Game on September 30, 2016 at 11:49, 2 players
1. 645 pts kellybelly
2. 596 pts shanice
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 52 52
2. 8H 104 156
3. K4 102 258
4. L1 43 301
5. 11E 68 369
6. 4D 32 401
7. O8 98 499
8. N8 41 540
9. 14J 28 568
10. J6 56 624
11. E8 62 686
12. 15D 45 731
13. 5C 36 767
14. C5 68 835
15. M6 35 870
16. B6 25 895
17. A8 33 928
18. 1L 42 970
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7571 kellybelly 4 16:19 -325 645 1.7571 kellybelly 4 16:19 -325 645
2.6784 shanice 4 16:21 -374 596 Group: intermediate
1.6784 shanice 4 16:21 -374 596
On 1st draw, AZOTED H3 52 --- AZOTE nitrogen [adj] --- AZOTED having azote [adj]
Other moves: ZEALOT H4 50, ZLOTE H4 48, ZOEAL H4 48, AZOTED H7 36, LAZOED H7 36
ZLOTE H4 48 shanice
LAZED H8 34 kellybelly
On 2nd draw, DISHWAR(E) 8H 104 --- DISHWARE tableware used for serving food [n]
Other moves: DWAR(F)ISH 8H 92, RAI(N)WASH 3C 86, RAW(M)AISH 3G 86, WAR(M)ISH G7 83, W(E)ARISH G7 82
SHAW I2 39 shanice, kellybelly
On 3rd draw, FEATHE(R)S K4 102 --- FEATHER to cover with feathers (horny structures that form the principal covering of birds) [v]
Other moves: TA(B)EFIES I3 92, SAFETIE(D) I3 87, SAFETIE(S) I3 87, REFASTE(N) N8 86, REF(L)ATES N8 86
FEATHE(R)S K4 52 kellybelly
ZEST(S) 4H 26 shanice
On 4th draw, FACED L1 43 --- FACE to oppose or meet defiantly [v]
Other moves: DECAF L1 41, FACET L1 40, FATED L1 39, FESTA J6 38, DEAF J3 36
FACED L1 43 shanice
DECAF L1 41 kellybelly
On 5th draw, GLORIOSA 11E 68 --- GLORIOSA a plant [n]
Other moves: GARI I3 27, GORA I3 27, GORI I3 27, GROOF 1H 27, OFLAG 1K 27
GORA I3 27 kellybelly
FROG 1L 24 shanice
On 6th draw, SPITZ 4D 32 --- SPITZ a breed of dogs with long hair [n]
Other moves: SPOOF 1H 30, FOPS 1L 27, PROSIT H10 27, TIFOSO 1J 27, TOPI I3 27
SPOOF 1H 30 shanice
FOPS 1L 27 kellybelly
On 7th draw, (E)XUDATES O8 98 --- EXUDATE an exuded substance [n]
Other moves: EXUDATES 7B 79, SURTAXED N6 70, EXUDAT(E)S O2 66, EAUX 12L 42, FAUX 1L 42
REDUX H11 42 kellybelly
DEX 7G 38 shanice
On 8th draw, REMAP N8 41 --- MAP to delineate on a map (a representation of a region) [v] --- REMAP to map again [v]
Other moves: ARAME N7 35, PAREVE 14J 34, PRAM N7 33, PREARM H10 33, PREM N7 33
PRAM N7 33 kellybelly
FAVE 1L 30 shanice
On 9th draw, BLOOIE 14J 28 --- BLOOIE being out of order [adj]
Other moves: FLAB 1L 27, FORB 1L 27, FRAB 1L 27, FRIB 1L 27, BRAAI 2J 26
FORB 1L 27 kellybelly
BOO 5C 20 shanice
On 10th draw, JEST J6 56 --- JEST to joke [v]
Other tops: JUST J6 56
Other moves: JUS J6 53, BUNJEE 15E 49, BUNJE 15F 46, JUBE 15G 43, JEUNE 15F 40
JEST J6 56 kellybelly, shanice
On 11th draw, VARGUENO E8 62 --- VARGUENO a cabinet or desk [n]
Other moves: NAVE M7 34, RAVE M7 34, AVA M8 32, AVE M8 32, AVOURE 15E 31
UNROVE 15E 31 kellybelly
FAVE 1L 30 shanice
On 12th draw, BOOGEY 15D 45 --- BOOGEY to dance to rock music [v]
Other tops: OBEY D12 45
Other moves: GOEY D12 43, BOGEY 15D 42, BOOGY 15D 42, ERYNGO H10 42, GEYAN 15H 42
BONEY 15D 39 kellybelly
GOONY 15D 33 shanice
On 13th draw, CHID 5C 36 --- CHIDE to scold [v]
Other tops: CHAD 5C 36
Other moves: CHIN 5C 33, AHA M8 32, CHAIN 2J 32, DAH M7 30, HAD 5D 30
CHID 5C 36 shanice, kellybelly
On 14th draw, CAREWORN C5 68 --- CAREWORN showing signs of stress [adj]
Other moves: NONWAR 14C 39, AWA M8 32, AWE M8 32, FAWN 1L 30, FROW 1L 30
FROW 1L 30 kellybelly
FAWN 1L 30 shanice
On 15th draw, REAVE M6 35 --- REAVE to plunder [v]
Other moves: EAVE M7 34, NAVE M7 34, RAVE M7 34, AVE M8 32, ENERVE 8A 30
RAVE M7 34 kellybelly
FIVE 1L 30 shanice
On 16th draw, MUT B6 25 --- MUT a mongrel dog [n]
Other tops: MUN B6 25
Other moves: MU B10 22, MU B6 22, FINI 1L 21, MUNS 15L 20, MUNTU 12A 20
MUN B6 25 shanice, kellybelly
On 17th draw, ULLING A8 33 --- ULLING the making good of ullage [n]
Other moves: INGULF 1G 30, LUNGI A7 30, GULL A7 28, INFILL 1J 27, LUNG A7 27
LUNGI A7 30 kellybelly
GUN A7 25 shanice
On 18th draw, FIKY 1L 42 --- FIKY fidgeting and restless [adj]
Other moves: KY 13L 34, FINK 1L 33, QI 3C 28, NY 14E 26, YO F14 26
FIKY 1L 42 kellybelly
FINK 1L 33 shanice
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