539 queen66 0 1:08 -932 26
Group: intermediate
1.6780 shanice 3 17:22 -447 511
On 1st draw, JOINS H4 40 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: JOINS H8 26, ROJIS H4 26, ROJIS H8 26, JOINS H5 24, JOINS H6 24
JOINS H4 40 OrangeCup, shanice, PIThompson, sicilianc5
On 2nd draw, A(Q)UATICS 8A 80 --- AQUATIC an organism living or growing in or near water [n]
Other moves: AUTACOI(D) 5C 68, AC(Q)UAINT 7B 64, NAUTICA(L) 7H 63, A(Q)UATIC G8 61, AUTOCA(R) 5E 32
JUIC(E) 4H 26 OrangeCup, queen66
JUIC(Y) 4H 26 PIThompson
JU(N)TA 4H 22 shanice
On 3rd draw, ULTR(A)RED C8 68 --- ULTRARED a part of the visible spectrum [n]
Other tops: TRU(N)DLER C6 68
Other moves: TREADL(E)R D5 66, TR(E)ADLER D5 66, (U)LTRARED D4 66, TREADL(E)R A5 59, TR(E)ADLER A5 59
J(A)RRED 4H 26 OrangeCup, shanice
On 4th draw, UPDATE 15A 30 --- UPDATE to bring up to date [v]
Other moves: TAPA B12 26, TAPE B12 26, TEPA B12 26, TOPE B12 26, ATAP B11 25
TAPE B12 26 OrangeCup
On 5th draw, FAITOR 14F 32 --- FAITOR an imposter [n]
Other tops: FOOTRA 14F 32
Other moves: AFOOT 14E 31, AFRIT 14E 31, FRATI 14F 31, IFTAR 14E 31, AFRO 14E 30
AFOOT 14E 31 OrangeCup
FOOT 14F 28 shanice
On 6th draw, YONKERS L8 96 --- YONKER a young gentleman [n]
Other moves: KYRIE H11 48, NOSEY 15H 48, SNOOKER 5E 44, NOYES 15H 42, SKEIN H11 42
YONKERS L8 96 OrangeCup
KOIS H12 39 PIThompson
KOS 13G 29 shanice
On 7th draw, DAME 15H 38 --- DAME a matron [n]
Other tops: DOME 15H 38
Other moves: BODGIE H10 36, GYBED 8K 36, JAMBED 4H 36, BEDIM H11 33, DAB 15H 33
DAME 15H 38 OrangeCup
YOGA 8L 24 shanice
On 8th draw, BINARISM 13H 94 --- BINARISM a mode of thought based on oppositions [n]
Other moves: MISJOINS H1 51, MINARS 13H 36, SANTIMI E5 36, IMARIS 13I 32, JAMBS 4H 32
MISJOINS H1 51 OrangeCup
YAMS 8L 27 shanice
On 9th draw, TOOTLED E5 32 --- TOOTLE to toot softly and repeatedly [v]
Other tops: OUTTOLD E5 32
Other moves: LOOMED O10 30, TOOMED O10 30, JOLTED 4H 28, JOULED 4H 28, LOMED O11 27
LOOMED O10 30 shanice, OrangeCup
On 10th draw, YMPE O12 45 --- YMPE to graft [v]
Other moves: PYEMIA O10 42, PEEOY F2 39, YAPP B12 36, PEEOY M7 33, PEYSE N10 32
PIOY F3 32 OrangeCup
PAY F4 31 shanice
On 11th draw, ZHOS N10 41 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: BEZ D4 41
Other moves: REZ D4 37, ZONER 10J 36, ZERO F2 35, ZOBO 6B 35, BOOZER 5G 34
ZERO F2 35 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, CORVINAS 5G 76 --- CORVINA a food fish [n]
Other moves: VINCA O6 41, VINCAS D1 34, RIVA O7 32, VINA O7 32, VISA O7 32
VINCA O6 41 OrangeCup
VINA O7 32 shanice
On 13th draw, HOWE D10 40 --- HOWE a valley [n]
Other moves: WELSH N2 38, WHIO F6 38, WHO O8 38, HEW D10 36, HOW D10 36
WELSH N2 38 OrangeCup
TWO O8 29 shanice
On 14th draw, QUERN L1 48 --- QUERN a hand operated stone mill for grinding corn [n]
Other moves: VOYEUR 8J 36, LEVO O7 32, ROQUE D1 32, QUALE M3 30, QUARE M3 30
QUERN L1 48 OrangeCup, shanice
On 15th draw, OXYGEN 8J 51 --- OXYGEN a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: GOX M7 43, EXO O8 41, LEX M7 41, LOX M7 41, NOX M7 41
GOX M7 43 shanice, OrangeCup
On 16th draw, VENTIL D1 30 --- VENTIL a valve in wind instruments [n]
Other moves: LEVULIN 2I 24, TENSIVE N2 24, INVEST N1 22, LIVEST N1 22, TEAING M3 22
VENTIL D1 30 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
EVEN 3L 14 shanice
On 17th draw, EQUAL 1K 42 --- EQUAL having the same capability, quantity, or effect as another [adj] --- EQUAL to reach the same level of quantity or value [v]
Other moves: WEB F10 39, WE F10 36, FAUVE 1A 33, BEKAH 11J 28, FEAL C2 28
EQUAL 1K 42 shanice
FEAL M3 26 OrangeCup
On 18th draw, WEB F10 39 --- WEB to provide with a web (an interlaced fabric or structure) [v]
Other moves: WED F10 38, VAGGED 1D 36, WE F10 36, DWEEB 2B 34, DEAW C2 31
VAGGED 1D 36 OrangeCup, shanice
On 19th draw, VIFDA 1D 36 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: VIGIA 1D 27, FARD I3 24, FAIK 11I 22, ARF I4 20, GAGED 3I 20
FARD I3 24 OrangeCup
EF 3L 10 shanice
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